Kismet’s Tale

Chapter 24: The Bastards

      “Is that your friendly advice?”

“I suppose it is.”

Mavin folded his arms.

“See? Brother, you are a meddler, and honestly you are one of the greatest meddler I have ever seen.  I just hope that you don’t make the same mistake, brother. This city has a way of finding weakness and exploiting it. Do you remember Jefs?”

“I do.”

Her expression softened. “He was someone that we met during our time. He was a good soldier to the family. Better than anyone, but sadly he had too many good qualities in him.”

“Is he?”

“Two years ago, he was doing fine. After what you pulled for him, he had been a good courier for the Tomas and the Bradley Family. I would have made him knight if it wasn’t for the fact that he had worshipped the ground you walked too much. You pulled him out of the void that he called life. You made sure that he would fit in. But in the end he had to cling to you. Jefs depended on you a lot that he didn’t realize that Mavin Tomas was no longer around to keep him in line. The other families demanded Jefs to be brought to justice. You know what we had to do.”

Mavin stood in front of Rose with a stolid face. Her eyes locked to her with the same placid expression that she had always kept.

“You sold him out.”

“He left us no choice, brother. Jefs is a good man. Better than anyone. I would have done everything that I could have to save the life of a soldier, but Jefs had forgotten who he works for.  There is a reason we do not bring those who have righteous morals so easily in our family. It was either I gather the wrath of the minor houses or appease them with this. The reason the Falcone Family is alive and breathing, is because of what Jefs did.”

Mavin’s eyes did not leave Rose. She did not look away or blink. Her eyes remained still and locked on his eyes.

“So you had him killed?”

“He called us traitors. Told us that we are nothing but the same foul filth that seeps on the layer of the city. Brother, he is one of the people that you should have not allowed in the family. Jefs is a good man, but a good man like him does not belong to a place like this. He had offended too many, and relied too much on the idea that the family will keep him safe. That we would uphold his ideals!”

“Then you should have!”

“I would have, if he was someone that was worth keeping by our side. My sweetest brother, you had rescued him from that self-destructive path of his, but now what is left of him was a pathetic man who had tried to bring a light to the mud. There was no helping it, brother. Jefs offended too many. Pushed too many to the point that they would rather side with the Falcone family if it meant that Jefs head would roll.”

Rose showed no emotion to her voice.  She remained still and firm on what she was saying, without a single doubt in her words. Mavin understand that Jefs needed to die. Mavin had no information other than her own words. However, further thought, he had realized that investigating what would happen, would take his time.

“Is this why you said that?”

Rose faintly smiled, “Brother, I only asked that you don’t repeat the same mistake of bringing those who have too much moral in a place where it is truly lacking. You know what we do, brother. We understand how filthy our souls are by now. I would not resent Jefs even if he was a good man who had tried to do well. Did I kill him for no reason? No, I didn’t. I had pulled the trigger on him because he made mistakes that would have cost more lives. If we started a war with the families two years ago, what do you think would have happened, brother? Every damn Imperial Soldier who is still fresh from the field would have swarmed, and destroyed the ebony market. Chaos brings instability, and instability brings opportunists who would want to profit and bring their goals close to completion using such chaos.”

“Did you at least try to save him?”

Rose’s expression faltered for a moment. “Of course I did, brother. I am not that heartless. But I couldn’t bring him back after learning some truth about Jefs. Do you perhaps know it?”

“He was part of the Entres Le Nefarious.”

“So you do know,” Rose nodded her head, as if she understood something. “Were you hoping to use Jefs to spy on the revolutionaries?”

“I was.”

“So he was a tool then. Then brother understands the implications of being a revolutionary. He was someone who would have participated in bringing our Empire to kneel. If we didn’t silence Jefs sooner or later, they would know of his relations with the Entres Le Nefarious. Our Empire is experiencing a rabid fanaticism that they would have turned their guns at us for helping the ‘traitors’ of the Empire. Do you understand why I need to do what I do?”

“You could have sent him to Lazon.”

“There were too many birds and rats for that to happen. The moment he had left this city, they would have pulled the trigger. Jefs was a good soldier for the family. He was a good man who would have brought some bit of light in this cesspool of ours, but I cannot let anyone know that he was someone who had ties to the revolutionaries.”

