Journey to the West (Black Myth)

Chapter 2: Mind Link

In front of the monkey troop, a white-furred macaque with a bald, shiny butt circled around Sun Wukong twice. With wary eyes, he poked Sun Wukong twice and spoke in human words, "Are you Sun Wukong? I'm Ma Hou, one of the elders of this monkey group. Who is that black-furred monkey? Are you two both from that stone? If you can beat me, you'll be my brother; otherwise, you'll have to call me elder like the other young monkeys."

Ma Hou bared his teeth and pounded his chest a few times, trying to show his strength and status, though his question was somewhat incoherent.

However, this confusing interrogation was no challenge for the intelligent Stone Monkey born from the chaos stone. With a glint in his eyes, the monkey immediately replied, "The black-furred monkey is Shi Yue; he is my brother. Come on, let's have some fun. I've often sensed you playing here, and my hands have been itching for a good match."

As he said this, the monkey eagerly got into position. Instantly, Shi Yue stopped running and watched with amazement from the bushes. It was unbelievably fascinating! Even monkeys could speak human language—indeed, they were monkeys from the age of myths. But soon after, he was shocked again.

Sun Wukong engaged with Ma Hou and effortlessly subjugated him, using none other than the grappling techniques Shi Yue was skilled in! Then, with a smooth motion, he tossed Ma Hou ten meters away.

Sun Wukong burst into carefree laughter, while Shi Yue was left speechless, sweating profusely. He thought, "This is getting out of hand. The monkey must have accessed some of the things in my subconscious. Otherwise, how could he know so much and perform my grappling technique? What if this causes problems for the Journey to the West? Wouldn't the Buddha have to destroy me?"

But Sun Wukong seemed oblivious to this, laughing freely. The surrounding monkeys were visibly startled and stepped back, giving Sun Wukong more space. Only the three oldest monkeys in the front seemed excited, their eyes shining.

Shi Yue could sense that Sun Wukong was not just playing happily, but also showing off to him as if saying, "See how strong I am!" It was a strange feeling, like a telepathic connection between twins. Shi Yue couldn't help but smirk; the monkey was even showing off what was shared from his own consciousness, thinking it was his own.

Shi Yue relaxed a bit, thankful that the monkey believed he innately knew these things. If Sun Wukong's intuitive "foresight" about the future kept him from causing trouble in Heaven or falling into Buddha's trap, who knew what kind of fun might ensue? Shi Yue chuckled with a wild laugh, anticipating the Journey to the West like never before.

"For now, let's just wait and watch. Quietly strengthening one's power is the way to go. It will be 300 years before the monkey gains a sense of purpose, and then he will be suppressed for another 500 years, so there's at least 800 years to go."

Just as Shi Yue was caught up in wild thoughts, Sun Wukong was already making friends, winning over what would become his four great generals, and was invited to taste their homemade monkey wine. Before leaving, Sun Wukong glanced once more in Shi Yue's direction, with a look of confusion; but it was fleeting, as if he sensed Shi Yue's reluctance to join the monkey troop but didn't understand why, nor did he care to ponder it.

Once the troop was out of sight, Shi Yue emerged from the bushes, not wanting to steal Sun Wukong's spotlight. Moreover, he felt awkward being naked even among the semi-intelligent monkeys, especially with that beastly member hanging between his legs, so prominent compared to the others, even Sun Wukong's.

While Sun Wukong enjoyed his drinking in the forest, Shi Yue explored the dense woods of Flower-Fruit Mountain.

Everything was novel to Sun Wukong, igniting his natural curiosity, which would last for three centuries before boredom and a quest for immortality drove him to seek enlightenment. Shi Yue, too, found the mythical era captivating. Like Sun Wukong, he was enchanted by every blade of grass, flower, fruit, and the spiritually rich air around him.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Yue looked to the sky, filled with lofty ambitions.

Having been reborn in this era of myths, he was determined to seek immortality and the boundless powers beneath the stars and moon! Being a twin of Sun Wukong, possessing the same potential, if he didn't become a mighty demon king, he would have failed this era of myths!

While striking a pose and losing himself in fantasy, his thoughts were interrupted by a chirping sound. A small monkey had been left behind, holding a bright orange fruit, and timidly offered it to him.

"Black monkey, fruit for you to eat."

Shi Yue understood the little monkey's intention and looked at it, speaking in human words, "Thank you, why didn't you go back with the others?"

