Kitsune in the Shadows

Chapter 13 – Why Did I Stay?

“Come on, it’s been two weeks since we picked you up, and you’re still not gonna talk?”


I just stared blankly at Raynelle, as usual.

Don’t you ever get tired of doing this?

We were sitting in the room while waiting for Ava to finish preparing lunch. It might have been a bit tiring to deal with these two every day… but the food is very good. I didn’t know if I would be able to go back to how I used to live if I stayed much longer.

“All I’ve managed to get out of you is one laugh. How can that be right?”


Why haven’t you just given up yet?

No matter how many days I had spent with these two, I just couldn’t bring myself to say anything. It’s not that I didn’t want to; it’s just that whenever I tried, nothing came out. The words would always get stuck in my throat.

I really should think about leaving soon

Who knows when they’re going to show their true colours…

While I was busy contemplating my escape, the door swung open, and Ava made her way into the room carrying three plates piled high with food.

“So… who’s hungry!”

“You don’t have to ask that every time. Just give me food!” Raynelle responded while banging on the table.

Ava chuckled as she placed Raynelle’s plate down in front of her before quickly turning around and making her way over to me.

“And here you go.”

I reached out my hands to take the plate from her, but she quickly pulled it back.

“Y’know, on second thought…”


Just give me the food!

It’s the only reason I’m still here!

“Now, now, don’t give me that look. I’m just wanting to propose something of a mutually beneficial agreement… of sorts.”


“I’ll just assume that means you’re interested,” Ava continued, “You see, I have quite a lot of food here, and I think I would be willing to part with some-”

After hearing that there was a chance to get more food, my ear started to twitch involuntarily, so I quickly grabbed it with my hand to get it under control.

I’ll give you a chance…

“-It’s just that I would like to get something in return.”

I stared at her, waiting for her to tell me what she wanted. Not that I couldn’t guess what it was going to be, but I did decide to give her a chance.

“All I would need from you… is to be able to touch your ta-”

Before she even finished asking, I had already turned away from her, holding my tail tight against my chest.

You can’t have it!

It’s mine!

“AVA!” Raynelle shouted, “How many more times are you going to try this?!”


“Why should you get to touch her tail before me?”


But it’s my tail…

The two of them just burst out laughing, seeming to forget about me, as Ava danced around with my plate still in her hand.

I looked over at Raynelle, hoping she noticed what was going on so she could sort it out for me.

It took a little bit, but once Raynelle started to calm down, she ended up making eye contact with me and quickly realised what had happened.

“Hey, don’t you think it’s a bit rude to wave food around in front of a hungry little fox like that?”

“Huh?… Oh…” Ava turned a bright shade of red as she realised just what she had been doing this whole time. She quickly laid the plate down in front of me before running over to Raynelle and eating her own food, making sure not to look up at me.

Serves you right!

On the plate was a whole bird that was about the size of my head, although I wasn’t sure what kind of bird it was. But that didn’t really matter to me; the only important thing was that it tasted good.

I tore off some of the cooked flesh with my nails before biting into it.

How is it always this good?

“Ava, you don’t think it’s too early to introduce her to a fork, right?”

“That might be a good idea,” Ava responded, stifling a chuckle.

I know how to use a fork

I just don’t want to…

Deciding it would be better to just ignore their comments, I went back to focusing on the food, scarfing it all down as quickly as possible.

I won’t get to use a fork after I leave anyway…

“Hey,” Raynelle nudges Ava’s shoulder, “You might need to get ready. I think our little Kit might have a stomach ache soon.”

“Again?” Ava blurted out, “Come on, just eat slower!”


It’s my food. So I can choose what to do with it.

Right on cue, a slight pain started to form in my stomach.

How does she know?

Raynelle somehow always seemed to know when things like this were going to happen.

Raynelle’s intuition was just too good. She always seemed to know exactly what was going to happen. Sometimes, it even felt like she was able to read my mind at times, but that couldn’t be true; if it were, she wouldn’t have been trying so hard to make me speak.

Is it a special ability she has?

While I was busy thinking, the pain in my stomach gradually started to get worse. At first, it was just slowly getting more painful, but all of a sudden, it spread out from my stomach across my whole body.

