Keep it in the Family (Secret Class)

33 — Pillow Talk

Tifa (Illustration)


Mia's breathing blew across my chest. She was snuggled up into my bosom, with one of my arms wrapped around her. There was a content smile on her face, and from time to time she'd groan and burrow further into my embrace, seeking more warmth and protection.

I gave up on sleeping the moment I woke up to Mia straddling me. If she wasn't so cuddly, I would have gotten up and done a bit of research. Perhaps a quick workout too, since this body of mine could have easily handled it. However, watching Mia sleep after our earlier naughty wrestling, with such a pleasant expression, made my heart beat a little too fast.

Why was it that both Mia and Eun Ha had such an overwhelming effect on me? I was pretty resistant to beautiful women. A life like mine was bound to make any meek young boy into a hardened man. So, why was that both of these women, these relatives, were like kryptonite to me?

The more I stared at Mia, the more I realized how much she meant to me. And it was not in a figurative, familial sense, but a romantic one. Perhaps the days without fame and random women throwing themselves at me had turned me into the young boy I used to be, so eager to love and to be loved.

With a sigh, I reached a hand out and, with the knuckles of my fingers, caressed the side of her face. Mia reacted by widening her smile and clawing herself further into my chest. "Why are you so cute?" I whispered, still stroking her right cheek.

She grunted, mumbling something in her sleep.

"Hm. I agree." I nodded, even though I hadn't the slightest clue as to what she said.

The storm outside had waned considerably throughout our love-making.

Only a faint pitter-patter could be heard. Mia, obviously, was quick to fall asleep to the soothing coo of nature.

I stared at the ceiling.

'How do I make this work?'

My relationship with Eun Ha and Mia.

In my previous world, polygamy was highly frowned upon. Of course, there were still a few cases, but they were far and few between. I was also a firm believer in loyalty to a single woman. In fact, it was one of the reasons why I didn't take my relationship with Mia to the next stage.

However, with how entangled I was with them, it was inevitable that, at some point, they'd figure out what I was up to behind their backs. So, I either cut them off, which I had no intention of doing, or confronted them about it — also a risky move.

I knew how Mia felt about me.

Eun Ha, on the other hand, was a bit more vague, understandably so. She bottled everything up, despite my best attempts to bring her inner, caged self out. It was not like I couldn't understand why she was like that.

She stood on the remains of her wrecked marriage.

Every day, she woke up to someone she didn't love.

I wanted to help her. I really did. But how?

'Love doesn't fix everything.'

I heaved a deep sigh, my hand never stopping gliding up and down Mia's cheek, in a soft, straight path.

A buzzing, followed by a familiar melody, rang out next to me.

I turned my head to the side, noticing the display of my phone lighting up. I shuffled a bit, my other arm extending to grab the device. I didn't want to wake Mia up, so I made sure my movements were slow and smooth.

The moment I unlocked it, I saw the name of the sender.


It was 4 am. Was she already done with the editing?

My suspicions were confirmed when I opened the chat and a file was attached to her message. Actually, it was two files. One was a video, and the other a picture — though its preview was not available.

Lil'Tifa: Dae Hoooooo! Wakey wakey! I'm done! Tell me what you think about it (๑ →ܫ←)

Did she stay up all night to finish it?

I tapped on 'download', and the files were transferred to my phone, taking no more than ten seconds to install everything. I decided to watch the video first.

Everything was mostly the same, though Lil'Tifa had trimmed down some unnecessary fat, like random periods of silence when I was thinking about what to say next. She added some nice transitions, a catchy background song, and some texts to go along with my explanation.

Overall, it was really neat work. I was impressed.

Mia shifted next to me, getting more comfortable.

The video ended, the screen slowly darkening. The background song faded along with it. 'I can't believe she's willing to work for free.'

It was not as if I wasn't wary of a hidden agenda being the main motivator for Lil'Tifa to do so. But at the same time, I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.

With that thought in mind, I lazily clicked on the picture file.

The moment it overtook the entirety of my screen, I raised an eyebrow.

A semi-naked young woman was sitting on her bed. Her bare, pale thighs were huddled together, making them look thicker than they probably were.

She was wearing an unbuttoned, white flannel shirt. It barely covered the important bits, though that was the teasing charm of the picture. Her creamy midsection was fully exposed, along with the outer edges of her breasts, but no more than that.

Her stomach was flat and toned, not to mention incredibly pale.

My eyes trailed up, wanting to put a face to that body, but Lil'Tifa had slightly angled the camera downward. Only the lower half of her face was visible.

I huffed out a chuckle. There was no way this wasn't intentional.

Dae Ho: Tifa, you sneaked a nudie in there, didn't you?

Her reply was quick to come.

Lil'Tifa: Huuhh?? What are you talking about?

Dae Ho: You sent me a picture along with the file.


Lil'Tifa: Oh God… I'm so sorry!! (*/ω\) I probably clicked it on accident. It was just lying there in my gallery haha…

I rolled my eyes. 'Excuses…'

Dae Ho: I see, I see. It makes sense haha

No, it didn't. Perhaps playing dense was better? Ah, choices.

Mia groaned, repositioning herself in my embrace. It was all an unconscious move. She was still asleep. However, when her hand made a downward descent towards my navel, I instinctively knew something was afoot.

"Who are you talking to?"

I blinked and turned my head to my right. Mia was staring at me, eyes sleep-addled but sober enough to catch me red-handed. Well, there was nothing to be guilty of.

