Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Chapter 35: Orthrus

“— It’s 9 AM. We’d be in 1st period of class right about now”

Hirano-kun determined the time on his G-Shock, and spoke in a somewhat heavy tone.

“You guys ready?”

To those words, we all nod. We’re armed to the utmost. The plan’s also good. All that’s left, is to venture forth.

“Damn right, let’s get that Boss!”

Oooh, we shout out as we rush off from the Fairy Square.

Perhaps the Skeletons were reading the mood that we are headed for a boss battle, there wasn’t a single one coming out into the passage. Naturally, the passage not being particularly long, we passed through in no time, and arrived in front of a room, the so-called Boss Room, containing the Transfer Circle.

“Final check, Momokawa, on you”

“We enter the room and first, Futaba-san and Nishiyama-san preemptively do stone throwing and Sagitta respectively. I’ll use my Fever in there too, but don’t expect much. We do this until it gets close enough”

This preemptive strike will be a success if the enemy gets a decent amount of damage, or also if it gets cautious and keeps a distance. Scariest thing would be if it suddenly jumped us, and us getting an early casualty without even time to think. We have to avoid a 2nd Itou-kun no matter what.

“Once the Boss gets into range, Hirano-kun and Futaba-san will work on holding it off. I’ll look for a chance to bind the Boss Dog with my Blackhair. Nishiyama-san stays on cover fire.”

There’s no risk of mana exhaustion. Nishiyama-san can shoot quite a few of her Aer Sagitta, and if I only concentrate on Blackhair Bind, I can maintain it for a decent amount of time.

“Once it gets close, we just have to keep fighting it… but if one of you two get pushed back, it’ll be a pinch but also a chance. There’s only one enemy. Even if Futaba-san or Hirano-kun, one of them is beaten, the other one can use that opening to launch a powerful strike”

Losing Itou-kun, with just the two of them, the Hirano-Nishiyama couple’s fatal weakness, is that they can’t take advantage of the Boss’ predating behaviour. If Hirano-kun is thrown down first, Nishiyama-san who doesn’t possess any powerful Battle Art can’t deal a significant blow. Worst case, she could cast Aer Blast, but then, with the wide area explosion that Magic generates, Hirano-kun who’s pancaked to the floor won’t get out fine.

“If, it breaks past the vanguard, and gets to either me or Nishiyama-san, Futaba-san in my case, and Hirano-kun in Nishiyama-san’s, one of you will come deal the blow”

Why we’re separating cases like this, it’s because we don’t want the two of them to get confused as to who will do what. In doubles tennis, when the ball comes right between both players in a team, it’ll be within both their hitting ranges, but both will let it through, is a common phenomenon.

We can’t afford that kind of miss in this fight. Especially since it’s a newly made party. We can’t match our breaths and do anything like perfectly synchronized movements.

Furthermore, the one they should save, if that person is clearly decided beforehand, they’ll be able to move better when the time comes. Because it’s when you’re amateurs in battle, that in critical moments you go “Oh no, oh no”, while your head goes blank.

Moreover, even if we decide all this, your role can change any time depending on the situation and best choices present. But, but still, we should have these things decided just in case, is our opinion.

“Once the Boss gets even a little weakened, everyone will gang up on it. I’m sorry for the one getting injured, but beating it takes higher priority. If it isn’t anything major, my meds can take care of it”

That concludes the plan. Next, we only have to believe in our power and fight. There’s nothing else to rely on anyway.

Finally, I take a look at all three of their faces one more time. Just a few days past, we saw each other in class but never even said a decent hi, we were related solely as classmates. And now, we’re entrusting our lives to one another, going forth to challenge a fearsome Monster.

It feels kind of unreal. Still, holding our respective weapons, donned in slightly dirty uniforms, our figures ooze nothing but reality.

Just for survival, a fight risking life and limb, now starts.

“Everyone, here we go”

Hell yeah! Hirano-kun shouts with might, along which Futaba-san and Nishiyama-san spiritedly follow, their voices echo into the dim passage.

Thus, we pass through cave-like, doorless entrance where the man-eating beast sleeps.

Futaba-san and Hirano-kun as vanguard. Me behind the former and Nishiyama-san behind the latter, we form two lines. Us in the rearguard can’t get too separated from the other two. There’s a higher risk of us getting targeted, but if we’re too distanced, our help-line will be cut off.

This is probably, the best formation we have.

“… Where is it?”

