Kismet’s Tale

Chapter 26: A Ghostly Visit 1

   Mavin bid them goodbye. A car stopped in front of Mavin and he immediately noticed the emblem inside the driver’s seat. Driven by a bodyguard in a suit. Next to the driver was another who was cradling a submachine gun on his lap. Behind the car, on the passenger seat was a man whose eyes told Mavin he was royalty. Grabbing onto the door, pulling it, and sliding in. Mavin closed the door, breathed a sigh of annoyance, and turned his attention to the man who had visited.

“Your majesty, Kaleb.”

“Mavin Tomas,” Prince Kaleb said. He was a ginger-haired man with blue eyes and sharp features. He wears a three-piece suit with a red tie and a white shirt coupled with a frock coat. His hand wrapped in white gloves. His whole outfit was coordinated and he wore his piece around his belt proudly.

“Do you carry a piece nowadays, Kaleb?”

“I do, it is rather thorny on this side. My royal brother is quite a busy person these days. Mavin Tomas, I have heard that you have been involving yourself in the affairs of both sides?”

“I am not, your majesty.”

“Spare me the ‘your majesty’, Mavin Tomas.”

“So what do you want from me, Kaleb?”

“Give me a reason why you are interfering with the business. As far as I remember, you are not involved in this business of yours, Mavin.”

Mavin did not answer immediately. He waited for a second before he answered. “The problem involves my family. I have every reason to be involved. Not to mention that I rather not have them miss out on this deal. Besides, I didn’t do anything other than deliver a message.”

Kaleb looked displeased. He had no time for playing games. Mavin knew that he wasn’t here for the deal. One thing that Mavin understood better was that playing with Kaleb was a problem. The Imperial Family was known to be adaptable and cunning when it comes to surviving. 

Prince Arno represents the brighter side of the Empire while Prince Kaleb was the one who cares for the filth. There is a King in the ebony market, and above this king was the Emperor and the Crown Prince to the Empire.

“Message in a way that you made sure that they would agree to distribute their technology to your place,” he pointed out.

“Don’t understand why you are so worked about, the general agreement is that they would make factories to produce them. Other than that, it’s not like they’d be creating the Vulcans.”

“They wouldn’t,” he was composed. “But the idea that we had to share the bonds with the rest of the nobles is concerning. Almost half of them know about the deal with the Webman Company. I would have not cared, but in case you haven’t noticed, we are in contact with the Webman Company.”

“I thought you have dealings with the Canic Company?” Mavin thought. The Canic Company as far as I recall was amassing workers to try and start again, but no one financed them, their bonds were sold and some too many workers complained about the wages.

“We had a deal with them, but they are as incompetent as they look. Most of the bonds of the Canic Company, belong to me now, and though they have fallen from grace. Do you know what they have right now?”

“The equipment?”

“Infrastructure and the production means,” he glowered at Mavin.

“So you are trying to operate it, huh.” If they see your face today, Prince. They’d be surprised how you can look like this. That calm fury, as always.

“I am. The Webmans have the means to repair them. But lately, there have been meddlers who have entered my dealings.”

“Rigel and Old Fred,” He’s probably a bit annoyed by the idea that another business might go to Lazon isn’t he?

“Old Fred knows how to do business. He understands what it means to deal with both sides. His apprentice is someone who I do not appreciate yet, but he shows promise. We would have gotten a better deal if you didn’t meddle, Mavin.”

“Nonsense, I was a messenger.” Probably moved a cog to his operations, now he’s trying to deal with the nobles, the families in the ebony market, and the greed of the others. But there is something more that he’s worried about. What is it?

“A messenger that knows too much and deals too much of a hand. Mavin, I know how you meddle.”

“I am just a messenger,” Mavin’s face remained calm. Not that I could make you believe about Null, the techno-hoarders, and the ‘memories’ that I have.

“Then you are a troublesome one,” he told Mavin as if he was an annoyance.

“Someone’s making moves?”

