Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 92

"Sleep if you want to sleep."

Responding to Zheng Yi's murmur, a scarlet halo suddenly rose from his waist. This fist-sized scarlet light group first swayed twice on the tip of Zheng Yi's nose, and then fell leisurely. on his right shoulder.

"After all, you have been tortured by those two little girls 120 times seven times. Such a long memory will be returned to you at the same time. Even if the time is not long each time, it is quite an incredible amount."

It was a cute voice that was so immature that it was hard to tell whether it was a boy or a girl, but it spoke in an old-fashioned tone that seemed to appease Zheng Yi. The scarlet light ball kept its chubby appearance, wandering around and touching Zheng Yi's cheek : "So, sleep for a while if you want to sleep."

"Don't say that, if it wasn't for Madoka and Homura, I might have been completely swallowed by the ultimate darkness at No. 20 five times, and turned into a weapon without self-awareness. Enough to awaken your power, or honed the will to fight against the ultimate darkness, these are all thanks to them..."

Having said that, Zheng Yi paused for a moment, then lay down on his back with a delicate expression, stretching his limbs carelessly among the grass leaves.The scarlet light ball took advantage of the situation and rolled from Zheng Yi's shoulder to his chest.It seemed that he was a little angry at his behavior of moving around without saying hello, and he jumped up and down twice in anger.

Letting the light group mess around, Zheng Yi raised his hands and stretched his fingers towards the sky.

On the middle fingers of his left and right hands, he wore a bright golden ring and a dark red ring respectively. Both rings were simple in shape without any patterns or carvings.

Only Zheng Yi and the girl who gave him the two rings knew that the names of the two girls were engraved on the inside of the ring.

"However, if you say you're not tired, you'd be lying."

When Zheng Yi took Kyoko back to Mitakihara Middle School and appeared on the podium, as the children responded in unison, the voice of the terminal also echoed in his ears.

In the next moment, reincarnation and the world were shattered together.

It was not a description, but a true description of the scene that appeared in front of Zheng Yi's eyes in exact words and language.

As far as the eye could see, cracks suddenly appeared on everything, as if a mirror surface that had been shattered by a heavy blow suddenly disintegrated and turned into silver-gray light spots flying all over the sky.And under this gorgeous curtain of light, fire and rain, a crimson world appeared in front of Zheng Yi.There is no top, no bottom, no edge to see, and when you look into the distance that even Zheng Yi's superhuman vision can't see clearly, all you can see is full of purple paint.

The apparently deep tones shone with moving light, just like the galaxy overflowing in the night, bright but not dazzling, soft and endearing.

Kyoko, Asami, Sayaka, Madoka.

The girls surrounded Zheng Yi and fell asleep, with happiness and peace of mind outlined on their peaceful faces, as if some small but irreplaceable wish had been fulfilled in a dream, and the satisfaction that that wish was answered was beyond words.

Zheng Yi's senses at that time were rather complicated, both gratified and a little wary.

The reason for the gratification is self-evident.

Precautions means wishing that what happened in front of him, although he was somewhat prepared, still slightly exceeded his expectations.

There are some things that Zheng Yi has not been able to fully guess - for example, Zheng Yi really did not think of the fact that there are two small circles in front of him.

Although the clothes are completely different, the temperament, hairstyle and even the figure are different, but from the two still slightly childish sleeping faces, Zheng Yi still found traces of familiarity.

Whether it is Madoka on the left or Madoka on the right, they are all students of Zheng Yi, and they are Madoka Kamu.

As long as he knew this, it was enough for Zheng Yi.

And when Xiao Meiyan, who was not among these sleeping girls, actually appeared in front of Zheng Yi, it was another thing that Zheng Yi could not have expected.

"I didn't expect those two children to end up on that path."

"Yeah, the one who stopped the world in that time forever by relying on the power enough to be called a god in order to save you, and the one who didn't hesitate to steal the power of the gods in order to liberate you and that little girl minimized all influences, even the world The rules are completely distorted by her into what she wants..."