“I think, up there”

The room was as large as a gymnasium. Like the rooms where Skeletons come out, there are multiple pillars on both sides. It’s reminiscent of a temple, but other than the pillars, there’s no other form of decor, a dreary room. The multiple light panels on the ceiling only let out dim light so there’s difficulty seeing. The corners of the room are too dark to make out.

But, rather than concerning myself with the corners, I focus on what Hirano-kun meant by up there. Truly like a gym in the dungeon, raised in the back of the room is a single stage. With stairs on both sides, the stage was just around two stories high. It’s likely, that the Transfer Circle is engraved up there. [1]

Suspecting as such, I look over to the stage… when I heard it.

Grrr, the beast’s growl.

“It’s there, it’s defs there”

“… Momokawa-kun”

“Wait, looks like it’s coming here”

In the bad sense of tension, I certainly saw the apparent shadow of the Boss landing on the ceiling from the reflected light. Seems like it has also noticed our presence.

Just as expected, the boss appeared from on top of the stage, seeking out it’s new prey, it peeked out its face.

I saw, like the Red Dog, but as if a completely different species from that frail one, it was a big, fearless, ferocious, and blood-thirsty face. Rather than a dog, it was a form more similar to that of a wolf. That, fearsome, crimson wolf’s visage— there were two.

“… Eh, there’s two”

Two heads glared at us.

“No Momokawa-kun, that’s—”

No way. There’s two bosses, that’s not the case at all. Just as Futaba-san denied the assertion, look there, see, there’s only one Boss. Because, that large brawny body like that of a lion, there was but one.

“W-wh-what the fuck, it…’s got, two heads!”

“No, how can, it’s not the same one as before!?”

A two-headed red-furred wolf. That was, the form of the Boss appearing before us.


I yelled without a second thought.

Scared? Of course. Right now, in front of the two-headed Red Dog, the Orthrus, all of us are severely panicked. If we fight here, there’s no doubt it’ll go bad.

And above all, there’s no way it’s looks are for show. I can imagine it being at least stronger than the aforementioned big sized Red Dog.

The reason it’s a different Boss from the one Hirano-kun’s team once fought, it could have been summoned by the dungeon system’s whim, or perhaps the old one evolved after eating Itou-kun. I know practically nothing on the ecology of dungeon Monsters, and right now, it doesn’t matter in the least.

What’s important is, first and foremost, getting out of here and starting ove—

“Look out, Momokawa-kun!”

I was the first to turn heel, and dash towards the entrance, but along with Futaba-san’s yell, my body strongly jerks. Looks like, my collar was grabbed from behind, and pulled with great strength.


Or so I thought I shouted, but I my voice wouldn’t reach my ears.

Dazzling burst of flame, and an ear-shattering explosion. That is, drawing a tail of crimson, a ball of light coming straight at me, is what I saw before I got pulled back.

“Uooh! Goddammit, the hell was that just then, fire, it blew fire!?”

“Magic, that’s gotta be Magic! It’s shooting Fire Magic!”

By the time I heard Hirano-kun and Nishiyama-san shouting out, I had separated from Futaba-san’s hand, and stood back up on my feet.

“Thanks, Futaba-san”

“Don’t worry, more importantly, that wolf… what should we do”

I once again look up to where the Boss was. From the Red Dog, the Orthrus’ sharp fangs peeking out of its mouths, seeming to be vestiges of the ball of fire that was shot, sparks were blowing out. I saw it from both mouths, so both heads must have shot Fire Balls.

Luckily, thanks to Futaba-san, I was spared with only feeling the heated winds. But, thinking back how it was pretty much a hairs-breadth from the explosion, it probably doesn’t pack much explosive force. However, the problem is the longevity. From moment of impact, it was roaring like oil on fire.

Right there, the place I was heading to, the entrance.

“Oi, the hell Momokawa! Ya tried to run an’the exit’s fuckin’ gone now!”

“Wh-, you think that’s my fault!”

I reflexively replied and, shit, I thought. Now’s not the time for stupid internal conflict. But, now that Hirano-kun’s felt that my attempt to escape was an act of selfish cowardice, I can’t just negate that impression with words.

That boss had cunningly surmised that that hole in the wall was our one and only escape route, and acted to destroy it before anything else. Even if I didn’t try to run, it’s likely to have caused the explosion with the same timing.

“But, you’re the one who saw the boss and ran right away”

Yeah, that’s right, me trying to run before anything is the undeniable truth. If we had successfully retreated, you could calm down and realize that it was the right decision, but with the situation like this, of course this is what you say.

“Wait, I get it, it’s my fault. But we can’t keep arguing like this. The exit’s gone, so we can just follow the plan and—“

“Don’t fuck around, it’s your damn fault! Fix it Momokawa!”