“The Falcone are too incompetent in keeping balance these days. The Bradley in the hands of Miss Rose is outstanding. Truth be told, I do wonder why there are few competent men left these days, then I came to realize that they went to war and found a way out of this pit. All that’s left are the idiots who don't know how to run a business. The old ones don’t know how to deal with the changes, stick up to the old methods, and fails at it. Sometimes, some just wise individuals know how to do work when needed to. Then some are trying to climb up the ladder, profiting from the chaos, and scaling to the top in hopes they could do better than they could.” Too many dead because of a war. All the men groomed to replace a generation, now buried under six-foot of dirt and stone. Even women are starting to take over roles, taking advantage of the change. You were not fond of Empress Veronica, after all, Prince.

Sounds like trouble.”

“You know this person. I doubt you don’t, Mavin Tomas.”

Prince Kaleb’s expression changed. He had none of that amiable face that he was showing. There were a few people that Mavin knew could produce such a cold smile. Kaleb was one of them. It was clear that Kaleb wanted information from Mavin Tomas, and he knew that Mavin had information for anyone who had dealings in this city. His expression told Mavin that hiding it won’t benefit him.

“I can give you what she is called,” Mavin raised a finger.

“So she’s a woman, great,” Prince Caleb said.

“I advise you to be careful, Prince,” Mavin warned sincerely. The look on Mavin’s face didn’t have that calm and relaxedness he would show to anyone.

Prince Kaleb knew Mavin enough to understand when his face turned to that stone. “I understand. Tell me who this new upstart is.”

“The Baroness.”

“What about her name?”

“That’s something that not even I won’t give to you unless she tells you, Prince,” Mavin said. His face was a mask of stone.

The Prince didn’t bother to hide his distaste of retort. Even if he does force Mavin into speaking. Mavin held a position within the hearts of the Tomas family. A Constable, Enforcer, and someone know a lot of people to offend. Even without the Tomas Family, the Prince knew that it would be better if he didn't press Mavin too much.

“Looks like you are tight-lipped about this Baroness. You met her?”

“I made an acquaintance eight years ago. The Baroness should be in her thirties. You’d recognize her immediately since no one other than her would sport that fearsome look. Ah, a word of advice if you try to find her name without her giving it to you. Don’t. She’s good enough to take the position of the Falcone with her faction, Prince. I don’t recommend making an enemy of her. Prince or not. She’d drag you to the mud if she has to.”

“You are worried about someone. That’s good enough for me. But what I worry about the most is how this ‘Baroness’ is playing in the ebony market. The Falcone is nothing more than their dogs now. Josef is a fool. He’ll destroy the Falcone within a year or two if this continues,” Prince Kaleb looked away. His expression is still cold.

“Do you think Rose will be adequate to keep up with this Baroness?”

“Rose has spoken to her. She’s one of the few people in this world that Rose calls a ‘Sister’.”

Kaleb’s expression became even colder than it was. Rose was someone who wore an affectionate smile. She’d do business with the same smile and Kaleb had not been given a rather affectionate name other than his title. To be respected by Rose Bradley meant something. It was finally sinking into the Prince how dangerous this someone was. To make a move against someone like this without thought was foolish. Kaleb gave Mavin a dull and lightless glare before turning his attention to the road. The driver and the other one showed their professionalism by not acting impulsively. Thankfully, Kaleb didn’t have the habit of letting brats accompany him.

“The Baroness would have contacted you sooner or later,” Mavin started. “She’s the type who deals with honor. Professional and polite if you forgot about that. She’d dig through you. Of course, I don’t have to worry about you doing that, Prince. You have better chances talking to her rather than fighting her. And I doubt you’d want to fight her, now that you finally got everyone to stop making you rule the Empire instead of the Crown Prince.”

Kaleb didn’t respond to that. Then again, Mavin was sure that he enjoyed being the one to rule this part of the Empire. To be so sick of them that he’d rather rule a kingdom of thieves, muggers, and smugglers. I guess being the ‘Wiser Son’ wasn’t for show.

Mavin had always had this idea in some way. They were the same. But there was a difference in motivations and ambition that Mavin would rather not talk about. Kaleb treated Mavin like a convenient information dealer. Though he probably hated the idea that among the many ‘information’ that Mavin had given him. There was so little that Mavin asked.

