Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Chapter 11

❖ 11 ❖

Did you know that hearing the women you love going at it like rabbits is incredibly hot?

Wait, shit, that makes it sound like an NTR thing. I'm fairly sure I'm not into that. I mean, maybe. I'm into lots of things I never thought I'd enjoy before I became a succubus, so…

L-look! This isn't on me! A friggin' monk wouldn't be able to keep it together listening to all this! What chance does a loser dog like me stand?

A-anyway. Hearing them losing themselves in their feelings was way, way too much stimulation for a person who hears the word "bark" and loses all self-control. So needless to say, I got a lot of time in with my tail. Goddamn, it feels nice. I don't want to betray the toys that served me so well over the years, but I honestly think my tail's got me covered when it comes to solo play. it feels sooooooo good.

And yet, even though I'd gotten off several times now, Mio and Haqua we're still going at it. I figured Mio would've been too drained to continue by now, but apparently she'd had a second, third, fourth, and fifth wind.

Fu~ck, Mio's moans are cute. I could listen to them all day.

So I turned to reading to pass the time, skimming through a light novel I'd bought forever ago but never found the time to crack open. My focus was in the toilet, but it was nice to escape to something light and fluffy for a while. Or well, to try to, at least.

After what felt like an eternity of trying and failing to read the same page over and over, I finally heard things start to quiet down. I didn't know how much of that ritual they'd had left, but they'd sure gotten the "laying our souls bare" part down pat.

God, I'm still worked up, huh? I thought, clenching my thighs together.

Who am I kidding? I can go at it again…

Smiling happily, I put the book to the side, tugged my panties off, and felt Haqua's finger slip inside me.

"HaqUA~!" I gasped, before she pressed a finger to her lips.

"Quiet, mutt. No barking for tonight, if you don't mind. Mio needs her rest," Haqua said, her voice coming out as a sultry purr while she continued to finger me.

She was completely nude and dripping with Mio's lust. It smelled incredible.

I nodded, biting my lip as she moved her finger just a little bit faster.

“How’d it gOHH~?!” I gasped, quickly clasping a hand over my mouth when I realized how loud I’d just been. “Did you two have a good time?”

“It went wonderfully, dear,” Haqua giggled, lowering herself onto the couch and smothering me in her chest. A surefire way to keep me quiet.

The smell of her sweat was so good it was making my head swim. I was losing myself, and we’d barely even done anything. Shyly, I wrapped my lips around one of her nipples and started sucking.

“Oh my~! I know you were having fun on your own, but you’re still hungry, hmm?” Haqua smirked. “But yes, Mio was terrific. I can’t say for sure how she’ll look when she’s finished changing, but considering how much she loves my chest, I think I have some suspicions,” she giggled, undeterred by me reaching a hand up and teasing her thighs with my fingertips.

“I just-nn~!” I pulled my head out from Haqua’s boobs, but gasped the second her fingernail rubbed my clit. “Wish I could’ve been there during all that, y’know?”

“Oh? I’m happy to make myself look more like her for now. Would that cheer you up, Senpai~?” Haqua teased, doing an uncannily good impression of Mio’s voice.

I shook my head. “No no, you’re perfect, Haqua,” I whispered, going back in to suck her chest.

“Or maybe I could make you look like her right now, and show you exactly what I did with that girl.”

I shook my head, I didn’t think I’d be able to hold myself back if she did something like that to me. No way Mio’d get any sleep with how loud that would make me moan.

“But really, Rina,” Haqua said, raising her free hand up to my chest and lightly tugging on my nipple rings. I couldn’t stop myself from moaning at that, but her boobs did a great job of muffling it. “Though you couldn’t be with us, your support was instrumental in getting her to bare everything for me. So you were a big help, truly.”

I nodded, and pulled my head up again to ask her something else.

“You don’t think she’s rushing into thiNGHHMMPH~!”

Haqua aggressively pulled my rings up, before stifling my moan with her own tongue, kissing me deeply as she teased my clit with her finger.

“Come now, mutt. There’s no need to ask a question like that, is there?”

“I just worry she was putting up a front or something. I worry I pushmmph!”

Another kiss. Fuck, her tongue was incredible.

“You did no such thing, and I won’t hear you taking your kindness and her sincerity and twisting them into a mistake, loser dog."

She flicked my clit, and I bucked my hips, stifling a moan with everything I had.

"I would never change someone on a whim. I gleaned a great deal from her soul, and had I detected even the slightest hint that she didn’t want this, I wouldn’t have gone through with the ritual.”

It was extremely difficult to focus on this while I was getting fingerblasted, but I did my best, sticking a finger in Haqua’s pussy to try and even things out a bit. Of course, she looked just as cool and composed as ever, barely even flinching as I played with her.

