Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

Chapter 195.1

Chapter 195.1

As soon as these words were spoken, the entire audience was shocked.

Dai Wangs pupils contracted rapidly, and he clenched his fist in his sleeve and held it behind his back. Elder Chen, please do not speak recklessly. It is widely known that Father Emperor held great power and has been unwilling to name a crown prince for a long time. How could he have issued a posthumous decree ahead of time?

Elder Chen did not give way. Since Your Highness Dai Wang is well aware that His Majesty is unwilling to name another crown prince, where did this posthumous decree come from?

Upon hearing this, Dai Wangs face immediately darkened.

There was no other reason but that Elder Chens insinuations were too heavy. He also pointed out that many ministers in the court had supported Dai Wang, but Emperor Hongjing had never agreed. If he had not agreed back then, how could he issue a posthumous decree now to pass the throne to Dai Wang?

For a moment, everyones eyes were full of suspicion.

Empress Wei was the mistress of the six palaces, and she had stayed with Dai Wang to attend to his illness last night. If one did not think carefully, it would be fine. But upon closer examination, there were indeed many suspicions. At this time, someone also thought of Yong Wang, who had not appeared all along. In this situation, it was impossible for Yong Wang not to show up.

Zong Mu and Hong Qi had come to stand behind Elder Chen, apparently confirming what he had said. These three had not shown their stance regardless of what Empress Wei and Dai Wang had said earlier.

More than ten important court officials were present, some of whom were members of the Six Ministries, responsible for overseeing a part of the government. Others were cabinet ministers and pillars of the court. At this time, the divide between the two parties was clear. Although the others did not explicitly express their stance, they also did not show any particular inclination towards one side.

At this moment, Elder Meng spoke up. Although Elder Chen and others doubt this posthumous decree and mentioned the existence of a previous one, their words cannot be taken as evidence without proof. This minister wonders where the previous posthumous decree is now? Elder Chen, please have someone bring it here as soon as possible to calm everyones hearts.

Elder Chen sneered at him. Elder Meng has always favoured HIs Highness Dai Wang to be the crown prince. If I were to tell you where the posthumous decree is, wouldnt I be sending it to you on a silver platter?

You- Elder Meng was so angry that he waved his sleeve and said, Youre mistaking a good persons intentions!

The situation was at a stalemate for a while. Empress Wei was in a panic, still trying to figure out how to persuade Elder Chen. At this moment, the situation in the hall changed again.

Except for Elder Meng and the Minister of Justice, Qu Zhi, who remained in place, the other courtiers all moved away from the two of them. Although they didnt explicitly show support for Elder Chen, they showed their attitude, which was not to take a side until the situation becomes clear.

Huo Ming, the Minister of Rites, intervened, The edict presented by His Highness Dai Wang just now is authentic, and we have all verified it. Elder Chen, the grand secretary and Minister Hong are all veteran officials, so they certainly wont joke about this kind of thing. If we gather all the officials, nobles, princes, and imperial relatives in the capital, we can compare the two edicts and see who is right.

No one responded to Huo Mings words. Dai Wangs face was gloomy, with a strange light flashing in his eyes, as if making a critical decision. Meanwhile, Elder Chen kept his eyes fixed on Dai Wang and Empress Wei.

Since he decided to stand up, he had no intention of returning alive, but there were many ways to die, some heavier than Mount Tai and some lighter than a feather. He did not want to die in vain and let down the trust of the emperor.

Elder Chen, bengong respected you as a veteran official of two dynasties, but now you are causing chaos in the court for your own selfish interests. This posthumous edict was personally written by His Majesty before he passed away, so how can it still be fake? Empress Wei suddenly said, looking angry and wronged.

Your Majesty is the mother of the world, and this minister certainly has no intention of disrespecting you. But as Minister Huo said just now, we can gather the officials, nobles, imperial relatives, and princes in the capital to compare the two sides and see who is right.

If Huo Mings words just now were to placate, Elder Chens words were obviously sarcastic.

However, the other party did not respond.

The truth seemed to be covered by only a thin layer of window paper. Perhaps Dai Wangs edict was indeed fake. Soon after, Empress Wei explained that she was afraid that the other princes would have different intentions and that it would be in their best interests to choose a new emperor early, but no one paid attention to her.

You old man, you really have no sense of propriety.

Dai Wang wore a ferocious expression on his face, no longer trying to hide his true nature.


Dai Wang ignored Empress Weis reprimand and continued, If you have some sense, hand over that edict honestly. If you dont, benwang will chop off your head today.

As soon as these words were spoken, there was a suppressed cry from those in the palace. Huo Ming and others were all shocked and pointed at Dai Wang, but could not speak.

Elder Chen remained calm and laughed out loud, You insolent child, this minister is not afraid to let you know that there is not just one copy of this edict in my hands, but three. You set a trap with evil intentions, deceived us into the palace, and attempted to fabricate the truth. Little did you know it was a futile effort. What you want to cover up will never be covered up.

Dai Wang laughed loudly: Benwag has no intention of covering up anything. Benwang wont kill you now, but benwang will let you see how benwang will ascend to the throne.

You will eventually fall from power and be recorded in history as a shameful figure for a thousand years.

History is written by the victors. As long as benwang can sit on this throne, why worry about being recorded in a shameful light?


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