“I haven’t thanked you for saving my brother in Flost. Finally, you two have been acquainted. You always tend to avoid my brother even back then. What changed now?”

“That the future Emperor might die in an ambush?” Mavin pointed out.

“Old Sable, he said that you shot him dead. You had quite the kill. I was right that I shouldn’t have made you grow, the days passed, the more you meddle in the affairs. Then again, you had a tether attached to everyone who’s got something to hold. I wonder how long until you run out of things to give or to know?”

Mavin’s expression didn’t thaw. He kept the stone look on his face as the driver continued. “It must be hard. To meet without someone arrogant and bold enough to enter a city. That’s why you do this farce and confirm that you know her. Those who had made business with her would say the same thing.”

“Her moniker I didn’t hear. She’s called the blonde she-devil by the people who know her. I had an idea who she was and yet I still find it hard to believe that from nothing, she was able to amass something. From what I heard she has connections even in the Turian Continent. What do you think?”

Mavin’s look showed no hint of him answering. His bearing more of a statue than anything. His blue-gray eyes remained solidly fixed to the front. Kaleb’s countenance turned solid as well. He knew that with that stony look on him. He wasn’t going to answer. There was an attitude that made it clear that rejected anything more than what he answered. The silence was a choice, and Mavin made sure that he wouldn’t speak more that would reveal anything to the Prince. “I wish you’d get out of my city soon, Mavin Tomas.”

Hearing that. Mavin’s comportment softened, and there was a thin smile on his face.



 The car drove from the Imperial City to the lighthouse in Gorecan. Mavin got out of the car, stared at the sea-facing the mainland, breathed in the salt in the air. Before they got in the boat, the bodyguard of the Prince gave a submachine gun to sling around his shoulder just in case. Mavin’s expression changed as he stared at the submachine gun, aiming the sights, and checking on the lock.

The manner that he kept while boarding the boat looked similar to a man ready for war. There was an air of focus in his guise. His deportment is one you would expect from a soldier who had gone to war. The bearing of the two bodyguards of the Prince remained the same as they sailed past the lighthouse, and went as far as the ice floating this season.

Not far from the lighthouse was a large freighter ship that contained cargo. Without the specific coordinates, there was doubt that anyone could find this mass of iron and steel floating. Approaching the ship, one of the bodyguards raised a banner to signal the ship.

Mavin’s face sharpened as he held his breath. Counting the number of guards. The emplacement and the watchers who might take a crack shot at them. His bearing was deadly and prepared, which the Prince seemed to appreciate as they got closer to the boat. As a spotlight was pointed on their faces, revealing the rifles they carried. One of them spoke in a language that wasn’t Imperial Script. The Prince replied to the man with the bearing of a statesman. His passive demeanor showed how used he was to these kinds of trouble. Then again, this was what he expected from the king of the ebony market.

Climbing aboard the ship, there was a familiar banner that Mavin spotted. The mercenary types surrounded them. Their behavior and their conduct made it clear that they were not in the habit of talking. One of the mercs approached them with a stiff manner of speech. He first spoke to the Prince, then gradually he turned his soldier-cut head to where Mavin was standing.

“Stan, how have you been?” Mavin said flatly. “The baroness in?”

“Mr. Tomas. It looks like the devil didn’t pull you down. How unfortunate.” The look on Stan’s face didn’t change. He kept his bearing as he led the four of them into the hold of the ship. They passed through containers filled with goods and as they got deeper into the ship’s deck. Mavin realized that they had placed a fighting force here. Mavin’s countenance remained calm despite it. He could find a way to get out of this ship if things go wrong, but he doubts that the Prince could get out here alive. He had served in the backdrops of the war, as all the sons of the Empire had. But he doubts that he’d stay alive without any boon protecting him.

Not that these two would hesitate to make themselves a shield for the Prince. Stan’s here, so I guess the boss lady should be checking out the state of the affairs in the market. If she had heard of the Webman Company’s dreams, then she’d be eager to supply them through legal means and ask for some bonds. Prince’s the king, but he doesn’t know who she is, that’s bad.

