Justice in the One Piece World

Why Hello Straw Hats

Chapter 7



We wanted to go straight to Arlong but the villagers held us up with stuff like thanking us, asking us to stay for a cup of tea and whatnot. While I didn’t mind, our two oldies looked kind of eager for some time to relax so we agree.



We also had to call the Headquarters to allocate a budget for the island, and I gave them a short report of what happened because of a corrupt Marine captain. It’s great being Rear Admiral. So much authority that comes with it.



Anyway, by the time we were done with all that, Nami was nowhere to be seen so we just decided to walk towards Arlong Park…again.



We arrived just in time to see Luffy punch the crap out of Arlong. Luffy himself didn’t look like he was in great condition…but when in a fight did he ever look fine. It was the Envies Lobby’s arc that they Oda really gassed Luffy’s power up, not to even mention to ridiculous time skip.



Zoro: Ugh, why do the Marines have to show up now?



He frowned as he raised his swords against us.



Let’s not even talk about Sanji, he already had hearts in his eyes and was drooling. Seriously, how did anyone even live with this pervert? Even more, how does he even cook with that cigarette in his mouth. Wouldn’t that make the food taste bad?



Diana: We’re here to arrest Arlong and his crew for his actions against Cocoyashi village… but looking around it looks like things are already done here. I’m assuming you are bounty hunters?



Luffy: No! We’re the str..*slap* umph!



The last part is because Zoro blocked Luffy’s mouth. Thank God they took the easy way out. Otherwise it would’ve been a complicated situation where we would be obligated to fight them as well.



Me: You can cash them in for a total of around 34 million Berries. Arlong is worth 20 million and his 2 goons are each worth around 7 million. You’ll have to bring them to the Marine Base to be sure. We’re not in charge of that stuff.



Zoro: We know you’re Marines but you don’t look like a Standard Officer. Who are you?



Diana: Rear Admiral Diana Fujitora



Me: Rear Admiral Kara Fujitora






Zoro looked shocked as well, his hands tightly gripped around his swords.



Zoro: What’s a rear admiral doing here in the blues?



I signaled my crew to cuff all the pirates, which they quickly did.



Diana: You can think of it like an inspection.



It was at this point Nami arrived to the scene and was shocked to see the state of the Arlong crew as well as Luffy.



Luffy: NAMI! You are my crew mate, GOT IT?



Here, the canon version of Nami would have cried and nodded. But instead, she paled and looked at us.



Of course, my sister wasn’t one to let such an opportunity pass.



Diana: Crew…?



Nami: Shut up you idiot! *smack*



She smacked Luffy on top of his head while Zoro quick covered for him.



Zoro: Bounty hunters! Bounty Hunter! We’re a bounty hunter crew!



It was honestly hilarious seeing on of the most badass characters in One Piece starting to sweat like crazy as we aimed our suspicions on him.



Me: Well, that girl over there did explain something to us a bit.



Luffy: Nami did?



Sarah: Please talk to our superiors with respect.



Others might think this was a sign of respect but in realty she did it to annoy me. She knows I hate formalities.






I knew it!



Sarah: To answer your question. Arlong had been conspiring with a corrupt Marine officer who had framed the girl over there. We had him arrested for his crimes and lifted the charge off her.



Luffy: Oh~ so you guys are good guys. I thought I might have to beat you up too. hehe



Diana: Hoh~ Is that so?



I thought it would be nice to intimidate them a little. I let out a tiny tiny portion of my conqueror’s haki on them. However, even this much should be enough to immobilize those from East Blue.



Straw Hat Pirates: *cough* *cough* *gack*



They were all down on their knees while Ussop was completely on the ground.



After looking at them for a few seconds, I lifted the pressure.



Me: A word of advice for you Straw Hat wearing guy; don’t try to threaten a high ranking Marine Officer. Some of us will charge you with that as a crime.



*cough* *cough* Zoro slowly got back up on his feet.



