E208 – I am your queer man.

When Ares awoke in the morning he had the worst hangover. His mind throbbed every few moments and even the sunlight seemed to harm him. Yet Heria dragged him out of his tent and splashed him with some water. Ares then leapt into the cold bath that had awaited the warmth from his flames. He shuddered and then came out from under the surface of the water, gasping as this shock awakened him.

'That was the worst best idea I have ever had!' He remained in the bath for some time before he stepped out and changed.

He looked over to Heria and nodded to her, his face slightly scowling, but he understood why she dragged him out in such a manner. Then he motioned a hand to a few soldiers. “You’re on duty today, celebrate tomorrow and then continue to celebrate. Switch the hundred every day, alright?”

With that done he left a few orders for the others, especially with how they should behave around the Reptai and how they should be treated, before then he marched with a few of the Flaming Wolves, who all flanked around him as they returned to Rivea. The Roaring Tridents took their place ahead and behind the pack, with a pair around Ares. Xan followed as well, accepting Ares’ invitation to celebrate within Rivea proper.

It didn’t take too long before he saw that Rivea was already celebrating, with the Marching Blades all taking watch as the rest of the citizens and soldiers celebrated. When they saw Ares, a ripple of silence flowed through Rivea.

Ares felt so awkward at the moment, he hadn’t expected everyone to grow quiet like that. They all looked at him with tacit expectation.

Ares could see Lana and Torak were near one another near the centre, where he was led by the Roaring Tridents. Ares kept his sight on Lana, who stood up and reached for his hands.

“I see you are in good health,” she said to him, though her eyes were still a glare.

“Fortunately.” Ares leaned in to kiss her cheek and then her jaw. “We’ll talk about that later.”

“Very well,” Lana said as she let go of him.

Ares turned around to address his people, who continued to wait for him. “It’s good to see you all again, it’s been a short while since we last spoke.” Ares bowed his head and waved a hand. He placed his other hand into his pocket and straightened his back.

“As you know, a few thousand enemies were at our border. Further still, a few more thousand appeared. All in all, there were far more than the ten thousand we had faced before. With the strength that is Rivea and what it means to be Riveans, as well as the Reptai, and then some quite fortunate timing that had come from the hyenafolk, we were able to drive away the enemy. Not just drive away, but to eradicate them from thousands to perhaps a hundred, if that.”

Ares paused for a long moment. “It is a shame that such death has plagued our lands, but it is not a shame that we did so. They had brought it upon themselves, and we should not accept such aggression, regardless of how powerful or numerous our foes are. It is today, that Rivea’s future is certain. For we know, when push comes to shove, that if we are outnumbered, our backs against the wall, we will triumph. For that is what our life is. That is what it means to be Rivean. Of course, to be Rivean is so much more, but that is one thing we can firmly state.”

Ares turned to look at Lana and then back to Heria. “I will say, that leading such a wonderful nation is a difficult task. I have one other who is aiding me, the other half of Rivea’s might, Rori-kin.” Ares motioned with his free hand to the bearfolk. “Yet… even so, it is difficult. Many empires and kingdoms may only have one ruler, but that is because to rule their empire or their kingdom, it is easy. It takes two to command Rivea, and it is not even to command it, but to allow us to guide it along the right path. We will not get it right every time, but I promise you that it is our intention to strive towards righteousness.”

Ares paused. “I hope that, when I fail, you remember this. That you will remember that Ares-kin, Master of Waters, Kin of all Riveans, King of Rivea… though he has failed, he did so with righteous intentions… I am a man of Rivea, I will fight and die for Rivea, the same as any other.”

Ares stopped. This talk was a little heavy, and perhaps this wasn’t the time and place for it. He inhaled deeply and then sighed. “Rejoice! For we, all of us here, have fought and beaten the invaders. From those that grew the food for our soldiers, that made the weapons, that made the boots that helped deliver such items, every single one of us won that battle. It was not a task done by one Rivean, but by all!” Ares summoned his blade.

“I bleed for those who bleed for me!”

The Riveans exclaimed it back to him and Ares smiled.

“Now I promised the soldiers two things. A week long celebration filled with food and fu-” He noted the various children about and winced. “Fun! Now let us celebrate! We worked hard for Rivea, and now we must play hard for Rivea!”

The people cheered and were spurred on by their King’s words. They began to play their drums and dance, many beginning a chant or two. Ares realised he’d need to make a chant for all Riveans to rally behind, an anthem.

He was pulled away from his thoughts by a pair of strong arms before Lana kissed him.

“You are a queer man,” she said.

“I am your queer man.” Ares held her face.

Lana embraced him tight, too tight. Yet Ares did not stop her, for no doubt there was anger in the embrace, but there was also a deep relief. Ares held the base of one horn and rubbed her ears with his finger tips, the other arm wrapped around her to keep her close.

And Rivea celebrated.

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