Kitsune in the Shadows

Chapter 21 – She’ll Get There Eventually

[Raynelle POV]

I don’t know what I should be doing…

After visiting that temple yesterday, Kit fell asleep in my arms, and she's stayed that way ever since I got her back to the inn. I knew that she was probably just tired from such an eventful day, but that didn’t matter. I couldn’t help but worry about her.

I buried my face into my hands.

“… I just… don’t know how to help you…”


Instantly, I lifted my head out of my hands and turned towards the source of the noise, but nothing else happened.

“I must be imagining things now…”

I need to calm down.

It helps nobody being this high-strung.

I just really don’t want to leave that kid like this…

But… even when I was screaming for her…

She said… nothing…

What more can I even do?

She just… doesn’t trust me.

Leaning back in my chair, I gently rocked back and forth on its two back legs. With each push, a soft creaking sound filled the room before I let the chair fall forward to do it again.

“…Ava was so much easier to deal with…”


“Come on Raynelle, you can’t be thinking like that,” I said to myself, “You know how much that kid has had to deal with.”

I sat there in silence for a moment, waiting for the stinging sensation in both my cheek and my hand to go away.

“Y’know… Celica seemed to be an alright person… so if push ever comes to shove, I know that at least I could just… leave her there…… Then she’ll be safe… I’m sure…”

Without warning, my train of thought was interrupted by the faint sound of a muffed yelp, followed by hurried footsteps.


The girls!

Without wasting any more time, I burst out of the room and ran down the corridor towards Kit’s room, immediately throwing the door open once I reached it. I wouldn’t have been surprised if I damaged a hinge or two.

“What’s happening?!” I shouted while searching the room, “Are you okay?!”

I looked down to see the two girls just sitting on the floor. Ava was brushing Kit’s tail with a rather serious expression on her face while Kit sat there, tense as could be, with tears visibly welling up in her eyes.

I can’t believe Ava got to do that before me!

“I-” I started to complain but stopped myself almost immediately.

Raynelle, It’s not the time for that.

Just look, that little girl is finally letting someone get a bit closer to her.

“So… What’s the story here?” I went and sat myself down next to the two girls, though neither of them reacted to me.



“Um… Hello, Ava… You there?…”

She didn’t respond, so I reached out to shake her shoulder, but before I could make contact, she abruptly spoke up.

“Not now. This is important.”

I… haven’t seen her like that in a while.

“So then… Kit, do you have any input?”


Nothing… Y’know, I was really hoping there would be something there…

It just felt right.

One step at a time, I guess

I decided that it was probably better to just let the two of them finish up by themselves, so I left the room to go and throw together a meal for the three of us.

I ain’t as good a cook as Ava, but I can still put together something nice and filling.

And I imagine our little fox will be quite hungry after being asleep for a whole day.

After around an hour of cooking, I was back in the room carrying a large pot of freshly made meat and potato stew.

“Alright! Who’s ready for lunch?”

No response from either of them.

Looking down at the two girls, it was like almost nothing had changed since I left — well, other than little Kit’s tail and hair looking better than ever.

I set the stew down on the table with a satisfying thud before squatting down and grabbing Ava by the shoulder.

“Ava, I think you’re good.”

“No… I can do better… I know I can…”

Looking over at Kit, it was clear that she was more than just a bit exhausted from the whole experience.

“Well, you can do better at another time,” I pulled her away, “For now, you two can take a break and eat some lunch.”

“What?! You cooked?” Ava spun around to look at me.

“Yes, I cooked, okay?”


“Oh come on, don’t be like that. You used to eat my cooking all the time.”

“That’s because it was the only option!”

“Stop making excuses. I even used some of those spices you keep going on about.” I said as I got up from the floor and served a bowl to both her and Kit, “If they’re as good as you say they are, then you have nothing to complain about.”

As soon as Kit laid eyes on the food, she lifted the bowl to her mouth and started gulping it down.

“See, she isn’t complaining.”


“Just eat.”

Ava continued to look at the bowl hesitantly but eventually gave in and ate, putting a spoonful of the stew into her mouth.

“See, it’s not that bad.” I patted her on the back.

“… It’s better… Still tastes a bit like soap though.” Ava muttered.

“You’re just being a baby about it. Look, Kit has already finished her first bowl.” I said as I took the bowl from in front of Kit and filled it back up.

*Hmph*” Ava looked away from me but still continued to eat.

I sat down and served up a bowl for myself.

I knew it was good.

I don’t know why she complains every time.

In only a few minutes, we were all finished with lunch. It was mainly thanks to Kit devouring the bulk of it, but at least she looked satisfied.

“Now then, can one of you two fill me in on the details?” I looked over at Kit, hoping that a miracle would happen, but Ava spoke up instead.

“Yeah, She just started attacking her tail with the brush and almost pulled out a bunch of her fur because of it,” Ava explained, “So I stopped her… then she was gracious enough to hand me the brush, with tail still attached.”

“And since when were you some kind of expert on tail care?”

I might not know how you tend to all those feathers of yours, but I know it ain’t anything like brushing a tail.

For goodness sake, I know you only bought that brush a week ago!

“Since last week,” Ava looked very proud of herself, “I spent some time looking into it, and it paid off.”

“Oh, did you now?” I leaned in towards Ava’s ear and whispered to her, “I need you to show me how to do it later.”

Ava let out a quiet chuckle before nodding.

“So then, Kit, you’ve decided to worry about your appearance now?” I walked over to her and squatted down.


Wait a minute

This could be a great opportunity.

She just needs a little push.

“Well, your tail is looking quite neat now… It sure would be a waste to leave you dressed in those rags, hey?”


“How about this then? We can take you somewhere to get kitted out with some new outfits. That sound good to you?”

Kit’s eyes lit up, but that burst of excitement quickly vanished as she started staring at the floor.

So, you don’t want to go out…

Ah, I got it.

“Y’know, with your hair all neatened up like that, I can hardly recognise you anymore. With some new clothes, and maybe a haircut, I imagine you would look like an entirely new person.”

Kit looked back up at me, this time with her ears perked up and her tail quickly swaying back and forth.

“Okay then, but first, let’s try it out,” I looked over at Ava, “Do you have something she could wear?”

“Hmm… I think there’s something. Just give me a second.” She got up and quickly left the room.

I really hope this works.

At this point, I’ll really take any kind of progress.

Ava quickly came back, holding a familiar dress. It was a simple dress, but it was made entirely out of feathers of various sizes, mainly black, but dappled with various greys and whites throughout.

“I haven’t seen that for a few years now.”

“It’s the only thing I have that is small enough for her.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, just go for it. I’ll just need it back after we get back. And I know Kit won’t do anything to it,” Ava said, “I mean, you’ve seen how she treats the scarf you got her.”

“Okay then, you heard her. We’ve got the go-ahead,” I said, “Do you need any help putting it on?”

She shook her head.

“Alright then, I’ll leave you to it. Ava, let’s give the girl some space.” I put my hand on Ava’s shoulder and dragged her out of the room, “We’ll just be waiting out here.”

I closed the door behind me before letting out a heavy sigh.

She’ll… get there eventually…

I know it.

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