Keep it in the Family (Secret Class)

30 — Poor Mia

Cha Mia's POV:

To say that Mia wasn't happy about being left off of Dae Ho's video, even if the reason was understandable —  and sweet too —  was a huge understatement. She had texted him the moment she woke up, but so far she had yet to get a reply.

'It's been hours!'

She seethed in silence, her mind already conjuring up unlikely scenarios of Dae Ho being entangled with another woman. Somewhere far from home, in the embrace of some other wench, kissing and fucking and whispering sweet words.

God, she hated it.

There was a time she used to think he'd never be particularly popular, certainly not among women, but life had a funny way to get back at you. She was living proof of that.

And now she was stuck between two different lives. One was that of a free-spirited young woman, and the other that of a sister in love with her step-brother.

Naturally, Mia had already accepted those feelings. Dae Ho made it very hard not to.

Being in his arms. Being kissed by him. Being 'made love to' — because with him it was love, not just sex — it made her stomach tingle and her heartbeat skyrocket. There was a sense of urgency as well. If she didn't stake her claim, someone else would sweep in and take him for themselves.

"Ugh!" Mia ran a hand through her hair in frustration. She swept her legs off her bed and got up, making her way downstairs to grab some chocolate to ease her nerves. However, it was right at that moment that the main entrance door was opened, and familiar footsteps rang out.

Everyone else in the family was accounted for. Well, except for her dad.

But she instinctively knew who it was, like an addict catching the whiff of nicotine.

'Dae Ho!'

Mia hastily dashed downstairs, and when she turned around the corner, she almost slammed into Dae Ho.

Strong hands grabbed her shoulders, halting her momentum. He wore a look of surprise. "Mia Noona?"

She gulped, a disarray of emotions clouding her judgment. "Where have you been?" Gosh, she didn't want to sound too controlling, but her earlier fantasies really scared her.

"Thought you knew already." Dae Ho released her, and she immediately missed his warm touch. "I've been recording a new video for our channel."

Her eyes roamed all over his face, then his neck, before doing an in-depth scan of every inch of his exposed skin. 'Good, there are no suspicious marks or bruises.' She heaved a deep sigh. The sudden turmoil of emotions left her a little tired.

She dabbed her forehead into his chest, eyes closing as she inhaled in his scent.

"Are you okay?" Dae Ho asked, voice laced with genuine concern. He draped an arm around her shoulder, hand moving up and down her back, in soothing circles.

"Hmhm." Mia nodded, not looking up. Not yet.  "Can you do me a favor?"

His slight dip of the chin against her head told her that he nodded.

She continued. "When you go out to record videos, take me with you, even if I'm sleeping. It's fine to wake me up."

"Yes, but then it'd be me who'll have to deal with your irritable ass for the rest of the day. Not worth it."


Despite that, a smile tugged at her lips.

"You know what makes me happy when I'm irritable?"

He chuckled, and the vibrations spread from his chest into hers. "Let me guess. Chocolate?"

"That too…" This time Mia pulled back, just a little, and stared deep into his eyes. "... but there's 'something' else I prefer over chocolate."

The fire in her eyes was contagious, and soon Dae Ho's body was also radiating lustful heat. "Look at you. I just got back and you already can't keep your hands off of me."

Mia tilted her head to the side, fully exposing her swan neck, and the vivid bruise on her throat. "You've marked me." She placed a hand on his chest, finger drawing soft circles. "Doesn't that mean that I'm yours, just as you're mine? I'm allowed to touch you if I want to, hm?"

"You… why didn't you hide it?"

"Why should I?" She smirked, eyes narrowing. "I'm not ashamed of flashing it around. In fact, I'm proud of it!" She turned her nose up, hands on her hips.

"People might start askin—"

A new voice piped up. "Huh? What are you two doing?"

Mia and Dae Ho instantly turned their heads around.

Eun Ha was there, at the threshold that connected the main entrance to the living room. She alternated her gaze between them suspiciously. It might have been because of their closeness, or the way Mia was almost pasting herself into him, in a very intimate, unsibling-like way.