“What were you thinking, we can’t even escape anymore!”

Shit, shit! Dammit all, we’re done for, the two of them are near delirious, they aren’t looking at the situation. More like, I don’t know if I’m alright either. My heart’s pounding and my head feels like it’ll blank out any moment now.

It’s bad, it’s crazy bad. I gotta do something. I was growing impatient.

“W-wait you guys, calm down already!”

If those two don’t calm down, we can’t fight. We can’t fight, and the Boss is already here.

“It’s coming, Momokawa-kun!”

With Futaba-san’s sharp warning, my head jolts up. Beside me, Hirano-kun and Nishiyama-san were also visibly trembling. They’re scared too. They’re also confused.

“Ah, aaa… Oi oi, wait up!”


As if meaning to say, the game’s already started stupid humans, the Orthrus lightly jumped down from the stage full of composure. It landed nimbly from the two-story height like a cat. Though it’s a dog.

Its needlessly elegant movement, upon its legs contacting the ground, vanished. Like a gale, it dashes in a straight line. True to its appearance, the Orthrus commands terrific acceleration from its four legs. Like the form of a lion in its hunt I’ve seen on TV, but a many hundreds of times more intense. I could faint from just this. I can’t make fun of those two screaming out.

But here, it’s do, or die. Get a hold of yourself, Momokawa Kotarou. It’s way to soon, to throw in the towel.

“Futaba-san, start throwing! Entwine its escape—”

I don’t know if Nishiyama-san will follow the plan with her Sagittas. I can only rely on Futaba-san, who didn’t go blaming me. Once the battle starts, those two are gonna have to fight sooner or later.

Anyway, the Boss started coming at us, so there’s no time for Red Fever. I chose to employ, the physical suppressor, my Blackhair Bind.

Futaba-san’s stones only scratch its undulating red fur, and as for my Blackhair, by the time it thrust out around its feet, it had jumped to dodge. And from the momentum, it leapt in the direction of Hirano-kun.

“U-uwaaaaaah!? StoOOOOOOOoooop!”

With a throaty scream, Hirano-kun fell over backwards. Unable to properly break his fall on the hard stone, his back struck painfully on the floor. He raised groans, and it doesn’t seem like he can stand any time soon.

For the Boss, it should be the same like Itou-kun with the pounce and devour pattern, but it didn’t intend to get on top of Hirano-kun just yet. With both heads, it turned to the side.


With a loud swing of her axe, Futaba-san bravely cut towards the Boss.

Yet, the Boss had already detected her attack, and with swift steps, jumped from the spot, evading Futaba-san’s strike like it was no big deal. The floor hit by the powerful axe blade, scattered sparks.

“Don’t give in, Hirano-kun! Stand up quick— Blackhair Bind”

Calling out to the fallen Swordsman, I enter to aid Futaba-san. I say that, but my powerless muscles can’t possibly use my spear and get anywhere close, so I can only cast Blackhair Bind.

Futaba-san swings away a 2nd, a 3rd time, but as if reading the trajectory, the Boss elegantly twists its body and dodges. To add, at its blindspot-like feet area where bundles of Blackhair were emerging, it dodged it all with light steps. Not a thread of hair could entwine.

“If that won’t work, then—”

Near reflexively, I thrust out my right hand. As if I’m releasing control of my limbs, I focus my conscience solely on the Curse. More, more precise, more vivid, image it fully.

The long stands of hair, divide into three. Then, one after another, one at a time, very carefully, braid it. See, you can do it, I did it, beautiful braided hair.

“— How’s this!”

The umptieth Blackhair Bind, this time arranged in a braid, escaped the ground like a viper. That too the Boss foresaw, dodging with a side step.

However, this Braided Bind has long reach.

I powerfully swing my right hand. As if linked to the movement, the Braid sweeps at its feet. The length of the hair is around 3 meters. The Boss had side stepped to a distance, and it barely reached.

“Got ’im! Futaba-san!”

The Boss’ left hind leg. Around the ankle, the Braid whistled as it whipped through the air, and coiled on. Twice, a third time, the hair winds around, and steals its nimble feet.


It’s over. The Boss can’t go any further.

Faced with the blade approaching with tremendous strength, the Boss turned in two directions.

The right head, glaring at the nearing Futaba-san. The left head, greatly turning back, stretching its neck. The target of its gaze, those annoying Blackhairs.

Clink, a sound comes from its fang. Right after, the left head blows fire.


