Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 79

She wasn't going to waste any more time, and decided to just rush into Mitakihara City, as for whether there would be anyone who would stop her along the way...

The Buddha can only bear it three times, not to mention that she, Sakura Kyoko, is not a very kind person.

"Ah, ah, audition."

Just when Kyoko was about to leave, a familiar voice suddenly came from the grass that had just issued a warning.

"Huya idiot, can you hear me?"

"Who is a Huya idiot! You stupid teacher!"

With a merciless laugh and curse, Kyoko raised the corners of her eyes to stare there, and waved her fist angrily.It is undeniable that the girl could clearly feel that most of the sense of urgency that had been wrapped around her body since she set off before dissipated. When she heard Zheng Yi's voice, the indescribable anxiety also calmed down a little.

At least now, she won't be ready to do it without saying a word like just now.

"Don't talk nonsense, where are you?"

"Even if you ask me that, I'm not sure..."

"Then go make sure, and tell me where you are right away!"

"It seems that you also found something?"

"Hurry- hurry-go!"

"Okay, well, in this case, let's meet at Mitakihara Station. According to your current direction, there are no checkpoints and secret posts along the way. You only need to go all the way to reach Mitakihara Station. But Even so, you have to pay attention to safety, don't be careless. I'm not sure what's going on inside Jian Takihara, I'll meet you there as soon as possible, before that you must be careful alone!"

I even know if there are secret sentries and checkpoints on the way to the station, so I don’t know where I am now?

"Tsk, I got it, I got it! Why are you always so verbose!"

"Take this walkie-talkie and contact me anytime in danger."

"Okay~ I see~ Idiot teacher."

Controlling the tip of the gun to approach there, Kyoko jumped off the grass and picked up the conspicuous walkie-talkie.

"See you then."


Looking at the voiceless walkie-talkie, Kyoko curled her lips and jumped back onto the tip of the gun,


Can't even tell a lie.

The huge spear moved again, like a gigantic mountain python, carrying Xingzi across the road wantonly.


"Okay, then I can't dawdle anymore."

Putting down the microphone in his hand, he took out the chief walkie-talkie from the equipment box on the side. Zheng Yi re-checked the garrison personnel who had been put unconscious in the tent by him, and tied them together after confirming that none of them were in danger of life. , and took out a few larger blankets to cover them.

After hearing Xingzi's voice, the helpless Zheng Yi made a decisive decision. First, he relied on the Tianma form to destroy the communication equipment from A1 to A3 one by one.In the end, A4, who was helpless but didn't know it, was disposed of in the same way.

To be honest, Zheng Yi felt a little sorry for launching attacks on ordinary people, and he was concerned about Xingzi's safety. In addition, these actions did not really harm anyone's life safety and health under Zheng Yi's handling.

In desperation, Zheng Yi did not hesitate too much.

Sorry guys, there's only so much I can do for you.

Holding the walkie-talkie, Zheng Yi lifted the curtain of the tent to look outside, found no problem, got out, and ran towards the interior of Mitakihara City.



The new year is coming soon, wishing everyone an early year.

As for the New Year's special.....



good night

written request for leave

It's the Chinese New Year, and this year's old man's [-]th birthday, I naturally want to go back.

Tomorrow I have to get up early to drive on the highway, and I have to go to bed early tonight. After all, driving while tired is very dangerous.

I just finished processing the directory list and got home. I probably don’t have time to type after I wash up. Sadness is like a river

I will find time to make it up later, sorry for what I said today, I can only ask for leave

You can rest assured that the update will not stop during the Chinese New Year

After all, it's the Chinese New Year, so I don't need to continue my activities in the archaeological institute for the time being

Speaking of the newly brought out one, the shape is amazing, it’s the first time I’ve seen it

If I have time, after this book is finished, I will make up the other two. I want to write a short story about the anthropomorphism of cultural relics (no)

All in all, I want to wish everyone an early New Year.

Well, see you tomorrow night

good night

Chapter 82: Homecoming

Neither Zheng Yi nor Xingzi's advance speed could be blocked by the garrison in time. Although the members of the B4 checkpoint reported the information almost immediately after retreating, like B1 to B3 who still had movable weapons, but whether they had already Kyoko, who drove straight from the Shinkansen track route, or Zheng Yi, who bypassed the B1 to B3 checkpoints and dealt with all the secret calls, the distance between the two of them is too close to Mitakigen City.

It was so close that less than 4 minutes after the call on B3, the two sides stopped in almost no particular order, and took out the walkie-talkie they carried with them.

"Huya idiot (stupid teacher)."

Hearing Xingzi's voice on the walkie-talkie and himself at the same time, Zheng Yi was not surprised.According to the route he recorded, apart from B4 that Kyoko met at the end, there was no other armed force to stop her along the way.Unless the garrison team at the B4 level couldn't think about it and turned back, Kyoko should be quite close to Mitakigen Station at this time.

