Konoha no Uchiha's desire to survive

Chapter 243 Expansion

Any money or treasure needs to be turned into assistance to be of value, otherwise it will be just a pile of beautiful looking garbage piled up in the warehouse.

He is a person who can't save money, and he has always understood this, so after getting the inheritance left by Harris.

Cong Yun threw it to his wives, and then found his old acquaintance Burris.

This Nine Realm, which was piled up with various resources, was actually very watery, but it was such a very watery person who shocked the jaws of everyone who knew his situation.

He actually became the tenth realm, such an incredible thing is hard for anyone to accept.

Even Cong Yun was inconceivable for him to become the tenth realm!

"Lord Xia, the reason why the starry sky is fascinating is not because it is full of miracles! I can surprise you with a mission like this, and it is not in vain for me to become a tenth realm."

This guy didn't talk about how to become a tenth realm, but with Cong Yun's sensitivity to the soul, he still knew some secrets.

This guy's soul seems to be at least twice as strong as before, maybe this is one of his wishes to become the tenth realm!

"Master Xia, the deal from that year has expired, is there anything you can do for me?"

Boris doesn't pursue personal power. The reason why he wants to practice is to live a few more years.

This will allow him to make more money, and he is not interested in anything other than money.

"I have a batch of resources in my hand, and I hope that with your help, I can exchange them for what I need. I won't let you do it for nothing, and the commission that should be given to you will not be less. I just hope that you can make things more beautiful."

"It is my honor to serve the lord of the country, but this time I will not charge you a commission, I would like to change the reward."

As a large-scale service organization that walks the stars, Burris' greatest value is not in business, but in the intelligence network.

He naturally knew that the bumpkin back then was now the ruler of a galaxy. Although he knew it back then, it was just a frog in a well panting for breath.

It's different now, the true immortal level of the eleventh realm, no one can refute such a person saying that the king is the king.

"Tell me!"

"I hope to be rewarded by you, so that I can also become a little nobleman, and it will be more convenient to do business by then."

Burris is still very sensible, and has always been very appropriate in terms of asking and giving.

Naturally, Cong Yun didn't need to care about the rest of the matter. Of the two wives at home, one likes to practice and the other likes to take care of these things.

Yiliu belongs to that kind of passive temperament, unless it is the time she thinks it is necessary, she will not practice hard.

With Burris' matchmaking, Seablue Star's development accelerated once again.

Boenke's technology requires various materials to be realized, and there is no shortage of advanced materials in Congyun.

The functions of the farm appear along with the three giant trees, and all the functions are fully developed.

The problem of mineral deposits can also be solved. You only need to get some samples of mineral deposits, and put them in the farm to quickly generate the same mineral deposits.

This made Cong Yun even more curious about the farm. This matter is an artifact similar to a treasure chest, and he didn't delve into how it was done.

Anderson built a robotic body for himself, saying that manufacturing was nothing more than transferring a subprogram of himself to a biochemical robot.

With this sentence, Anderson showed the quality of an excellent scientific researcher, constantly providing Seablue Star with various ideas.

And this guy is not the kind of person who only cares about explaining himself, he will also subconsciously cultivate the people who follow behind him.

In his words, this is not cultivating others, but cultivating helpers for oneself.

As the master, Anderson doesn't have any other bad ideas, but the development of technology needs time, and Seablue Star doesn't lack time now.

The two figures fell down on the highest peak of the endless base, and Zhou Ye handed the wine bottle in his hand to Han Rong beside him.

After more than a hundred years of life-and-death struggle, Han Rong's strength cannot be underestimated, and the growth of strength needs to pay a price.

Just like him now, a hideous scar on his face completely ruined his appearance.

"And him! Why didn't he come? This is a rare opportunity to laugh at me!"

Han Rong took the wine from Zhou Ye's hand and drank it all in one gulp, Han Rong joked to himself.

"He's not as boring as you. There's something wrong with his cultivation, and he's uglier than you are now. I guess he won't come back to give you a chance to laugh at him. He should be able to recover when we meet next time!"

Zhou Ye glanced at Han Rong, instead of making fun of him, he tried his best to mock Xia Congyun.

"No big problem, right?"

It took a long time for the silent Han Rong to speak.

"Compared to a dead person, he breathed a sigh of relief. He looked no different from a dead person, but he said that he could recover as long as he readjusted his practice direction, but it just took some time."

"How about it, come back! Seablue Star needs you, this is your home after all. He didn't care about the things back then. You should understand that he never cared about these things."

In Zhou Ye's heart, he still yearns for the reunion of old friends. We are together just like before, fighting for our dreams.

"It's hard! Now I'm not as naive as I was back then, but to be honest, I regret it when I think about it now. If it wasn't for my self-righteousness back then, I wouldn't be in the situation I am today."

Han Rong actually longed to come back in his heart, but he couldn't let go of the last remaining self-esteem.

"Fart...! Why do you regret it when you come back, Seablue Star needs you now, just like everyone needed you back then. Now is a good time for expansion. He needs to practice to maintain progress, and we need Help him make Seablue Star safer."

As he spoke, Zhou Ye held up the wine bottle and placed it in front of Han Rong.

After thinking about it, Han Rong sighed!The two wine bottles collided with each other, and then both of them laughed unconsciously.

It's just that Han Rong's laughter was full of tears and guilt. He was very ashamed of his innocence back then, and he was also more moved by everyone's acceptance of him.

In the duel arena, in the situation of not knowing if there will be tomorrow today, his hometown has become his last spiritual sustenance.

It's all right now, the people in his hometown didn't reject him, and they were even willing to support him as before.

This made his broken heart feel warm again, that his hometown has his own descendants and also has his own sustenance.

Throwing the wine bottle away, Zhou Ye and Han Rong separated and started heading towards the starry sky. This is a long voyage for the expansion of the Sea Blue Kingdom.

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