"My editor." I didn't miss a beat. I typed a quick thank you to Tifa and then logged out. "It was about our latest video."

"The one you left me out of." She pointed out, though it lacked any real heat.

"Because I was gentlemanly enough to let you have your beauty sleep, not that you need any."

She rolled her eyes.

I laughed.

"Hmm, and you better take me with you next time." Mia poked at my ribs, as if to emphasize her point.

"Or what?" I whispered challengingly. "You're gonna ambush me in the middle of the night to show me how displeased you are?"

A smirk played out on her face. She leaned her mouth next to my ear, her teeth grazing my lobe. "I could use some ropes next time. Some candle wax as well, and… a cock ring. 'Cuz, why not? You're surprisingly defenseless when you sleep."

I frowned. "Who isn't?"

"Exactly." Her hot breath slipped into my ear, making itself at home there.

Shivers went down my spine.

"That would be very disobedient of you, Mia Noona." I said, narrowing my eyes. The smile never left her face, and all I wanted at that moment was to kiss it off, to silence her with a passionate tongue-dance and turn her into a moaning mess.

She made an innocent face, blinking owlishly at me. "Oh, woe is me. Maybe you were not… rough enough earlier?"

I bit my lip. "You're not serious…"

Mia rolled around, until she was straddling me. Her eyes were in a deadlock with mine. I had a perfect view of her breasts, big, perky, and bold enough to defy gravity. "Hah. Ain't telling you." And then she tilted her head down, until the crown of her hair rested against my chin. Her lips brushed across my chest.

I briefly thought a blowjob was in order.

Turned out I was wrong.

Mia didn't move any lower. Her hands skimmed across my torso, nails scratching and sinking into my skin. I clenched my jaw as the sharp pain flared, no doubt leaving red welts behind. "I'm still unhappy that someone else marked you." She whispered.

I couldn't see her eyes, but her tone had a very possessive lilt.

"Is that so?" I whispered back. I placed a hand on the back of her head, content with running my fingers through her flaxen locks. "What are you gonna do about it?"

Mia chuckled into my chest, her warm breath tickling my skin.

And then she chomped on my left pectoral, exactly where my heart was located. Intense pain shot up. I swallowed back the hiss that almost tumbled out of my lips.

It was not a soft bite. It didn't have any 'love' to it.

It had more aggression than passion.

Still, I didn't push her away. Her tongue ran laps around the crimson marks, slippery and wet. It dulled the pain a little. She tucked a stray tress of hair behind her ear, and slowly pulled away. A fading trail of saliva briefly connected her tongue to my chest.

The twinges continued their path through my nerves.

I looked down, assessing the damage. Unlike her previous hickey, this one was considerably more evident, almost like a tattoo. The bruise was deeper, and so were the dents she left behind with her teeth. Thankfully, the skin didn't crack enough for blood to seep through.

"You want to maim me now?" I stared at Mia, eyes narrowed.

There was a satisfied, albeit bashful, smile on her face. "I just wanted to make sure my mark was more powerful than hers. If she tries to outdo me, she'd probably rip a chunk of your flesh off." She said, puffing out her chest in pride.

"Yeah, something I'm definitely not looking forward to…" I grimaced.

"Does it hurt a lot?" Mia asked with a purr, rocking her hips into mine. Naturally, due to our entangled position — like two connected pieces of Tetris — her sleek warmth and softness were pressing and grinding against my meat.

The reaction that followed was as natural as it was instinctive.

"Yes, it does." I said with a faux sniff. "Perhaps you can make it feel better?"

"Hmm…" Mia smirked, tapping her chin in thought. Her grinding never stopped, instead, it gained intensity. She swayed left and right, as if dancing. Her moist folds rubbed along the length of my shaft. Despite that, my eager erection didn't penetrate the elusive hole. She was happy with teasing me, with making me lose the last vestiges of my patience. "Aw. You want me to kiss the boo-boo away?"

"Well, a kiss wouldn't be unwelcome." I thrust my hips upward. A groan rumbled in her throat. The facade she had put on to tease me was more vulnerable than I thought. "You like to kiss me, don't you?"


I propped myself up and wrapped my arms around her. She blinked at me, blushing a little. I ran my hand down the sensitive ridge of her spine, smiling as I watched her squirm and bite her lip. I nuzzled the side of her face, my lips brushing across her earlobe. "Sometimes? Ah, in that case, I'll just kiss someone else."

"D-Don't you… hnn!... dare…" She said, moaning and grappling onto me.

Her butt continued riding me, rubbing and slicking my cock with her overflowing juices. I wondered how long until her self-restraint broke and she impaled herself on my member. The face she was making denoted that she was close to that breaking point. What if I denied her of it?

That mischievous thought was planted in my head.

I moved a little closer and nibbled her ear. She squeaked out a very cute sound. Somewhere between a squeal and moan. "I'm a very daring man." I chuckled, my hand now resting on the beautiful crevice of her ass. One of my fingers treaded down, hitching over her butthole, and like a fish caught on bait, she was thoroughly hooked by the sensation.

Mia melted into my bosom, her eyes unfocused.

That was the perfect moment to deliver the coup de grace. And I did so with a playful slap on her delicious butt cheek. "Alright, Mia Noona. Do you know what I want to do right now?" She shook her head against my chest, breathing quietly. "I want to go out for a run, so get your ass up."

She froze, and so did her breathing.


Thank you Pvtcheeks for the very embellished review!

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