That is to say, just like myself, he was one step away from entering Jiantakiyuan.

"It seems that you have encountered a similar situation over there."

"Ah? It means that it's the same on your end? This thing can't cover the whole Mitakigen, right?"

"It's hard to say, or in my initial guess, this situation is the most likely one."

There was nothing unusual about the scene in front of him. Zheng Yi was on the hill next to the highway checkpoint, and he only needed to jump down from here to officially enter the range of Mitakiyuan City.He could even see vehicles and people searching for the surrounding higher terrain at the B3 checkpoint in the back.Obviously the garrison team at the B4 checkpoint is really not idle, they have reported all the known information.

The situation became more and more urgent.

"What do you mean?"

"In other words, don't you find this witch enchantment a little familiar?"


Holding the walkie-talkie, Kyoko sat on the gun head with her knees in her arms.After hearing Zheng Yi's words, she raised her head and frowned, and looked up and down at the pale pink light curtain in front of her eyes.Behind the translucent thin curtain, one can clearly see the empty Mitakigen platform. On the tall platforms of granite structure on both sides of the track, there are scattered and disorderly cracks, like the surface cracked by drought.The electronic station sign, which had lost power, hung crookedly on the steel structure, looking crumbling, and the harsh sound of creaking echoed on the platform, and there was no trace of life inside the platform.

It looked like the scene of a disaster just after a major earthquake.

And the pale pink film that separates the tragedy from the girl is what Kyoko called the witch barrier.

The same is true for Zheng Yi. He can see it in his hiding place. He only needs to jump forward from a high place to touch the light pink witch barrier and enter the place where he can see. Longyuan City.

――Or, in the enchantment of the witch.

"...What is this? Are we outside the witch's barrier or inside the witch's barrier?"

Feeling the familiar witch's breath in front of her, Kyoko's irritability, which had been calmed down after learning that Zheng Yi was safe, once again occupied her mind.Staring at the film that was so close in front of her eyes, Kyoko raised the corners of her eyes impatiently, grinning her canine teeth, with a look of restlessness trying to break through violently.

That's right, what Zheng Yi and Kyoko stood in front of was the witch's enchantment they had entered from [Jiantaki Yuan] before.This pale pink film has the same magical aura as the witch's enchantment that was at the abandoned construction site at that time.

Looking back from the garrison troops who were gradually searching this way, Zheng Yi looked at the film in front of him.These garrison teams seem to have been instructed, even if there are no people with magical qualifications among them, no one can detect the witch barrier in front of them, but they still gave up the search to enter Mitakiyuan.All the exploration work is carried out around the city of Mitakiyuan, and no team tries to go to the interior of Mitakiyuan to investigate.

Obviously, even if they don't know what a witch's barrier is, these garrison teams still know the nature of a certain barrier, and understand that ordinary armed forces cannot enter the barrier at will, thus avoiding this choice.

I am afraid that it is the conclusion reached after trying to send a reconnaissance team.

"It's just a guess."

Squatting down slightly, Zheng Yi hid his conspicuous body among the branches and leaves.

"We should be outside the witch's barrier right now—yes, I understand that it's hard to accept either side, but judging from the information I know, this is probably the most reasonable guess."

If it is said that the two of them are in the enchantment of the witch at this time, it means that everything along the way is nothing but a falsehood created by the witch.If the opponent really possesses this level of power, it will probably be a tough fight even if they can really deal with this witch with only Kyoko and Zheng Yi.

But on the other hand, if the two of them are outside the witch's barrier at this time...

To be honest, Zheng Yi was already ready to be questioned by the girl.

However, to Zheng Yi's surprise, there was only a nonchalant response from Xingzi.

"Then, do you want to go in?"

"...Don't you care?"

"How is it possible? I have a lot of questions now, and I wish I could grab you idiot by the collar and ask them out."

Standing up, Kyoko held the walkie-talkie with a sly smile on her face: "But you must have more important things to do now than these, right? So..."

I will leave those questions until after that, and I will have a good chat with you alone.

"So, make up your mind, come in? Or not? Those guys won't give us so much time to do multiple-choice questions if we don't hurry up."

Looking sideways at her back, Kyoko was sure that the garrison troops she had let go hadn't gone far, and most likely were not far behind her.

After all, the walkie-talkies the two were using at this time were facing each other. Even though Zheng Yi and Xingzi tacitly concealed each other's real name during the communication, the call was actually being monitored by the other party all the time.The meeting has not encountered a direct attack until now, largely because the garrison team also understands that unless all forces are concentrated to stop one of them, otherwise their existing armed forces are not enough to put two people between their teeth.

But even so, it doesn't mean that the garrison team will really choose to sit still and do nothing. It is estimated that certain harassment tactics will be adopted by them who are unwilling to give up.

Zheng Yi naturally understood this truth.

"Go in."

"Then it's over."

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