  He had an idea of what the demands of the Prince were. It would be quite a show how the ‘Wiser Son’ does his work. Mavin had no desire to get involved in whatever they’ll talk about. He was here to observe and that’s that. He might still hold the rank of Enforcer and Constable, but it didn’t mean that he’d be involved when it comes to dealings like this. Besides, the baroness will probably want to talk alone with the Prince. I think that she will, at least.

The cabin where the Baroness was cleaner. Most of the people here were either the mercenary types or the women who sold themselves to the baroness rather than be mistreated by some asshole. At least the baron will treat them well, that is they don’t mind serving as cooks and comfort women for her boys. From what he could gather, the rest of the women loved the fight as well as the men, with a boss like the baroness, the influence on them was clear. Nonetheless, there was a clear difference between who was the true fighting force, and the ones who are in training. Most of the soldiers had this behavior that made it clear who was who. The look on their eyes as they follow them like a rat crawling into a hole was unsettling.

Thank goodness that I had to stare down people from the other side of the trench. Looks like the prince and guards aren’t spooked either. Well, this kind of intimidation won’t work on a prince at least.

Stan entered the cabin first. The Prince traveled his gaze on the men and women of the hold. His demeanor made it clear that he didn’t like being treated like an animal in a cage. The men and women of the ship were bold enough, but looking at the coat of the prince, they knew it better to tangle with someone confident enough to walk in with only two men guarding him.

Stan’s placid face appeared from the door. He eyed the bodyguard and turned to the Prince. “Two of them are to stay outside,” he looked at Mavin. “You can come in, Mr. Tomas.”

The two guards looked to the Prince for orders. He gestured with his pointer finger and told them to stay in the doorway and be prepared for anything that might happen. They’d be dead if something happens. Mavin glared in the direction north of their position. He saw an eye through a scope and grinned at the person behind it.

“Let’s go, Mavin.”

“On you.”

Entering the cabin they were met with a beautiful but scarred woman. Tall and legs for days. Long hair rested on her shoulders and tied into a ponytail. She wore a wine-red skirt suit paired with black stockings and heels. Her nails were painted. Her lips shaded with cherry-colored lipstick. She was puffing on a long smoking pipe that Mavin recognized. She had a beauty mark just below her right eye.

“I’d be,” she purred. Her blue eyes scanned the Prince and then Mavin. “Who knew that one day I’d be dealing with the Prince? Stan looks like we truly are moving up in the world. Prince, you can sit down, I’m sure that your companion wouldn’t mind standing up, right?”

“Hey, how have you been doing?”

Her face twisting showed how to amuse she was by Mavin’s casual remark. She held an expression that made her want to suppress her laughter. She hovered her gaze on Mavin, then to his crotch. A gentle smile on her face as she looked at it fondly. “It has been a long time,” she locked eyes with him. “Heard you did something stupid, then did something amazing, Mavin Tomas.”

“Ain’t here to talk. Prince will get jealous if you do.”

She turned to the prince with that smile of hers laced with a poisonous sort of seductiveness. With that red wine skirt suit of hers, and that smile. She’d weaken them, lure them in, and pick their pricks off if they’d show weakness. For once, Mavin was glad that he was facing someone who he had known long enough to not even rely on the ‘memories’.

“Forgive me, your majesty, but it has been long since I have heard of Mavin here. Pardon me if I had offended you in a way.”

“Don’t mind. I came here to talk.”

“Looks like his majesty is busy.”

Mavin stood in the corner, leaning to the side, arms folded, watching the two. Stan joined him in his watch. His bearing didn’t change. A frozen mask of an expression that made that scar around his mouth looked clearer. “The Ghost of Dinia now, from a throne to a Ghost. You know how to make the lady amuse.”

“I’m glad that you’re doing fine too, Stan.”

“The boys were uppity. Some of them recognized you still. It doesn’t make them happy. Seeing you walk around with a rifle on your hands.”

“Not here to do anything, man. Just accompanying his majesty here since it looks like he needed someone who knows the lady to come. I don’t usually meddle—“

“Try lying better.”

