Journey to the West (Black Myth)

Chapter 5: Six Ears Appears; Shi Yue Names Him “Six Paths”

Though Shi Yue was merely exploring cultivation on his own, the accumulation of three hundred years resulted in the formation of a powerful demonic energy within his body, filling every cell.

When his body moved, it emitted a series of crackling sounds, as if being refined anew. The enormous demonic energy invigorated him, compelling him to howl skyward.

Standing suddenly, his entire body seemed to come alive, joints audibly cracking. With a triumphant roar, a sound like a mighty beast's cry echoed across Flower-Fruit Mountain.

It truly was a beastly roar, shaking the heavens and echoing for miles.

Even Shi Yue was momentarily startled by his own voice, but the urge to declare his power to the universe was irresistible, uncontrollable. The mighty roars surged outward from the highest peak like shockwaves, sweeping over the entirety of Flower-Fruit Mountain, stirring everywhere into movement.

Black Fur King Kong and Ma Hou Taibai shuddered in fear, staring at the majestic figure on the mountain peak with awe and disbelief.

In Water Curtain Cave, Sun Wukong, who had been fast asleep, rolled up in alarm, casting a deep look toward Shi Yue's location, his expression complex—both marveling at Shi Yue's overwhelming power and feeling a hint of disappointment at being surpassed. Yet at the same time, he was thrilled by his brother's strength.

This emotional turmoil was evident on Sun Wukong's face, but it only lasted a moment before his gaze steadied, as if reaching a firm resolve.

Three hundred years had passed, and Sun Wukong had matured greatly, no longer the playful monkey he once was.

Once he exhausted his energy in a fit of roaring, Shi Yue scratched his head in confusion. Was appearing in this mythical era as a monkey body magnifying the beastly traits within him? What was he doing just now—proclaiming his existence, or demonstrating his power? Didn't that make him seem foolish?

Glancing at himself, his appearance and form unchanged, Shi Yue habitually scanned the surrounding area and was taken aback.

The mountain was filled with chattering monkeys, all gazing at him with a mix of reverence and awe. How many monkeys were there? Ten thousand? Twenty thousand?

His gaze stretched outward, and he saw the mountain teemed with monkeys as far as he could see, Flower-Fruit Mountain unchanged, yet larger, the horizon farther than before. Had the invisible barrier finally dissipated?

Musing over this, Ma Hou Taibai's voice interrupted him, reaching him from nearby.

"Congratulations, Great King, for finally awakening."

Shi Yue smiled faintly. While he had not initially cared much for the monkeys, after three hundred long years, he felt a deep fondness for Ma Hou and Black Fur, almost as if they were family.

With a single leap from the ten-meter peak, Shi Yue landed with a crack on a massive stone below, startling the elders. Unbothered, he smiled warmly, "Haha, Taibai, King Kong, you two are getting younger and younger. Thank you for everything these years."

The two old monkeys were instantly overwhelmed with emotion, their mouths twitching, struggling to find words. Their intelligence was limited, their thoughts simple, yet they knew what gratitude was. Ma Hou Taibai finally composed himself.

With tearful eyes, overflowing with sentiment, Ma Hou Taibai said, "Great King, you've been so good to us. Let Taibai guide you to see the Great King."

Shi Yue laughed heartily, "Alright! We're one family! Great brothers all! Tonight, we're drinking to our hearts' content, not leaving 'til we're drunk! For our home is Flower-Fruit Mountain! Hahaha."

Instantly, both elder monkeys trembled with excitement, Black Fur King Kong bellowed "Great King!" loudly. The multitude of monkeys, vast and endless, was also stirred by Shi Yue's words, chirping with excitement.

"Is that our other Great King? His fur is so little, and he looks odd, but he seems so terrifying."

"Watch your mouth! Dare to call our king terrifying! I'll thrash you! Squeak, squeak!"