I thought, but it had been too late. Not being metal or anything, the Blackhair that was only fibres, burned, immediately losing all binding ability.

Its left foot released by the roaring flames, the Boss regained its agility, and with a paper-thin margin, dodged Futaba-san’s swing.

This time wasn’t a composed step, but a steep dodge meant for evading. Still, the axe once again beat the floor.

And with its barely scraped by dodge, the Boss attained the chance to counter. Within arms reach, there stood an enemy who had swung her axe full power, and is currently chock full of openings.

“Gu, UUu!”

With that groan, Futaba-san’s large body was flung through the air like nothing. Her abdomen was struck with a piercing dog punch. In no time, Futaba-san’s body took many meters of distance rolling on the floor, finally coming to a stop when it hit a pillar in a corner of the room.


I shouted out, not only for concern of her well-being. The powerful vanguard that was Futaba-san having been blown away, distance to the powerless rearguard that is me, opened up right away. Position-wise, the Boss can vie to finish of Hirano-kun who’s still down, or change its target, preying for me or Nishiyama-san.

What now. Having nothing better than Blackhair Bind in terms of resistance, I can only watch what it does. And with no obstructions coming from anywhere, the Boss takes the optimum action.

Gauu it howled, as both heads clinked their fangs. The pair of mouths, shoot out a brilliant band of flame. A Fire Beam.

The blazing fire, strangely made a loose curve in the air, as Futaba-san was trying to get up, towards her, no, the fire impacted around her as if trying to encage her.

“Ah, fuck… it split us…”

I swallow my breath at its ability and tactical operation. Deeming Futaba-san as the biggest risk factor, it cast flames unto her surroundings, sealing her. A jail of fire with radius 5 meters was formed at a corner of the room.

“U, Uu… Momokawa-kun!”

From beyond the vigorously flickering flame, came Futaba-san’s voice. Seems like she hasn’t become barb-a-cue’d pig, so that’s a relief.

The Boss could’ve aimed its Fire Beam at Futaba-san herself, finishing her off for good, but it didn’t. Maybe it’s making light of us. It could also just prefer its meat raw.

It’s great that Futaba-san is alright, but my situation hasn’t changed in the slightest.

“Wait Futaba-san! Don’t try forcing out of there. Wait till the fire dies down a bit more. We’ll manage here somehow!”

I shout as I take a peek at the entrance that was blocked at the start. Kind of, looks like the fire there died down a bit. The wall of fire won’t surge eternally, it’s the greatest proof.

That’s why, there’s no reason Futaba-san needs to become a human torch trying to forcefully pass through the flame wall. Her injured, and we lose a lot of the battle power needed to beat the Boss. So, we have to endure here. No matter what, I’ll buy time until Futaba-san comes back.

As if sneering at my determination, the beast amusedly growls full of composure, eagerly aiming its two heads at me and leers. Maybe I’ll eat this guy, it could me thinking.

I clumsily point my spear, and Nishiyama-san next to me is still dumbfoundedly grabbing onto her wand. Only the beast’s growl echoes, a strange, quiet time passes.

“U, guu… damn…”

Result: the Boss chose Hirano-kun who’d gotten back up to his knees.

The two heads viciously bore its fangs, this time aiming to make sure he stays down.



As Hirano-kun and Nishiyama-san’s screams reverberate, I try making use of Blackhair Bind in hopes of restraining it.


Even more focus than before. This time I called forth two braids. I’m getting better, but I don’t have time to get happy about that, I aim the braid snakes rising from the ground towards the Boss’ heads as if to lash it.

“GaAAAh! Hot! Too hot, dammiiit!”

Still, my upgraded Blackhair Bind is also, powerless in the face of flames. Both were quickly annihilated with bursts of Fire Beam. The Boss’ assault on Hirano-kun, isn’t abated in the slightest.


A bit of hesitation, but resolve made. We can’t go losing Hirano-kun at this stage. I give up on useless Curses, and determine to attack directly with my spear.

With an embarrassingly shrill war cry, I dash my shaking legs towards the Boss. Ah, close, too close. It’s crazy big from up close.


With a boost from the Power Seed I swallowed on before entering the Boss Room, I unleash my strike. As the Boss is pushing down Hirano-kun, I aim to stab at its flank. I can’t think it can dodge at this close a distance.

But as the cruel world would have it, the spear with my all, cut only air.

Nothing fancy, the Boss known for its agile body, simply jumped out of the way.


The beast landed as if unaffected by gravity, which is when Hirano-kun cried out seeming on the verge of death. Looking, I find his neck gushing out blood.