“Don’t cut me off like that, Stan. As I said, I don’t like to meddle with the affairs of my family. I worked as their courier, enforcer, and constable. Isn’t it courteous to work for your family?”

Stan’s face remained unamused. His demeanor fixed. Hard man as always, Stan. No wonder you get to be the right-hand of the baroness.

“Indeed it is, but it doesn’t bode well. Having you in the city when we do business, good sir.”

“That’s rude, I did live here for years you know?”

Stan looked him in the eye this time. The air around him changed as if the shadows were deepening that frown on him. Mavin kept his expression for a while, before turning it into stone. It became colder than the ice in the north. It was the face that Stan knew too well.

“You’re stepping on the king of the market here, Stan. She doesn’t listen to me. Even if you don’t give a rat’s ass about what I think or do. You only listened to me once and that was when I had you almost gutted for spitting on one of my family members, remember? You used to tower me, now I tower you. Even then I had three of your teeth on the ground and I made sure that you understood what you did. Aha, that glare sure is nostalgic.”

“I see that you’ve grown a little.”

“Who knows? Besides, you made me want to talk about how I want to talk to you. I tried to be polite. Offered you greetings, and you gave me that shit on me. Even Josef would know how to greet someone no matter how they loathe him.”

There was a change in his demeanor. “Forgive me, I just don’t like you, Mavin Tomas.”

“Lately, I’ve been getting that a lot too, Stan. Some try to hide that they dislike me. Some call me a friend while hiding that they don’t like being around me. Lately, I’ve met a woman who had been honest about her opinion about me. Which is quite rare.”

“What a rare specimen, she doesn’t seem too polite.”

“Aye, she’d been mulling over on whether she should kill me or not.”

“Sounds like a nice woman.”

“Not if she was someone who can easily shoot you 600 meters away.”

“You sound afraid of her, Mavin Tomas.”

Stan turned to look at Mavin Tomas. Then he saw something that broke that stoic façade on his face. How Stan looked at Mavin made it as if he was seeing a monster coming out of the den. Stan had hoped to make a retort, but there was something inside of him that held him to not push that button.


“Didn’t know that you’d have that.”

“You know her already. Almost every nosy prick knows who she is. Even with the god awful wig they put on her, they’d still recognize her if they care enough about who she is.”

“True. Still, having someone who you put out of the war must be intimidating for you. And now said person is living with you. Most of the soldiers stayed five years in the war, and you stayed seven years on it. I just don’t understand why you’d make a face like that.”

Mavin’s say anything at all. He didn’t respond. His expression simply went back to the stone that it was. Meanwhile, the Prince and the baroness were done with their taunting and verbal fencing that they finally got back to business.

“Forgive me for our impudence, as you know the Falcone had been rather demanding about our good. We’ve given them the means, and they have done well in some of their promises. They had sold their bonds. Most of the stock belongs to us, and I hold the title.”

“I only have to request from you, Lady Sophia Tatiana, that you would show courtesy to us.”

“How about the Missus of the Bradley?” she tapped her forehead. Her demeanor implying that they were an obstacle to their operations. “I had talks with the Miss of the Bradley Family. As much as your offer sounds sweet to the ears, I doubt that I would like if I join the fray. Forgive my impudence, but to be thrown into the place where those people are doesn’t interest me. Why join such a society when I can have them under my palm? The prince surely does understand what it’s like to dance with the hundred nobles. Miss Bradley, through our talks, had informed me of the balls and the back talking that I must endure.”

Her eyes turned to Mavin. “I mean it is clear that wiser men had done their best to avoid the pitfall. So let me be clear that Steel Barrel only wishes to earn some profits. The Falcone family is…our partner and I have to make sure that they stay our partners. The Prince has a point that if we want to be part of this city, then we follow how things are here. I understand the sentiment, I do. But let me make it clear that Steel Barrel does not wish to be part of the Imperial Regime, and that we will stay as we are.”