"Was that call from one of the kings earlier? I was scared to death; my heart won't stop pounding even now! He's so powerful, so charming, and feels so familiar."

"You've no hope, Red Monkey. You barely glimpsed him before, and you'll hardly see this king either. He wouldn't notice you. His thoughts are beyond our guesswork. Remember when they emerged, I was just under a year old..."

With Ma Hou Taibai and Black Fur King Kong, the two majestic monkeys who had lived for centuries, leading the way, Shi Yue walked between them. The vast throng of monkeys parted to make a path, as if welcoming the returning king, and Shi Yue felt a rush of elation.

With a regal stride, guided by Taibai King Kong, Shi Yue soon reached the entrance of Water Curtain Cave. There, a vine bridge now connected the precipice to the cave, allowing direct entry to the cave by crossing.

On the other side of the bridge, three figures awaited at the stone bridge's head: Sun Wukong, along with Chaos and Titan, two of the Great Monkey Elders.

Sun Wukong's eyes sparkled, clearly more composed than before. Chaos and Titan were equally excited, sensing the greatness in Shi Yue's power.

With resolve, Shi Yue crossed over to Water Curtain Cave, Taibai and King Kong flanking him.

Three hundred years had passed unseen, yet here they were, and the feast continued without ceasing, day and night.

Days later, after multiple rounds of revelry, Sun Wukong, upon waking, sighed deeply, drawing Shi Yue's attention as he too awoke.

"What troubles you, brother, to sigh so?" Shi Yue asked.

Sun Wukong furrowed his brow and, without lifting his head, replied, "Brother, you only see me celebrating day after day, full of joy, yet you don't understand that amidst my delight lies a persistent worry. It bothers me greatly, though it is laughable, really. Ah, forget it. Come, let us drink."

Shi Yue was momentarily puzzled, not fully understanding.

At that moment, Ma Hou Taibai, who had been overseeing the monkeys transporting fruits, approached, clearly concerned, "What troubles the Great King so? We follow our two Great Kings in this heavenly place, Flower-Fruit Mountain, free from heavenly or earthly rule, in unimaginable bliss. What causes such worry?"

Shi Yue's mind recalled a narrative flash, surprising him that Taibai uttered such words.

Feeling Ma Hou Taibai's discomfort under his gaze, Shi Yue asked, "Do you know what a qilin or phoenix is? Have you seen humans?"

Ma Hou Taibai seemed taken aback, hastily explaining, "Great King, it's said these stories come from outside. In recent years, small demons have often entered Flower-Fruit Mountain. According to them, qilin is a legendary earth beast, the phoenix a king of birds, and humans belong to a world called the human realm, though I've never met one."

"Ah, I see..." Shi Yue laughed it off, apologizing to Sun Wukong, "Sorry about that, brother. Tell me, what troubles you so?"

Sun Wukong waved it off, not annoyed but laughingly determined, "Though we live outside human reach, untouched by beast rule, in time, age will catch us..."

The conversation mirrored what Shi Yue knew, except now he was part of it, quietly observing without interrupting further. His heart raced at being privy to such mythic moments—Bull Demon King, Erlang Shen, Pigsy, Tang Sanzang, White Bone Spirit, Guanyin—he'd meet all these legendary figures.

Once Sun Wukong finished, a hesitant voice arose from a group of monkeys carrying fruit.

"Great King, worry not. According to my knowledge, among the five pests, there exist three exempt from death's grasp..."

Sun Wukong eagerly interrupted, "Who are these three? Speak quickly."

From the monkeys emerged a notably strong figure, covered in yellow fur, fully transformed like the elder monkeys. This monkey, though, was unique—six ears adorned its head, three on each side, an oddity among the troop.

The monkey with six ears announced, "They are the Buddha, immortals, and divine sages. They transcend life and death, living as long as heaven and earth."

As the six-eared monkey finished, Sun Wukong pressed on, "And where do these dwell?"