Zoro: Understood. Please forgive this idiot. Your message was understood.



Diana: Very well. Here,



She passed a note to Zoro about how they were the ones to have defeated the Arlong pirates.



Diana: We’ll take the Arlong pirates on our ship to Lougetown. You just need to pass the note to any Marine Base and you’ll get your bounty.



Of course, we both knew that they wouldn’t be able to do that. Pirates aren’t paid for catching each other. It was something like a minor troll for us.



Me: Alright crew, we’re done here. Let’s go back to Lougetown! This time we’re going to properly relax for a couple of days!



Our crew: Yahhh!!



Looks like they wanted a break as well.



Sarah: Shouldn’t we try out flying?



Diana: No, the distance is too small. We’ll try it out when we’re back on the Grandline or when we’re in an emergency. I don’t want to use it then be called in for an emergency and we can’t fly then.



Sarah: Understood.



When we reached our ship, the villagers were there, waiting for us.



Diana: Goodbye villagers. Thank you for the hospitality.



Brown: Thank you for the tea.



Tim: I really need to learn how to make it like that. The tea was seriously good



Windmill guy: Heh, nobody makes tea like I do. It takes years of practice!



Me: Thanks for the oranges Ms. Nojiko



Nojiko: They’re tangerines.



Me: Oh, well. Thanks anyway :)



With that, we sailed back to Lougetown




When we docked back in the same harbor, the same Marine guy was there, who instantly recognized us.



Diana: Alright guys, break starts today. You have exactly 2 days. Meet back on the ship by then, alright? Take your money with you.



We activated this ship’s auto defense like always and followed the Marine back to the base, dragging an unconscious Arlong pirate in each hand.



Diana: Hey, these fools were beat up by a bounty hunter crew by the time we got there. We gave them a slip so you would know who it was.



Smoker: A bounty hunter that can beat up a pirate with a bounty of 20 million? Doesn’t seem likely to me. Are you sure it wasn’t a pirate?



Me: We wouldn’t know any pirates. Never really read the newspapers to begin with. Besides, they said they were bounty hunters. That guy with the 3 swords and other idiot with a Straw Hat.



Smoker: …*sigh* I guess they don’t have a bounty yet



Me: What?



Smoker: I won’t blame you. They’re a new pirate crew who’ve been causing trouble around the Blues this past month. They don’t even have an official bounty yet so that’s understandable.



Diana: Oh, well. Sorry.

Besides, did that Nezumi or something guy come here?



Smoker: *grunt* yeah. He’s in custody until he’s sent to headquarters for them to decide what to do with him. But from what I got from you, those were some heavy crimes. I wouldn’t be surprised if he never sees the light of day again. *cough*



Diana: I know you’re called Smoker but you should seriously chill with the amount you’re smoking. It’s gotta be unhealthy for you.

Also, with the amount of nicotine in you, is that why you’re always constantly grumpy but chill?



Smoker: … I don’t know if I should thank you for worrying or angry for saying I’m always grumpy.



Me: Don’t mind it. We’re planning on staying on Lougetown for a couple of days. Looks like we’ll be seeing each other again soon. Also, please restock our ship as well. I’ve made sure they wouldn’t attack you.



Smoker: What about my crew?



Diana: Nah, don’t trust them. You can do the heavy loading.



*grumble *grumble*



We ignored his grumblings as we walked out of the Marine base.



Me: Sis, now we just wait until Luffy and Buggy arrive right?



Sis: It’ll take some time until they do. The Going Merry isn’t really a fast ship. But while we’re waiting…



Me: No! Not that dollhouse looking place again! Please!



Diana: Fine, let’s find a Hotel to stay at before we do anything else.



We started walking towards the market area looking for a good place to stay. Of course, i kept my observation haki active, I want to know when Dragon would arrive. I’d like to see what he’s like. The manga nor the anime really covered much about him.


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