Justice in the One Piece World

I Love my Job

Chapter 24


We pulled up into the VIP Shipyard at MarineFord and stepped onto the dock, and walked all the way up to Sengoku’s office.



As usual, when we opened the door, Sengoku was behind a desk filled with an unbelievable amount of paperwork and a goat who was helping him get rid of some.



Diana: Hi Sengoku, how are you?



Sengoku: *sigh* I really shouldn’t have called you guys here. The moment you left the island, the Straw Hat pirates came not a day later. If you were there I wouldn’t have to deal with this.



He then gestured at a pile of paperwork that was dangerously leaning off to the side of the desk. Wow, seeing this I really don’t want to become Fleet Admiral. This is like a mini prison that traps someone with obligations and endless paperwork.



Diana: So, what do you have for us?



Sengoku: Nothing honestly; I tried to think of one while you guys are coming here. Anything or any event you know of and want to take care of?



Me: Heh, I wonder how the World would react if they find out this is what the high command is like. Fleet Admiral Sengoku just calling back random units and giving them missions off the top of his head.



Sengoku: Shut it Kara. You try doing all this paperwork and stay on top of your stuff.



Me: Exactly the reason why I’ll never accept the rank of Fleet Admirial… if I am recommended in the first place.



Sengoku just grumbled then looked back at Diana



Sengoku: Well? Got any ideas?



Sis just looked at me and I nodded. If the Straw Hats just arrived at Water 7, it was obvious where they would be going next. There was also ‘that’ we needed to prevent.



Diana: Just station us at Enies Lobby for now please. We’ll be able to go to anywhere in the Grand Line faster from there. Also, if you really need us we can quickly send us to Water 7 from there.



Sengoku just nodded.



Sengoku: So you pretty much came all the way here just to go almost all the way back



Me: I think that’s your fault though Fleet Admiral



Sengoku: Shut it! *sigh* Why are all the high ranking Marines so weird…



Diana: Power of our level doesn’t come with sanity. I’m sure everyone of the Admiralty ranks (including Rear, Vice, and fleet) have their share of some crazy incidents. Thus, everyone has their own quirks.



Me: Or they might just be like Garp. Stupidly overpowered but also stupidly stupid.



Sengoku: *pfft* Ha, well Garp’s a special one for sure. If everyone here acted like Garp, either there would be no pirates or this world is already dead.



Diana: On a more serious issue… on…


*pet* *pet* Getting bored of the talk, I started petting Sengoku’s goat and leaned back on Sarah, who started petting me. This is honestly quite comfortable. That was my last thought before I fell asleep, in front of the Fleet Admiral of the Marines.



POV Diana



Kara: *Zzz…*



Awww… she’s so cute sleeping like that in Sarah’s arms.



Sarah had a look of bliss on her face as did John, Tim and Brown petting Kara’s head from over Sarah’s shoulder.


Sengoku: You’d gotta be kidding me. I’ve never had anyone except Garp and Kizaru to have to guts to sleep in front of me…during a meeting.



Diana: Well, since my little sister’s a little tired right now, how about we continue this talk over our Den Den mushi. Also, when should we go?



Sengoku: There’s really nothing to do here right now, just set sail whenever you want. I’ll make sure they have a room ready for you at Enies Lobby. Also, Commodore Sarah, I’m sure you already know but you must fly your ship to Enies Lobby if you plan to go directly and not over and back down through the Grand Line. The Gates of Justice only flows one way and that is not from MarineFord to Enies Lobby.



Diana: Can we visit Sabaody later though? I want to visit dad. He wants to see us too.



Sengoku: You do realize you are technically on duty now right?



Diana: Yup, and we’re the Rapid Response Unit. That means we don’t know the difference.



Sengoku: I guess that is one perk we did put in your job description. Dealing with you guys feels like dealing with the 7 Warlords. You guys just screwing around and doing whatever you please until an emergency comes up.



I picked up Kara in a princess carry while she still slept, I’m honestly amazed at how she can just sleep through just about anything. Like Zoro, but at least my cute little Kara sleeps quietly and likes to be cuddled.



Diana: Well then, we’ll be heading out now. Anything we should know about before we arrive at the Lobby?



Sengoku: There’s a unit from the World Government there, just don’t mind them and let them do their work.



Diana: And if we catch them doing something illegal?



Sengoku: Just do whatever you need to do. I’m sure you girls aren’t stupid enough to mess with the wrong people. Also, before I forget…



He opened his desk and took out a box, from which on the inside was a small golden snail.



Sengoku: A Golden den-den mushi. I believe you know what this means?



I nodded



Sengoku: There are two functions in this snail. This button here calls for one, and the other one just connects your snail to the Silver den den mushi at the entire Marine Headquarters. I know both of you have power exceeding that of a Buster Call… but should the need arise. Use it wisely



I took the small box and then closed it again, holding it carefully against my chest.



Me: But what do I do if Kara accidentally presses the button and initiates a buster call?




Sengoku: Please don’t make that happen. Once the order is given, nothing except a direct order from myself or a signal that the threat has been neutralized could stop it.



I nodded



Great. That means we pretty much got the OK sign from Sengoku to do whatever we need to do as well as a means to stop Spandam much easier. Of course, we had our own plan before but this makes things much easier. Justice is on our side after all.



Diana: Well then, let’s go prevent an idiot from blowing up an island!



Little did our crew know, except Kara, I meant that literally.

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