Kitsune in the Shadows


Yeah, I don't exactly have a lot of experience doing this, so let's just see how this goes.

I’m glad the uni decided to keep their doors open 24/7 this year, although that is a more recent development. If they weren’t open, I would probably be beside myself worrying about just how I was supposed to finish this coursework on time.

My trusty laptop had finally given up on me after being quite frankly abused over the last eight years. Fortunately, I had rather uncharacteristically decided to make a backup of the project on a USB. Normally, I wouldn’t bother, but I just felt that it was about time for something not to go my way.

Thanks to that, all I had to do was run to the uni so I could finish it off in one of the computer labs.

Although, I do still need to figure out what to do about my laptop in the long term.

I pushed that thought out of my mind so I could focus on what I had in front of me.

Many hours passed as I stuck my head down to get this coursework done. It had been a while since I’d had to work into the night, though I can’t exactly say I’m unfamiliar with being forced to pull an all-nighter.

I had just finished with the final touches when the time passed 3 am, and all that was left to do was submit it online, which I did without any issues. Thankfully.

“Almost done, just a little more.”

I don’t know just how many times I have said that to myself over the years, but that doesn’t really matter. Every time I finished something like this it meant that I was one step closer to really getting my life started. Though the end had never felt quite as close as it did at that moment. All that was left to finish was my dissertation; then, I would finally be free.

I pulled out my phone to check my messages just in case someone had tried to contact me, and I noticed that my mother sent me a message four hours ago.

‘How are you doing?’

This message has been sent to me at least once a week for the last two years. At this point, I’m pretty sure it’s just to check that I’m still breathing.

My mother probably feels the same way when I send the obligatory ‘I’m fine’ in response. Thinking back on it, the longest conversation we’ve had in recent memory probably wasn’t any longer than six messages.

Nothing in particular happened between me and my parents that led to our current relationship; it’s just that I need to prioritise my studies right now. Once this is over, I can spend all the time in the world bonding with them again.

I stood up from my seat and stretched, signalling that I was done reflecting on my current situation in life. It’s hard not to think about things like that when your mind is suddenly relieved of stress.

“Guess I have to walk home now.”

As soon as I said that, I froze as I noticed that I wasn’t alone, mainly thanks to the not-so-subtle side-eye coming from the only other student in the room.

I waved at him and squeaked out an admittedly awkward “Sorry”, he responded by shaking his head before just getting back to whatever he was working on.

Sometimes you just feel like talking to yourself okay? It can really help to keep your train of thought focused.

Anyway, I made good on what I had accidentally told him and quickly made my way out of the room.

As I walked down the corridor, my nose was assaulted by the smell of bleach; it was strong enough to even make me feel a little light-headed. Deciding to pick up the pace in order to escape the smell I found myself at the top of the central staircase in no time. Letting out a quick sigh for good measure, I reached my foot out to start on my way down.

Pretty quickly though, I noticed that something was wrong. My foot didn’t stop when it was supposed to, it just kept going.

Before I could react my vision was already filled by a close-up of the seventh step.

My next thought was something along the lines of ‘This is going to hurt’, but strangely it didn’t. Instead, I felt nothing.

Not in the sense that nothing is wrong, but just, nothing.

What even is nothing? I always thought it would be something like an endless black void, but it turns out that nothing doesn’t even have that.

Did you know that time is something? I didn’t think so, at least until actually experiencing nothing.’

Do I even count as something anymore?






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