King of the Mountain

24 - The World Changes

Chapter 24: The World Changes

I spend the next couple of days setting up my grand display of magic and feeding/playing with my new dragons. Soon enough the day of the solstice arrives. I let everyone know that there will be a big buffet and meeting tonight in the main courtyard, followed by an announcement and then a big surprise. Everyone seems to be looking forward to it.

I am having lunch with my family when suddenly I hear chimes and see a blue screen.

“Attention citizens of Earth. Your planet has been selected to join the Great Game. Everyone over the age of 12 will be sent into a tutorial for 1 week except for beta testers and others who have successfully completed their trials. You may select a difficulty level for your trial before you leave. Rewards will be assessed and delivered based upon your completion and level selected at the end of the tutorial.

Level 1 80% survival rate

Level 2 60% survival rate

Level 3 40% survival rate

Level 4 20% survival rate

Level 5 1% survival rate

Those that do not choose will automatically be placed in level 5 difficulty. Please note that these are estimates and may not actually be reflective of survival rates in the tutorial. All children under the age of 12 will be put in stasis until after the tutorial. If no parent or close relative survives than the children will be transported to the nearest concentration of adults that did survive. You have 10 minutes until you are transported, remember to have fun.”

Oh crap, this is happening faster than I expected. I quickly tell my family to run to the courtyard and that I will explain everything soon. I run at full speed to the intercom system of the resort.

“Everyone that can hear this please assemble in the courtyard immediately. This is not a joke and the clock is ticking.”

I run down to the courtyard and see that it is slowly filling up. I have to start now even though everyone has not arrived.

“Listen up the blue screen and voice you saw and heard was not a joke. Neither is the difficulty. As far as I know I am the only survivor of the beta test.”

I create a giant fireball above my head and shoot it into the sky. This should help them focus and get them to believe in the severity of the situation.

“When the timer is up you must select your difficulty level. If you have family, I recommend level 1. Being alive is more important to your family than being powerful. I will help everyone who makes it back from the tutorial.”

I start to empty my inventory of all of the weapons and stored food and water I have. It starts piling up very quickly.

“Grab something to take with you it might help. Remember that staying safe is more important than power at this time. You are all my friends and family so if something does happen know that I will do my best to take care of your loved ones.”

I smile and walk towards my immediate family. I start to hand out some weapons that I held back from the pile. I encourage them all to try their best and tell them I will see them in a week. I need to keep a positive and upbeat attitude in front of everyone.

“Teleportation will begin in 60 seconds, please select your difficulty level now.”

I quickly give my daughter a hug and kiss and tell her to be smart and be careful.

“I will see you in a week sweet pea.”

As people vanished all around me I finally gave in to my tears. I knew that this was the last time I would see many of them. The Great Game does not play around. How many survived and would be back in a week only time would tell. I need to pull myself together. I now have 1 week where I will be the only person on Earth and I had things I needed to do.

Wait I wasn’t the only one left. The entire population of Hidden Valley Village was already part of the Great Game so they should still be here. I will need to visit them soon and see if they need anything. First thing I want to do is check on my ability to claim more land. I walk outside the castle and open up my kingdom screen.

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