The manner of how she spoke made it clear that there was no way that she’d replaced the Falcone Family as the head. The Prince had hoped to drag her to the mire, but he had probably known that she wasn’t someone who’d let herself be dragged. Sophia’s face turned ice cold. She wasn’t going to compromise on this. She wanted in on the profits, but at the same time, she didn’t want to play as they do. Not with the Grand Dukes, the Tomas Family, the Bradley Family, and the Imperial Family playing on the mud.

Prince Kaleb did not appreciate her thinly veiled resistance. She made it clear to him and he respected that, but he was someone who has a hand in the market. The look he gave was duller than a fish’s eyes. Lady Sophia kept her countenance, not letting Prince Kaleb sense any weakness on her solid face.

Prince Kaleb joined his fingers together. He squared his shoulders and leaned forward. “Tell me what you want then.”

Lady Sophia smiled. “I want Josef gone by tomorrow, that man called Mica. He knows his way around the business. He knows how to talk and he doesn’t have the stubbornness that made such a powerful family so pathetic. Even he wouldn’t be able to salvage the mess that the Falcone had become.”

The Prince leaned back. His eyes still locked to the Lady as if weighing on the thought. As if convincing himself, Prince Kaleb nodded. “We’ll go with it. Another thing. Keep your paws out of your technology. This is non-negotiable, milady. You are free to run a market in the waterways, but you know what will happen when you touch something that shouldn’t belong to you.”

“I can deal with it,” she shook her shoulders. She held this amusement. Mavin guessed that in the first place, she wanted the profit that would come with what the Falcone would earn. “But let us offer some of our help regarding the tracks, is that acceptable, Prince?”


“Thank you,” she offered a hand. The prince gripped her hand tightly. For ten seconds the grip lasted. The Prince took his hand away, not minding the blood dripping off his hand. “That reminds me, who will pull the trigger on poor Josef? Should I have it on my side?”

The Prince stood up. “No need. We have an Enforcer nearby who will clean the house. I’ll handle Mica and his behavior. I shall be taking my leave now.”

“Of course, Prince. Stan, lead the Prince out our ship.”


Stan left the cabin along with the Prince. Alone in the cabin, there was a momentary silence. Sophia Tatiana’s expression became colder. That hospitable demeanor that she showed the Prince was gone, left with a perpetual half-frown that matched her deadly and seductive appearance too well.

“The Prince’s forceful. Don’t know if he’s being intentionally merciful or not. Hard to know these royalty types. What do you think?”

“Don’t know.”

“No wonder Rose and Elma don't like to be in this city. Come strutting in like a king as he does. Two fighter planes flying by, and two of my birds told me that the coastal battery has been pointed here. He’d blow us out of the water if he doesn’t return within an hour, I’d bet.”

“Well, the Imperial Family didn’t last long if they didn’t know how to use their strengths.”

“True. True. So, how have you been doing? You look taller and stronger than ever. Then again, you have always been tall. Eight years, time sure moves fast. I’m getting older.”

“I’m good, but you look stressed.”

“When you deal with idiots, you’d be under stress too. No wonder you didn’t want to rule. Anyway, do you need anything?”

“Nothing much. Just don’t be mean to Rose, okay?”

“How could I? She’s better than most of the minor nobles that had been coming here. Also, if we manage to work this out, then I don’t have to worry about putting a bullet in her head. I like Rose. She’d be a good business partner. Don’t take it personally, but this is just the usual business lately.”

“I understand. So do you have a list?”

“I do,” she dragged a document with her finger, picked it up, and threw it at Mavin. “As much as I like to wonder how you’d been doing and have dinner. I imagine that you’ll be busy, Mavin. Really, who do you put up with this?”

“Just helping out the family.”

“That so?” she glared at him. “If you’re done just send a letter. The Steel Barrel is always open to you anyway, remember.”

She took a puff of her long smoking pipe. Behind the smoke, he saw her eyes studying him. She looked closer to the one that he could recall inside his head.

“Oh, if you don’t mind. Can you bring me Josef’s head?”

Mavin stopped moving his legs. “Why in the hell do you want his head?”

“Just to make sure that the new hire would understand well how things are going to be when the Prince sends him here.”

“Got it,” Mavin said after pondering about it.

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