He took the fruit, found it clean enough, and took a bite, experiencing an incredibly sweet and fragrant taste. This fruit was extraordinary! Flower-Fruit Mountain was indeed a place of endless bounty; no wonder there was enough to make wine.

Seeing him eat, the little monkey was visibly happy, expressing itself more fluidly, blinking and saying, "I saw you staying here alone, so I wanted to keep you company. Besides, they don't like playing with me."

Shi Yue casually replied, "Oh," thinking, what a poor little guy. Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he asked, "You can understand me? How can you understand my words? Can all of you understand what I'm saying?"

The little monkey seemed startled by Shi Yue's excitement, blinking rapidly before replying with a series of chirps.

"Yes, but it's hard to talk like you do. I can't do it yet; the elders barely manage it. Well, black monkey, yours is bigger than the elders'... Much bigger."

The little monkey pointed at Shi Yue's groin, making him blush and cough awkwardly, "What do you know, little one! Big is good, big is great. You'll understand when you're older. Never mind that—tell me, are there any wild beasts in this mountain, like tigers, leopards, or lions?"

Looking puzzled, the little monkey scratched its head and said, "What are those? I've never seen them. Are wild beasts very strong? But I've heard them say, the elders say, there are monsters in the outside world. Those monsters are very strong. Can you beat those monsters, black monkey? Your brother, the yellow monkey, is so strong that even the elders can't beat him. You must be strong too!"

Shi Yue listened, speechless. He just wanted to make some clothes out of animal skins, at least to cover himself, but he realized one thing: this prime piece of territory on Flower-Fruit Mountain had no wild animals nor any monsters occupying it. Obviously, it had been preordained by some greater power.

Considering Sun Wukong's future, Shi Yue could almost certainly say it was the scheme of the Western Heaven, though on the other hand, it seemed to protect the yet-to-grow Sun Wukong, paving the way step by step.

First, secretly teach you skills, and when you cause havoc in Heaven, Buddha will help clean up the mess, gaining favor with the Jade Emperor by imprisoning you for hundreds of years, then send a disciple to guide you to Buddhism. Don't want to comply? No problem! There's always the magical headband.

However, that explanation doesn't fully hold. The first point is Patriarch Bodhi; everyone knows the woodcutter was no ordinary man. Even his words couldn't possibly have come from an ordinary mouth.

Looking at the woodcutter's role: first, guiding Sun Wukong, second, instructing on maintaining basic filial piety and being grateful, which is contrary to Buddhist principles, as Buddhism teaches disciples to cut off earthly bonds and purify the six senses. Tang Sanzang only became a senior monk for the journey to the west because his mother committed suicide, enabling him to sever worldly ties easily. The woodcutter seemed to be hinting that Sun Wukong should not join Buddhism in the future.

Especially with the final words of anger: "You man, don't you understand? If I go with you, who will take care of my business? Who will care for my old mother? I must cut wood; you go, you go."

This suggests another possibility: Patriarch Bodhi was not an ally of the Western Heaven! Secretly teaching Sun Wukong the Golden Elixir Path, yet forbidding him to mention him, shows Bodhi's wariness of the Western Heaven! And teaching Sun Wukong about gratitude—the benefactor must surely be this very teacher!

Could it be that Bodhi foresaw difficulties for himself or a future challenge, hoping Sun Wukong might help? This might mean that the Western Heaven's scheme hadn't begun, and the protection of Flower-Fruit Mountain prior to Sun Wukong's apprenticeship was actually orchestrated by Patriarch Bodhi?

For someone who could have so early protected Sun Wukong from the eyes of Heaven, Bodhi must be a great power! Yet, with deep concerns about the Western Heaven, he couldn't be relied upon as a secure mentor, even needing a student to fulfill filial gratitude. It's uncertain whether, if Shi Yue went to learn now, Bodhi's temple would even be there.

Contemplating these possibilities, Shi Yue felt excitement surge within, but knowing he couldn't just go to begin learning from Bodhi yet. First, the size of this mythical world was unknown, and secondly, crossing the vast Eastern Sea was a challenge. Shi Yue knew the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea ruled the waters, and he was no match for even a shrimp soldier or crab general. The safest method seemed to wait for 300 years and leave with Sun Wukong.

But did he really have to waste 300 good years playing with the monkeys until he was bored?

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