Bouncing up and down on the tip of Zheng Yi's nose, the light ball twisted and couldn't tell the difference between up and down, left and right, and commented in a tone between sigh and sarcasm: "Three idiots play a scene, really I have known you for a long time.”

"... Seriously, Yake, do you really have no memory of the past?"

"I've told you, I'm Aatrox and I'm not Aatrox. I haven't experienced that guy's past, so I'm not as bitter and bitter as you describe. For me, it's you That's just the beginning of life, and I feel more empathetic. If you want to complain about my harsh tongue, it must be caused by you."

Yake, or Aatrox, is the true body of this scarlet light.

The gift received during the trial is part of the remaining power belonging to the Darkborn.According to Yake, it has the inherited memory about the Darkborn and the Ascended, but it doesn't have any memory about Aatrox, even the name Yake was given by Zheng Yi for it.I originally wanted to awaken this part of the power that belongs to the Darkborn, even if this remnant in Yake’s narrative is just the tip of the iceberg of the Darkborn’s power, Zheng Yi still needs to be active for several years in the state of ultimate darkness Only time can accumulate enough negative energy to wake it up.

But what Madoka and Homura did directly accelerated this process.

This is also one of the important reasons why, in a world with Madoka, Homura, and even Witch Night's level of combat power, the level of this mission is only three and a half stars for Zheng Yi.

In the hundreds of reincarnations, the number of times of becoming the ultimate darkness alone is a full one hundred and two times, plus the sealed energy fed back from the witches killed in repeated reincarnations.Although Zheng Yi's power will be washed back to its original appearance every time he reincarnates, but every time those powers are filled up, Yake will retain a considerable part of them for recovery and self-improvement.Even if it's not too much each time, as the number of reincarnations increases, the accumulation of small things will eventually catch up with the critical moment in the last reincarnation and become the real winner.

Black sun mode

This name comes from Homura's description of the figure that is different from Ultimate.

【It's as if the sun has finally released its anger, restraining its usual gentleness and harmony, fading its brilliance, putting on the idea of ​​a death struggle, and rising slowly from the horizon. 】

The essence of Ultimate Darkness is the completion of a complete battle-specific transformation of the host. If the host can rely on a strong will to reject the desire for a higher level of power, then there is a one in ten thousand chance of being able to fight against the ultimate darkness. Extreme darkness has its own consciousness—at first, Zheng Yi thought so.

But in fact, apart from this path, there are other ways.

If you can’t [Reject], then [Coexist].

As the holder of the ultimate dark power, Daguba has not lost his will, and can always maintain himself to participate in the battle.This means that Mr. Wudai's rejection and overcoming of the ultimate darkness is not the only way, but the coexistence and mastery of the ultimate darkness is another way.

Not to fight, but to adapt.

In the back and forth of reincarnation, Zheng Yishi really realized that he might never be able to rely on his aversion to violence and his obsession with peace to fight against the erosion of the ultimate darkness like Mr. Wudai.

That being the case, why not try another path?

Accept your militant side, and don't blindly resist or even escape your true side because of the loss of control, but muster up the courage to accept your inner self with your head held high and your chest held out.

The black sun form is the beginning of this road, or in other words, the front.

Even if you know the path you should take and strengthen your belief and will, the erosion of the ultimate darkness does not mean that you can adapt to it, so the black sun form came into being under such thoughts.

Relying on Yake as a medium, extract the power that will not completely submerge Zheng Yi's consciousness from the huge ultimate darkness, thus reducing the possibility of directly losing yourself because of the ultimate darkness risk.

In simple terms, Yake is a restrictive restrictor as insurance.

Facing the boundless ultimate power like a vast ocean, Yake is like a solid dam, able to precisely control the darkness pouring into Zheng Yi's body.Although it is still necessary for Zheng Yi to adapt to the darkness with his own will, compared to the unseen behemoth in the ultimate form, Zheng Yi has already been able to do the same in the black sun form. Dark coexistence.

Although, it is still unavoidable to become more war-loving and aggressive in the black sun form.