The six-eared monkey confidently replied, "From what I sense, these reside within the world, amidst ancient caves and celestial mountains."

Sun Wukong beamed, scratching his head in delight, "Wonderful! Tomorrow, I'll bid you all farewell, to search the ends of the earth, across sky and sea, and learn of immortality, to escape Death's clutches."

Suddenly, Shi Yue thought of something, casting a fervent glance at the six-eared monkey, "Brother, no need to rush. The vast Eastern Sea is enormous; we must plan well. Let me join you, we can watch over each other on the journey."

Sun Wukong considered and nodded agreement.

Turning to the six-eared monkey, Shi Yue inquired, "What's your name?"

The six-eared monkey, full of awe for Shi Yue, replied, "I have no name; however, as I was born with six ears, they call me Six Ears."

Shi Yue's eyes gleamed with insight as he said, "Today, I shall name you Six Paths. Do you accept?"

Startled, the six-eared monkey paused, while all the other monkeys gazed at him with envy. Sun Wukong looked satisfied, as if such an honor was only to be expected! The four great monkey elders exchanged looks of surprise and admiration at what lay before them.

Reacting quickly, Six Ears knelt and exclaimed, "Thank you, Great King, for the name."

Shi Yue's gaze hardened slightly before he dropped a revelation, "From this day forth, besides my brother and me as the Great Kings, you shall be the Second King of Flower-Fruit Mountain! You are our brother too, as everyone here is our brother!"

Astonishment froze the assembly of monkeys, Sun Wukong's face filled with surprise, the four great monkeys clearly astounded, other monkeys swamped with jealousy and doubt. How did he become the Second King because of his six ears?

Yet Six Ears stood out, responding first, and head bowed to the ground, humbly protested, "With the honor of a name, I'm already deeply grateful. I'm not worthy nor able to bear the title of Second King—please, withdraw it."

Seeing every monkey's expression, including Sun Wukong's, Shi Yue firmly continued, "No more needs to be said; eventually, it will be clear. Six Paths, from today, you are the Second King of Flower-Fruit Mountain, a brother to me, Shi Yue, and brother Sun Wukong! Flower-Fruit Mountain is our home and yours. Remember today—we are brothers forever, with a shared home!"

The six-eared monkey remained prostrate, eventually managing in a choked voice, "Six Paths will never forget."

Shi Yue didn't expect one of the Four Spiritual Monkeys, the Six-Eared Macaque, to originate from Flower-Fruit Mountain. It all seemed to align. Legends spoke of the Six-Eared Macaque's abilities—adept at hearing, grasping logic, foreseeing past and future, understanding everything. Thus, it made sense he knew things unknown to Sun Wukong.

Additionally, Shi Yue understood Six-Eared Macaque's future would hold many opportunities, becoming a demon king on par with Sun Wukong—powerful, yet keeping a low profile. During the false Monkey King incident, he confounded many great deities, causing chaos in all realms, making spells futile, incapable of discernment even by Guanyin.

Ultimately, it took the Buddha to subdue him with overwhelming force, only for Sun Wukong to deliver the final blow—a demon king fallen just as he emerged, perhaps the most tragic figure of this era.

Especially noting that such a mighty demon king never bore a given name, known only as the Six-Eared Macaque, one could see why receiving a name from Shi Yue meant so much.

Few notable demons had formal names, except those from the primordial era. Others, like the Bull Demon King, Jade Dragon Demon King, Roc Demon King, White Bone Spirit—all were demon kings without proper names.

Shi Yue knew his presence as an outsider would alter the Six-Eared Macaque's fate, lessening future strife over the real and fake monkey kings. Combined with Sun Wukong's mysterious foresight, he was certain the Journey to the West held immense potential for change.

Imagining three Sun Wukong-level Monkey Kings bonded as brothers, he envisioned havoc that perhaps wouldn't stop at Heaven's gates, but continue to confront the Western Paradise. But before that, a long road of discretion and preparation lay ahead.

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