"Nothing?" Mia forced a smile on her face as she distanced herself a bit from Dae Ho. Eun Ha blinked, eyes moving from Dae Ho to Mia, before they trekked down her throat, where a purple bruise was within plain sight. Mia froze, instinctively turning her head around to hide the love mark.

"Were we being too loud, Auntie?" Dae Ho chimed in, wearing a composed smile.

"I thought you were arguing…" Eun Ha admitted, a thoughtful frown marring her face. The way she stared at them was not 'normal'. In fact, it was the first time Dae Ho had seen her like that.

Likewise, Mia never thought her mother was smart enough to realize 'certain' things or to read between the lines. In some aspects, she was naive. She always gave off this feeling that she had to be protected.

But that was what made her more appealing.

Well, apparently, she was wrong. Eun Ha was slowly connecting the dots, though, to what extent, neither of them knew. She flashed him a flustered smile. "Dae Ho, honey, why don't you go wash up? Dinner will be ready soon."

He traded a look with Mia, who nodded at him.

'Nothing will happen, right?' She thought as she watched Dae Ho round up the corner and vanish upstairs.

Why was it so hard to be with the one she loved?

Eun Ha stood there, smile never leaving her face.

Mia stared back at her, crossing her arms. "What's wrong?"

"Hmm." Eun Ha blinked, before a soft, awkward laugh slipped past her lips. "Haha... I didn't know you had a boyfriend…"

Mia covered her hickey with a hand. "Well… it happened."

"Is it common?" Eun Ha followed up with genuine curiosity.


"Hmm… hickeys… are they common?"

"..." Mia gaped. "I guess?"

Eun Ha tapped her chin, lips puckered in thought. "I see." Then a smile bloomed on her face. "It's the first time I saw one on you though."

"Oh…" Mia floundered for words. " I said… it just sort of happened. Don't think too much about it."

The sound of footfalls rang out in a lazy stride, prompting both of them to look up at Su Ah, who was traipsing down the stairs with an ever-present stoic expression on her face.

Su Ah raised one eyebrow when she noticed her mother and older sister staring at her.

There was a weird atmosphere between them, but she blissfully ignored it.

'Thank God, a distraction!'

Mia's lips curved into a wide smile as she lunged for Su Ah, grabbed her by the crook of her arm, and dragged her towards Eun Ha.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Su Ah frowned, silently cursing for being physically weaker than her sister.

"Shouldn't you help mom peel onions?" Mia asked with righteous indignation.

Su Ah nursed her arm once it was released. "Isn't that your job, Unnie?"

A tick mark popped on Mia's forehead. "Why you…"

"Is that a hickey?" Su Ah pointed out, immediately putting cold water on Mia's anger. She eyed the love bite up and down. "Bold of you to go around like that. For God's sake, at least have the decency to cover it. We don't need to know what you've been up to lately."


Eun Ha laughed awkwardly.

"If dad sees you like that, he's gonna have a mental breakdown. Besides, do you really feel comfortable showing that off when Dae Ho is around? Don't put weird ideas into his head." Su Ah sighed as she stalked off.

Mia zipped her lips. Some things were better left unsaid.

And unbeknownst to her, Eun Ha was of the same mind. In fact, if Mia happened to look at her right in that instant, she'd notice a massive blush on her face.

"Ah, I have to finish preparing dinner." Eun Ha excused herself with a forced, albeit shy, smile. With quick steps, she scuttled back to the kitchen, leaving Mia all alone.

'What just happened…?'

She shook her head as she made her way up.

The muffled rush of running water sounded out through the closed door.


Mia licked her lips and approached the door, her steps light and feline. She needed a bit of D-vitamin to make up for the embarrassment she went through downstairs. She folded her fingers around the door handle, quietly twisted it, and violently swung it open. "Boooo! You bastard!"

Then she paled, mouth hanging open in horror.

And so did Yeong Gu.

'When did he get back?!'

Mia slammed the door shut.


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