“I’ve no intention of leaving Mio to fend for herself now that she is a succubus. She carries my brand now, and I don't give that out lightly. Do you understand, dear?”

“Y-yeaH~!” I gasped, as Haqua pinched one of my nipples. “Thanks, Haqua… You’re…you’re amazing…” I panted.

“Agreeing to be changed into a succubus took a great deal of trust on her part. She placed her faith in me, and I intended to prove that she was entirely justified in doing so.”

Nodding contently, Haqua wrapped her lips around my own, kissing me deeply while she quickened her pace with her finger, signaling for me to do the same. There wouldn’t be any more talking. For now, we just wanted to soak in each other’s love.

For as much as she'd gone at it with Mio, Haqua had a separate stomach just for me. She was ravenous, licking and teasing me vigorously, all while daring me to see what she'd do if I let out a moan.

She knew what she was doing, she knew how tempted I'd be by the thought of getting punished, but simply wouldn't allow me to satisfy that for Mio's sake. She was getting me riled up, making my body antsy and desperate, filling it with a hunger that only she could satisfy.

Haqua slowly teased my clit, and I quickly started sucking her nipple, my moans being stifled to the point that they were little more than hot breaths against Haqua's skin, making her nipples stiffen.

The restraint we both needed to show was so hard, but in a way, the thrill of having a line we absolutely couldn't cross made things that much more exciting, like we were testing what we could do within our bounds.

I rubbed Haqua's lips slowly, trying to tease a moan out of her.


Much to my surprise, it worked. After everything she'd done, her body was crazy sensitive, leveling the playing field between us.

Or so I thought, before she looked down at me with a devilish smirk.

"How naughty, my little mutt. I do believe I said we needed to be quiet, no? But it feels like you tried to make me moan, doesn't it?"

"I-it was an accident, so-"

Haqua snapped her fingers, and my arms quickly pulled up to my chest, before a pair of cuffs clamped around them.

"Handcuffs?!" I gasped.

"Still won't get the message, dear? You need to be quiet, remember?" she smiled threateningly, before picking herself up and turning around.


"But if you won't stay silent on your own," she licked her lips, "then I'll just have to muzzle you, won't I dear?"

"B-but Mistress Haqua, I-"

Haqua's tail playfully slapped her own butt, and before I could answer, she was lowering herself on top of me, burying my face in her pussy.

"Mmph!" I moaned, my breath hitting her lips directly.

"There there, dear. Moan all you want. It feels wonderful like this~," Mistress cooed, reaching down and plunging her fingers back inside me.

I could do nothing with my hands beyond teasing my own nipples, so I stuck to using my mouth, lapping up Mistress Haqua's warm, sweet juices as she toyed with my clit.

I felt dizzy as I drank more and more of her. It was like ambrosia on my tongue, I couldn't get enough, even as her fingers had my body twitching with pleasure and begging for release, I had to keep going.

I honestly couldn't say how long we stayed like that for, filling the room with the soft, wet sounds of me eating Mistress Haqua out while she fingerblasted me, the occasional sharp breath of tiny moan escaping despite our best attempts to stay quiet.

But soon, my body couldn't handle any more, and surprisingly, neither could Haqua's. We were both so spent, so deeply satisfied, and so ready to finish.



We both moaned at the same time, though Mistress managed to keep us both fairly silent as we finally gave ourselves the release we so desperately craved, and Haqua's juices began to gush out. I lapped up every drop, of course. What kind of dog would I be if I didn't?

God, it felt so good.

Satisfied, Haqua snapped her fingers and got rid of my cuffs as she picked herself up off of me and lay down at my side, breathing deeply as she gently petted my head.

"Wan wan~!" I barked, keeping my voice as quiet as I could as I nuzzled in against her chest, my pervy nightgown forming over my naked body at the same time.

"Good girl," Haqua praised me.

For all the solo play I'd done, it still paled in comparison to what Haqua had done for me.

We lay like that in silence for a while, content to soak in each other's warmth. Eventually though, I spoke up, keeping my voice to a whisper.

“So...we’re both out on the couch for tonight, then?”

"Mhmm, at the very least. I used your bed even as you changed during your week asleep, but if Mio needs more rest after all she did today, I'd like to give it to her."

“Ahaha… You think she could be out for a week like me? Or was I just a particularly pathetic case?”

“Well, you absolutely are pathetic, but yes, it definitely is possible. Even with how unnaturally energetic she seems to be, she's had sex with two succubi in the same day, and is now in the process of becoming one herself. She was thoroughly spent by the time I was finished with her, and she'll need a great deal of time to recover. The toll that this day has undoubtedly taken on her body cannot be underestimated.”


