Journey to One Piece

305. Hancock has rubbed off on me

The grand arena's atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the audience eagerly awaited the next move in the epic battle between Monkey D. Luffy and an imposing adversary.

"So Monkey D. Luffy.. I guess you are all big talks and no actions." Sasaki taunted Luffy but he hadn't let go of his zoan form. 

"Straw Hat, you should just leave. You are not in the right place." Smoothie said. 

"Scums of Big Mom, you should just fuck off from here. We are taking this bastard back to Kaido. He ruined our plans and kidnapped Caesar. No way we will let him go this easily." 

"Then let us go for the fruit since you want him so bad." Perospero said with his iconic tongue out.

"That is not up to you to decide." Jack growled out lout for them to be a bit intimidated. They were ready to argue when Luffy who had got his bearings down looked at them with calmness. He didn't have a laugh on his face nor anger. His aim was always to get the fruit and it didn't matter who came in the way or who insulted him. 

Luffy, with his straw hat tilted back and a determined gleam in his eyes looked at them. In an instant, the arena fell into stunned silence as Luffy's body underwent a remarkable transformation. His muscles expanded, and his form took on a new, more serpentine appearance. The air around him shimmered with an otherworldly aura as he entered Gear Fourth: Snakeman.

"Alright, let's make this interesting!" Luffy said while grinning. 

The other four who were busy fighting among themselves looked at Luffy who had just undergone a very weird transformation. They didn't know what kind of transformation. 

The quartet of opponents exchanged glances, recognizing there might be some threat posed by Luffy's enhanced form. Jack, the Mammoth, took a step forward, with Shotei blades, while Sasaki prepared to unleash his triceratops might.

"You think that form will save you, Straw Hat?"

"Let's find out!" 

Luffy launched himself forward with incredible speed, Snakeman's serpentine movements allowing him to evade Jack's initial swing effortlessly.

"Gomu Gomu no Snake Jab!"

His fist shot forward like a striking serpent, catching Jack off guard and forcing the Mammoth to stagger back. Meanwhile, Sasaki charged in, his triceratops form looming over the battlefield.

"You're not the only one with tricks!" 

Sasaki swung his massive sword, creating shockwaves that rippled through the arena. Luffy, ever agile, danced between the attacks, his movements resembling that of a slippery snake.

Perospero, the candy-themed strategist, conjured sweet illusions in an attempt to disorient Luffy. However, the Snakeman effortlessly avoided the illusions, his eyes focused and determined.

"You won't escape my illusions so easily!"

"Gomu Gomu no Python Strike!"

Luffy's elongated limbs struck with precision, dismantling the candy illusions and landing blows on Perospero. Smoothie, observing the chaos, decided it was time to take control.

"Let's see if you can escape the grasp of my blade!" Smoothie said.

Smoothie swung her sword, its edge gleaming with a deadly aura. Luffy, undeterred, utilized Snakeman's flexibility to evade the lethal strikes, contorting his body like a serpent in motion.

The grand arena became a chaotic battlefield, each adversary showcasing their unique abilities against the rubbery onslaught. Amidst the clash of swords, the roars of a triceratops, and the sweet illusions of candy, Luffy pressed on.

"Gomu Gomu no King Cobra!"

His body coiled and then lunged forward with incredible force, striking Jack, Sasaki, Perospero, and Smoothie simultaneously. The opponents, caught off guard by the relentless barrage, were sent sprawling across the arena. As the dust settled, Luffy stood in the center of the grand arena. 

"That was a good warm-up! Who's next?" Luffy said as he was panting a bit now. 

The grand arena, now a battlefield of scattered debris and echoes of the intense clash, continued to reverberate with the aftermath of Luffy's Snakeman onslaught. The defeated quartet—Jack, Sasaki, Perospero, and Smoothie—slowly picked themselves up from the arena floor, their expressions a mix of frustration and begrudging respect.

"Not bad, Straw Hat. But this fight is far from over." Jack said while grinning.

Sasaki: "You might have surprised us, but we're not ones to back down."

"I'll give you credit, that Snakeman form is tricky. But you won't escape the Big Mom Pirates so easily." Perospero said.

"Let's see if you can keep up with this." Smoothie said.

The adversaries, fueled by a renewed determination, regrouped as they eyed Luffy cautiously. The arena, bathed in the glow of battle, awaited the next chapter in this epic confrontation.

"Bring it on! I'm just getting started!" Luffy smirked as he said that.

As Jack, with his mammoth strength, charged forward once again, Luffy prepared for the onslaught. This time, however, he added a new twist to his strategy.

"Gomu Gomu no Snake Coil!"

His body twisted and contorted in a serpentine manner, forming a defensive coil that absorbed the impact of Jack's powerful blows. The mammoth, momentarily taken aback, found himself unable to break through the rubbery defense.

Seizing the opportunity, Sasaki lunged forward in his triceratops form, aiming to catch Luffy off guard. But the Snakeman proved to be too elusive, effortlessly slithering out of harm's way.

"You're like a slippery snake, Straw Hat!" Sasaki said.

"You got that right! Now, taste this!" Luffy shouted

Luffy countered with a rapid series of strikes, his fists shooting forward like the striking fangs of a venomous serpent. Sasaki, despite his triceratops armor, struggled to keep up with the blinding speed of Snakeman.

Meanwhile, Perospero conjured a barrage of candy projectiles, attempting to ensnare Luffy in a sweet trap. The rubbery pirate, however, anticipated the attack, his agile movements allowing him to dodge the incoming candy tendrils with ease.

"You're more slippery than I thought!" Perospero said.

"Gomu Gomu no Serpent Dance!"

Luffy's body twisted and turned in a mesmerizing dance, avoiding Smoothie's sword strikes and retaliating with precision. The arena became a chaotic dance floor, the clash of powers and weapons creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

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