All the muscles in my body started to tense up as waves of pain started to pulse through my body, starting in my stomach and moving to the ends of my limbs.

It hurts!

What is this?!

While my mind was racing, trying to figure out what was going on, a terrifying thought crossed my mind.

What if?


She knew it was going to happen.

How else would she know?!

I felt tears start to well up in my eyes, but it wasn’t because of the pain.

Not again! Not again!

I should have just left!

Why did I stay?!

I knew I shouldn’t have trusted them.

All of a sudden, I heard shouting coming from the other side of the room.

“AH, NO, NO, NO, NO!” Raynelle ran up to me, picking me up off the bed, “AVA! DO… SOMETHING! ANYTHING!”

What, can you not have me dying on you?

You want me alive?

Why? Do you get paid more?

“I’M TRYING, OKAY! It’s just… not working!” Ava shouted back in response as she grabbed my arm.

“What do you mean it’s not working!”

“I don’t… know…” Ava responded, sounding more tired than just moments before.

I felt Raynelle’s arms start to tense up around me.

What do I do now?!

My body won’t move!

How do I get away?!

“What else can we do?” Raynelle asked, starting to calm down a bit, “A kid shouldn’t have to go through this.”

“Stop… asking… me… I don’t… know…” Ava was still standing next to me, trying to heal me with her magic, although it didn’t look like she would be able to do so for much longer.

“There’s gotta be-” Raynelle suddenly stopped talking.

What! There’s gotta be what?!

What are you going to do to me?!

“There is that temple, but-” Raynelle looked down at me, but I couldn’t quite make out her expression through the tears in my eyes.

“Ava, pass me your cloak. I’ve gotta try something.”

Ava didn’t say anything. She just went over to where her cloak was and threw it towards us. Raynelle then gently wrapped me up in the cloak, seemingly trying to make sure she didn’t hurt me.

“Look, I know this isn’t what you want to do…” Raynelle paused momentarily, “But… that temple is probably the only place in the city which might have a better healer than Ava…”

What temple? What do you mean?

“Can you manage that thing where you change the colour of your hair?”

Why should I?

“Please, I don’t want to take you there, but I don’t have another choice.” Raynelle said, sounding desperate, “I’m not losing you like this…”

What do you mean?

Are you not just going to sell me off to that Baron?

Ava then came back over and put her hands back on my arm.

“Alright… Let’s try… again…”

Is it okay for me to hope for something again?

Is it okay for me to trust you?

I don’t think I can…


What else can I do

I forced out a nod, and my shadow moved to cover my hair and tail, dying them both black.

“Thank you…”, Raynelle said, sounding relieved.

Please… Don’t be lying…

“Ava-” Raynelle paused as soon as she saw Ava’s condition, “Just go lay down. You look like you’ll hit the ground any second now.”

“Hmm,” Ava responded before falling over face-first onto my bed.

“Alright then, let’s do this.” Raynelle said, pulling the cloak over my ears, “If something goes wrong… I’ll just get you out of there myself.”

What! What could go wrong?

“Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

I don’t have a choice…

Immediately following that, Raynelle threw the door to the room open and ran out of the inn, ignoring the reactions from all of the staff we passed by.

Once she had gotten outside, she continued running down the streets, although she made sure to look down at me to make sure she wasn’t making me too uncomfortable.

Where are we even going?

I forced myself to turn my neck just enough to see what was in front of us. As soon as I did, we passed by the black stone temple.

What! Go back!

If I have to go to a temple, I want to go to that one!

Despite Raynelle normally seeming to know what I wanted, this time, she clearly didn’t, as she just kept on sprinting.

She was heading straight for the temple on the other side of the square, a temple made entirely from white stone.

I don’t want to go there!

There are too many people!

What if they see my hair?!

“Hold on a bit longer,” Raynelle blurted out, “If anyone can heal you, they’ll be there.”

How do you know?!

“They have to be…”

She said that last part under her breath, although I heard her clearly thanks to my ears.


I’ll… trust you…

It’s all I can do now…

It was a bit of a rush to get this done on time, so if it seems a bit off I'm sorry.

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