Just before the Boss dodged, it apparently had its fangs lodged in quite deep.


This is bad, if I don’t stop the bleeding now, he’ll definitely die. Luckily, my bag contains a decent amount of Ointment A. If I rub some on, the blood should stop somewhat.

But then, I won’t have time for that. This is a real-life fight, not a turn-based RPG you can take your sweet time considering all the choices.

“Uu, uWaaa!?”

The Boss begins its counterattack. Perhaps deciding Hirano-kun is already one foot on the other side, it now aimed at me who had come attacking.

Naturally, being neither Swordsman nor Berserker, as one with the weakest vocation known as Shaman, from this distance, with this timing, a form of resistance, cannot be hoped for.

What do I. I thought, as the Boss’ body closed in with frightening spee—


With a pathetically girly scream, I fall back onto the floor. It hurts. Pain as if all the air in my lungs was pressed out.

But this pain is only the beginning. The Orthrus’ hungry head, is already right in front of me, spreading its drool.

“Uwah, WaAAAAAh!?”

Fangs closing in, speaking of what I responded with, I reflexively put up my hands. Of course, I’d long let go of the spear, and as for taking out any sub-weapons like the boxcutter or Goma dagger, there was no time to even think of it.

My arm that can’t even break away a decent branch from a Fairy Walnut tree, is injected deeply by the wolf’s fangs.

“Iih, aaAAAAAAAAAAa!!”

Discarding all pride and shame, I scream. The pain in my arm quickly supersedes the limit of pain I can hope to bear.

Like a ravenous beast, it will devour my arm, I thought so, but au contraire, the Boss’ mouth separated. Gyau, a slightly pained growl enters my ears at the same time.

“A, ha, haha… that’s right, you eat me… and you’re, done for too!”

Curse No.2 Pain Return is doing its job. The tearing on my arm from the Boss’ fang, replicates back on its fore leg.

In its moment’s falter, I gain the chance to counter. This time for sure, I’ll draw that Goma dagger on my belt, and with no other thoughts, just slash away at the hairy red body in front of me.

It’s tougher than I thought. The slightly rusted blade, dug through the fur and a slight bit of meat, and stopped; nothing close to a fatal blow.

Shiit, I can’t even stick in a knife sitting down like this. But, I can maybe stab and—


A scream comes from both heads of the Boss. As if wary of my slashing, it disregarded possible damage from Pain Return, and mercilessly dug its claws into my collar.

“Gu, gaa… S-stupid, mutt…”

This mutt, maybe it doesn’t actually realize the damage from Pain Return is coming back to it. My shoulder radiated pain from skin-tearing claws, and pressure from its pushed down forepaw so strong, I thought my bones would break. The Boss is supposed to be tasting the same pain, but this mutt, doesn’t look like it’s letting go any time soon.

But there’s no fatal blow like snapping off my neck. If it wanted, it could gouge off my thin neck with one bite. That must mean, it really is cautious of my Pain Return, and can’t get in the mind to deal the finisher.

Me and the Boss continue tasting the same pain, neither one giving in. Sharp pain eats into my body, my breath almost stopping with the weight of the Boss pressuring over me. Will I die like this, taking this guy along with me, and when I thought that,

“N-Nishiyamaaa! Shoot! Shoot it nooow!”

It was Hirano-kun. I direct my glance where, he’s desperately stopping his bleeding with a hand, shakily standing up.

“Hirano! B-but—”

“It’s fine, just shoot! Shoot dammit! Shoot your Blast, Momokawa and all!”

My spine freezes. Not good. With my label as a coward trying to run away first, she’ll lose the resistance to shooting an ally. Ah, God fucking dammit. I didn’t do anything wrong. But if this was gonna happen, I would’ve never done it.

Stormed with irredeemable, humiliating regret, I can only keep suppressing the Boss’ approaching fangs.

“I, I’ll, shoot! العديد من ريش تبادل لاطلاق النار الرياح”

I heard the countdown of death.

Shit, shiiit! Stop, stop it you idiots! That’s friendly fire assholes!

My head teeming with words of curse, but also, Ah, can’t be helped, you can sacrifice this weakling Shaman and beat the Boss, hip hip hooray for you. Some cooled down thoughts are in there too.

The Boss being the Boss, it doesn’t notice the Attack Magic aiming towards it. It’s like, while attacking me and getting back the pain, it’s losing its reason, and needlessly focusing on me.

Each and every one of then, myself included, were all hopeless.

“— Aer Blast!”


[1] Visual Aid for gym. The stage in this case seems much higher though…

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