And to be honest, the name of this form makes Zheng Yi always have a sense of crisis with a dull pain in his waist.


"It's better than getting out of control."

"You know, why don't you thank me soon?"

"Thank you, Jake."


After receiving Zheng Yi's unhesitating words of gratitude, Yake, who was a little dissatisfied and fussy because Zheng Yi was thinking about it in a daze and ignoring it, was straightforward, and his attitude suddenly became intimate, sticking to the tip of Zheng Yi's nose and cheek It started to roll, and it couldn't be seen that it was still full of anger a few seconds ago.

"Because the reward has been handed over by agent number 913 and the task issuer, no additional processing will be given by the courtyard this time. After confirming the completion status of the task, world number B-21 has completed the signing of the treaty with the world consciousness, agent Number 913 has obtained unlimited travel rights to the world B-21 from now on. Acting number 913, you still need to complete the task amount of 1 in this time node, that is, after completing this task, you can get the duration of your birth The plane has twenty natural days of vacation time, you can choose to start the next mission immediately, or take a break before doing the last mission. According to your current schedule, it is judged that it is best to complete the mission after about two natural days of rest Appropriate plan, above."

Raising his eyebrows in surprise, Zheng Yi kept lying on his back and looked at the terminal.

"The right to move without restriction means... can I go to Homura's world like returning to the plane of birth in the future?"

"Yes, do you want the terminal to explain it to you in detail?"

"sorry to bother you."

"The right to move without restrictions is a rare right owned by an agent. It is a special right that can only be given to an agent after the world consciousness itself voluntarily signs a treaty with the terminal to which the agent belongs. Simply put, it is equivalent to the agent will You will get two birth planes. In the world with unlimited movement rights, the rights and rules that the agent has are exactly the same as those in the birth plane. The only difference is that this treaty can be changed by the The World Consciousness side destroys and deprives the agent of the unlimited movement rights, above. Is there anything I don’t understand?”

"Easy to understand and very detailed, it's nice to have you here, Terminal."

"The responsibility lies."

"Unlimited mobile rights..."

Taking out a blue peace talisman from the collar of his coat, Zheng Yi looked at it and the rings in both hands, showing a silly happy smile.

"Terminal, I want to take a break first. Could you please teleport me back?"

"Responsibility, 913."

Reaching out to catch Ya Ke who almost fell from his cheek, Zheng Yi carefully held it to his waist.Knowing that Zheng Yi was going to transfer, Ya Ke jumped on Zheng Yi's palm playfully, and after making an agreement with Zheng Yi to let it out for a walk, he slipped back into his waist contentedly.

"If you need to return to the courtyard, please call me in an uninhabited area like last time. So, are you ready?"


"Understood, the teleportation has started, please take care of your body and have a good rest."

"I will, see you later."


4K word chapter

At this moment, an incredible thing happened in Zheng Yi's body!

Witch Night: ! ! ! (shock)

So what exactly did Homura and Madoka hand over the wishing technique to Zheng Yi?

Chapter push

"The Neverending Tomorrow of Eastern Redemption"

The style of writing is serious, a clear stream in the dirty guest.

nothing left....

But still can't get rid of it...

All that's left is hatred and rage...

Then... let me embrace the spiral of contradictions until destruction puts...

- Neo Avelux

Works with close to 200 million words can be written directly


good night

Chapter 2: Siblings

The moment he returned to his home, Zheng Yi picked up the mobile phone he had placed on the living room table, and at the same time glanced at the electronic wall clock hanging high on the wall in the middle of the hall from the corner of his eye.

It was 43:44:[-] when we left and it was [-]:[-]:[-] when we came back.

As promised by the courtyard, Zheng Yi obviously stayed in Madoka's world for quite a long time, but for this plane of his birth, Zheng Yi only left for only a second.

That said, it's time to go get some slob out of bed for breakfast.

Put the egg porridge and shredded pork porridge on the table, put the plated bacon and scallion pancakes on the table together, arrange the tableware, Zheng Yi thought for a while, and decided to call Zheng Xin, the little slob, first Come back and make apple tea.

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