Mavin’s face softened for a moment. He sat back down and propped his forehead on his palm. Rose stayed silent for a moment, watching the shaft of light bounced through the wine glass that was sitting on her table.

“Brother, do you understand my reasons for it?”

“I do. I don’t understand why you bring it up after saying that.”

“Like I said, brother. It was just friendly advice from me. Brother, you are good at what you do. I saw from time to time how you can easily find the knots in someone’s heart. How you untangle them, straighten them, and make them kiss the ground you follow by the time you are done with them. I have met many fools who know how to play with the emotions of people. Many of the heads of the families always have such an intense glare that they seem to scrutinize and assess a person with their glare. But my sweetest brother, you don’t need those tricks to assess someone. There is this instinctive ability that you have to find this immediate weakness. Hence, why I always believe that you are the greatest meddler.”

Rose’s face showed admiration. Her flushed cheeks and dilated eyes digging through him. Rose Bradley, in his eyes, had become a dedicated woman. She had effectively made a living on human misery and suffering. She was good at what she did and yet she was also someone who made sure that it was as efficient as possible. The fewer the cost that was needed to be done. The fewer headaches she would have to bear.

The Bradley Family had a member with connection to the revolutionaries. That was the fastest way to turn everyone against the Bradley family and knowing who was backing the Bradley’s. It would attract the Hundred Noble’s attention. Mavin could already think of the hundred ways they could use this reason to go against the Tomas Family, and start making demands in the name of their loyalty to the Empire.

Rose knew how the families would react. So he had to put someone on the pedestal. Mavin had always wondered how the Entres Les Nefarious could have fallen so low. Erich Baldwin should have been able to manage something. He was a competent man that had the drive and the will. Now Mavin now knows who broke the backs of the revolutionaries before they could grow. Even if they were able to gather the people, no one in the ebony market would help them. Not to mention that if they had known that Jefs was killed because he was suspected to be a revolutionary. It would put those who have the mind to revolt against the Empire to back down from the fight.

“So you broke one back to solve many of your problems.”

Rose’s calm manner relaxed and loosened further.  She tapped two of her fingers on the chair. Each finger tracing shapes.

“What were your plans for him?”

“It doesn’t matter now. The revolution is done and will no longer be a problem.”

“You made it so that it won’t be,” Rose said. “Brother, do not think of my words as my defiance against you. I don’t hate Jefs. He had loyalty to the family, and that was why I had to make sure that everyone knows that even those who have loyalty cannot run away from their responsibility. Each of their actions will affect the family and if I hadn’t taught him a lesson. You would understand what they would think of me. Weakness is something that I must never show them.”

Mavin did not agree. He didn’t disagree either. The Bradley Family belonged to her. The recent two years that she had led the family. It had thrived and prospered and she acts like she had everything in control.  She was calm and composed. She played with her enemies by showing off her beauty and emphasizing on what she can do. Yet Mavin could keep up with her due to the reason that there was a psychological profile of her in the ‘memories’. There were many changes that had happened to her, but her core still remained. Behind the ‘sweetest brother’ and the affectionate tone of her voice. Mavin could tell that she only got a bit better in hiding behind her mask.

“Rose, you really are a hard worker, aren’t you?”


“You are dedicated to your craft. I admire that.”

“What are you?”

Mavin smiled as if he knew something. Rose’s calm and composed manner shuddered. Mavin made sure to give her the same smile that he had done eight years ago. And then as if a mask had fallen from her face. Her expression turned into that frown she had kept when she rejected him four times. Rose looked annoyed and there was sharpness in her face now.

“The Countess had taught you well.”

“I do mean what I said, brother. Nonetheless my choices had went through Old Fred and Sister Elma. I had made sure to consult them. Both of them agreed that Jefs needed to go. I didn’t do it because I wanted someone who was involved with you gone.”

Mavin didn’t say anything. He stood up.  “How about we leave this office of yours?”

“The smell is rather irritating.”

“You should do this in the basement. Don’t make it hard for Retz and Gregor.”

“Like I said, I was pressed with time, brother. Who would want to put blood on their floor? Suspect all you want that I was trying to show off, but you should have seen my Knights. They are always in a hurry all the time now. The Falcone had been doing their best to push my buttons.”

