Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1375: Bad Idea

Red "Let's get rid of him first or he will continue to be a nuisance"

Red says as he sees how annoying Julian's presence in the battle is. Whenever they get the upper hand on Marshadow and are about to take it down, Julian steps in and easily guides Marshadow out of the pinch.

The Hexagon Six are smart enough to realize that with Julian around, they might not win this battle at all, even if they have their Shadow pokemons with them.

Red "Brown, Green, and Blue, continue your assault on Marshadow. The rest, come join me, and let's end this fool"

Red orders.

Purple and Yellow join Red and approach Julian.

Red "You have been quite an annoyance, but not anymore. Houndoom, shred him to pieces, use Fire Fang,"

Yellow "Ampharos, trap and zap him with Electro Web"

Purple "Swalot, poison the fool, use Belch"

The three order their pokemons to attack Julian all at once.

First will come the Electro Web, trapping Julian under it and electrocuting him with a high current of electricity. (A/N - It is the current that electrocutes us when passing through our body and not voltage)

Then he will become drenched in a toxic blob of vomit that comes straight from Swalot's stomach. It is more toxic than a Sludge Bomb.

Then Houndoom will have its way with Julian by digging its fangs into Julian's flesh and ripping him into shreds.

But none of this happens.

When the Electric Web tries to envelop him, it hits an invisible barrier and fades away. The Belch also does nothing as it comes in contact with the invisible barrier, slides down on the ground, and starts eating through the desert sand.

Houndoom charges forth with fire blazing in its mouth. It opens its jaws wide open and pounces at Julian wanting to take a huge chunk out of him, but a black tentacle immediately shoots out of Julian's shadow and wraps around Houndoom's jaw, snapping it shut.

The tentacle lifts the Houndoom in the air by its snout as it struggles to free itself.

Red, Yellow, and Purple are dumbfounded seeing this.

Purple "What's happening?"

Purple questions, but neither of his team members knows the answer.

Red "It doesn't matter what's happening, attack that tentacle and free my pokemon,"

Red orders.

Yellow and Purple do as he says and get ready to attack when two more tentacles shoot out of Julian's shadow and wrap around Shadow Ampharos and Shadow Swalot.

The two pokemons struggle to escape, but it's useless. They try to scratch, bite, and claw, but they cannot damage something that is made of shadow.

Red, Yellow, and Purple watch in horror as their pokemons are being dangled in the air by three large tentacles and are completely helpless to do anything about it.

They then look at Julian and seeing how the tentacles are coming out of his shadow, their imaginations start running wild.

Red "What the fuck are you? Stay away from us!"

Red shouts and his teammates hundred percent agree with his words.

Julian smirks and suddenly the three pokemons dangling in the air started getting smashed around repeatedly.

This scares the shit out of the three Hexagon members.

They then have to watch as their shadow pokemons get dragged into the shadow by these tentacles. 

Now they are helpless, they have nothing that can help them counter this freak.


Red shouts, turns his back, and tries to run, but he immediately trips. He looks down at his ankle and sees the same black tentacle coming out of his own shadow, wrapped around his ankle.

Chills run down his spine as he realizes there is no escape. He looks up at Julian and sees him smiling. That smile terrifies him more than anything. He immediately loses consciousness.

Purple and Yellow are also terrified. They saw what just happened and knew that running was not an option.

Yellow "Spare us, we were just following orders,"

Purple "Yes, it's our boss, Sir Eldes, who ordered us to kill you,"

Yellow "Yes, yes, we have nothing to do with it. We have family back home, please spare us"

Julian "What do you know about Vander?"

Julian asks.

Purple "Vander... Vander, yes, the Mt. Battle leader. He works as a spy for us against the resistance. He is also the one who informed Sir Eldes about you coming here."

Purple immediately starts snitching.

Julian 'I was right. Looks like he can't be trusted. I have to be more careful around the Resistance members. Some of them could also be just like Vander.'

Julian thinks and orders Gengar to knock the two out.

Gengar's shadow tentacles smack the back of both Yellow and Purple's heads, knocking them out.

He then brings his attention back to the battle between Marshadow and the remaining three members of the Hexagon. With their numbers cut in half Marshadow is having an easier time handling his opponents, but these shadow pokemons continue to brush off all his attacks and keep attacking Marshadow.

And the effect of this long battle is showing, Marshadow is getting tired. Even though he is stronger than his opponents, their unending stamina is showing its advantage.

Julian "Marshadow, enough. Come back,"

Julian orders.

Marshadow quickly comes back to Julian's side. Julian kneels and pats Marshadow's head.

Julian "You did very well,"

Julian praises Marshadow making the little guy fill with joy for being praised.

Julian "Gengar, take the rest of them out,"

Julian orders.

Tentacles shoot out of multiple shadows and smash into the remaining shadow pokemons. They then get wrapped and dragged into the shadow realm while the remaining Hexagon members watch with dread.

Before they can even run, they get smacked in the back of the head and get knocked out as well.

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