“Truthfully, I hadn’t expected you to be out for quite that long. Not that we didn’t have a good time, but dear Mio will at least have the excuse of having sex with two succubi to explain it if she’s out for a week. What about you, though, mutt? Was it really so incredible that you were so completely incapacitated? Or were you just curled up in bed, enjoying a dream about being a lovely little bitch for your mistress?”

“I felt so warm when I was going to bed," I explained. "I didn't know I'd turn out like this, but I guess my body knew that something incredible was in store for me, so I just let it do what it needed."

Haqua shrugged her shoulders, and gently scratched my ears.

"Let's chalk it up to overwork. Your body wanted to get away from your job for as long as possible," Haqua chuckled.

"Mm, that's a good way to look at it," I giggled. 

We fell silent again, though neither one of us was ready to close the book on a day this wonderful.

"Y'know, Iori saw me after I finished with Mio. Mio'd just passed out after climaxing, and she was right behind me."

"Was she now?" Haqua laughed. "I'm sure that led to quite the fun conversation."

"It was nice, honestly. Not getting caught, this isn't the loser dog part of me speaking. It's just…seeing me so unguarded made it easier for her to open up to me a little more, and I'm glad she did."

“Well now, developed an exhibitionist streak, have you?”

“I won’t say I don’t have one,” I chuckled. “But that’s not it. She told me she remembered everything she did with you, y’know? She remembers how I used to look, too. You left her memories untouched?”

“Indeed I did,” Haqua nodded. “I knew that she’d do nothing to cause you trouble once I broke the restraints on her heart, so I felt no need to adjust anything. I felt that seeing so clearly how much better your life became might help her see the good in abandoning the way she’d lived her life for so long.”

“That’s sweet of you, Haqua…”

It really was. I wondered if she’d left things intact to mess with Iori, somehow, but hearing that her intentions were so noble was an incredibly pleasant surprise.

“But she knows we’re succubi, and she’ll likely know that Mio’s one now, too. You’re not worried about that?”

Haqua just shook her head.

“Not in the slightest. Perhaps I’m placing too much trust in her, but I’ll have you know I’m an excellent judge of character. She won’t do anything wrong, I assure you.”

I nodded and smiled. Haqua knew better than me on this. If she thought it was the right call, I wouldn’t argue that.

“I told her to come over someday. Thought it might be good for her to spend some time at a friend’s place. I dunno if she’s had any real chances to cut loose before.”

"And to think you despised her so recently!"

"Mm, I should hate her, I know that. Even if she's turned over a new leaf I know I've got every right to keep my distance and not trust a word she says after all these years, but… I dunno, when I look at her, I can't help but feel like I owe it to her and to myself to try and move past it all. I dunno that I'd do this with anyone else, but there's something about Iori…"

Haqua paused for a moment, then chuckled to herself.

"What's up, Haqua?"

"No no, it's nothing. Maybe it's her boobs, hmm? I thought that was Mio's obsession, but Iori is positively stacked. It's hard not to see why they've captivated you."

"Mm, that's gotta be it," I jokingly agreed, before gently kissing Haqua's own chest and letting out a small yawn.

As much as I wanted to stay there, talking to Haqua while she held me close, the day was really starting to catch up to me now, and there was little I could do to fend off the drowsiness washing over my body.

“Aww, is my little sweetie all tuckered out after her big day?”

Haaah… And just like that, she’s in mommy mode...

“Mmm. I’m wiped...”

“Let’s get some sleep then, hmm? I’ll make some yummy pancakes for you tomorrow morning, and we'll make sure the days we spend waiting for Mio to wake are relaxed and warm."

Before I could respond, Haqua picked me up and lay me on top of her, holding me against her chest like a child with a stuffed animal.

But that wasn't bad at all. The overwhelming warmth of her body and softness of her chest made an excellent pillow. It was hard not to give into my sleepiness with all of that.

"Goodnight Haqua, I love you."

"I love you too, my pet. Rest well, you've certainly earned it."

I smiled happily, basking in her warmth as I let sleep take me.

Shorter chapter this week! I thought about extending this one a bit by delaying where chapter 12 will actually start, but since next week's chapter is the end of volume 1, I thought it'd be best to cap things off with one extra long chapter. As a heads up, though there'll be a bit of a break before I start publishing the second volume, I've got a short story prepped starring Mio that'll hit not long after that's a lot of fun, so that'll make the gap easier to handle! Either way, I hope you enjoy this sweet, simple little chapter, next week's conclusion, and everything still on the horizon. I'm very proud of my work on volume 2 and the short story, and I can't wait to share them with you all.

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