Outside of the office Retz waited. She led them to the second floor where the Soldiers and Associates of the family greeted the matriarch. There were a few familiar faces among the crowd, but Mavin could barely remember their names. Not to mention that the war had been making his memories fuzzy. Mavin had wished that he had the eidetic memory to remember everything. He had to rely on the memory palace that he had created to find the information that he needed. It helps in helping him retain the memory, but it was not a technique that made him truly unable to forget the information inside his head.

 They were led by Retz into the tower located behind the main building. Composed of stone and reinforced with concrete to make a solid foundation. The tower stood tall, and had quite the view of the coast. It was rather windy. There was a fresh smell of the forest and the sea.

“Should have made an elevator.”

“It was too narrow for one. Besides, I like taking my time here. The other side of the building, as you probably know, is connected to my bedroom. You could say that this is the place that I truly love in this compound.”

“You should tell your snipers to make sure that they don’t cause a fuss. Even driving here made me want to lecture them about how to use their scopes. They are probably using musket sights.”

“Hmm, should I change them?”


“Don’t know that much with scopes, but I’ll them about this problem.” Rose said, her eyes on Retz who placed the snacks and ice-cold tea on the round table.

“Where is he buried?”

“In the same cemetery where I buried my soldiers and associates.”

Mavin paused for a moment. “You understand what my stance is, right?”

“I understand. Not that it surprises me anymore. Still, did you come here to ask what our agreements with the Webman are. Honestly, it’s nothing more than protection from the people on this side of the web. The Falcone Family had been gambling, and they had been trying their best to annoy us at the same time. We had captured their Knights, and pulled their boys off the streets. Truthfully, the Falcone Family would not have made this mistake if Mica was in charge. They let Josef handle the business of the family, and they started making mistakes that would have embarrassed them. Now they have heard that the Webman Company is working with the Holmians and the Tomas Family. They have been eager to get on this score.”

The Holmians were a threat enough for them. Mavin could imagine the face on anyone that had problems with the Tomas Family. Mavin knew that this was not his work. This was all on the current head of the Tomas Family. He was taking interest in his own affairs that he had left all the burden to Cousin Derrick and Lady Elma. They would have probably have lived calmer lives if he hadn’t. They wouldn’t have to worry about the affairs of Lazon and the burden that comes with ruling a region that had achieved much in a few years.

“So who is the one making trouble?”

“Like I said, the Falcone has an interest in this technology that the Holmians offer. Resources such as these are even more expensive than gold lately, that selling contrabands and goods seems like it's wasteful compared to this. Most of the drugs now travel either by sea route or through the land bridge in Norad. Hell, if the Canic Company didn’t mess up on their runs. The Falcone would have twice the wealth as the Webman Company right now.”

The cold drink was to Mavin’s liking.  He took a bite of the snack and said. “Right now, I need the Bradley Family watching our backs. Specifically, I want you to watch Rigel and Mimi’s back. I’ll handle Rene and Kristine’s side.”

“I can do that. We already have an agreement with the Webmans anyway.  Is that all you came here for?”

“Other thing, stay from General Steelheart and his retinue. I don’t want anyone getting close to the General. If possible, make that your boys look like bodyguards, not like hired thugs when dealing with protection. Rigel and Mimi can handle their own, they have their own guards, but I want the streetwise boys of yours to watch the road for them.”

“Is there something more than this? It looks like you are hiding something from me, brother.”

“Watch out for Null.”

“Null? You mean the cult?”

“Yes, don’t interact with them. If the Falcone has connection to those cultists, then make sure to inform me.”

Mavin finished his snacks and drink, ready to leave. Rose pondered on his words and then said.

“Brother, are you getting yourself involved with Null?”

Mavin grinned, “What do you think?”

Rose glared for a second before clicking her tongue. Her expression was not pleasant as there was clear disdain on her face as she realized what Mavin wanted from her. Stay away from Null and focus your attention on protecting the deal with the Holmians and the Webman Company.  




As Mavin descended the tower, Rose was left alone. She looked at the stairs and muttered, “In the end, you still look and treat us the same. Nothing more than convenient people you can use…always liked to do it alone usual. How hateful.”

Thank you for reading so far!

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