Konoha no Uchiha's desire to survive

Chapter 298: Switch to Battle 2

If the battlefield is in the starry sky, that's okay, but if it's on a certain planet, then the planet is doomed.

According to the introduction of the frontline commanders, their task is to ensure that at least two to three bombs hit each square.

This kind of firepower coverage is simply a disaster for the Zerg. Although the Empress breeds very quickly, it takes time to breed bugs.

And these shells and various special weapons can be prepared in advance, and the arsenal in the rear is even more man-made and machines continue to work.

The entire three-shift mechanism continuously provides ammunition to the front line. Although this method of drinking poison to quench thirst cannot be sustained, according to the designated strategic plan, it only needs to be released for three months.

This is because the commanders were more pragmatic in the past. They have been hoarding ammunition for more than 200 years, otherwise the supply of Shire would have been cut off long ago.

If anyone was to say who worked the hardest in this war, then Xia Congyun would definitely be Xia Congyun besides Shire as the commander.

This time, he fully demonstrated the concept of one brick in revolutionary work, and he will be transferred as soon as possible as long as there is a need.

As for his use, Charles didn't hesitate at all, the pupil power of the reincarnation eye was not enough.

It doesn't matter, just use Heart Sword Technique directly.

If there is no way to use the heart sword technique, it doesn't matter, just use the spiritual energy to cooperate with the immortal technique.

In the end, the spiritual energy was also completely consumed. Isn't this the last melee and rule power of the body.

After using all the abilities and entering the cooldown, Cong Yun was thrown into the logistics repair.

Because of the use of this circle of abilities, the situation that needs him to open has basically been opened.

In addition, he only needs to wait for him to recover before he can join the war again.

Cong Yun, who was lying in the logistics office and pretended to be dead, wanted to go home several times, and then find the heavily protected Shire.

He even thought about countless punishments in his heart, and used them all on the body of this unworthy descendant.

Fortunately, if there is a transition of consumption, he will return to the farm.

With the help of the Eternal Tree and the farm environment, quickly recover your state, and then go into battle again.

In just seven days, he had already fought no less than fifty times, naturally his record was remarkable.

There are almost 30 enemies in the eleventh realm. Such a result can be said to be disdainful for the entire theater.

So now as long as he appears, those few books will face the siege of more than a dozen people, and those who besiege him are all experts from other races.

As he got to the later stage, his victories became less and less.

The main reason is that the alien races are also afraid of death. If they are not at the end of the mountain, they will dump Wang Zha if they don't want to come up.

And the reason why Charles threw the bomb when he came up was because he had a good card in his hand, and what made him more confident was that he already knew the opponent's card.

In this case of mental arithmetic and unintentional, the tactical execution was very successful, at least the foreign race had no resistance under Shire's three axes.

Seeing that their own defense line shrinks again and again, the alien allies are also quite foolish. At this time, they will naturally find a way to restore the situation.

After the negotiation, everyone believed that the current ability alone could not win, and they could not even hold the line of defense.

When there is no other way, they can only look for the audience outside the arena and outside tricks.

Among the alien races is a race that is proficient in assassination. They were sent out to infiltrate the army and the human world to create panic and delay the army's offensive rhythm.

Then Sirius and Worm Mother split into two groups, and they went to other places in the starry sky to find comrades who could help them.

The first one they found was the starry sky behemoth. Although Sirius had also looked for the starry sky behemoth, the ancestor of the behemoth rejected it in the name of neutrality.

But this time it came to the point where it had to come, the combination of two lobbyists, Sirius and Worm Mother, persuaded the ancestor of the giant beast.

There are several keys to the ability to talk about the ancestor of the giant beast.

The first is naturally to start with the lips and teeth, then promise the benefits after the war, and finally use the secrets in Jiehai as the trump card.

Faced with these, the ancestor of the giant beast has no possibility of disagreeing, and his greatest hope is to be able to lead the giant beast in the starry sky to obtain eternity.

So when a starry sky behemoth appeared on the battlefield, the human race knew the situation.

At this time, Thors also came with his own conditions, seeking cooperation with the starry sky behemoth.

He first understood the truth, the human race and the starry sky behemoth have no blood feud, unlike the monster race, Zerg race and other alien races who are immortal.

So as long as the ancestor of the giant beast stops, everyone will still coexist peacefully.

The second nature is also the promise of benefits. Thors promised that as long as the ancestor of the giant beast withdraws from the battlefield, or joins the human race.

Then, after the war, the monster race and the Zerg chassis, they can choose a piece of land as the habitat of the race, of course, there is also a size limit for this land.

Thors originally thought that even if these conditions could not allow the starry sky behemoth to join him, at least they could make the other party not help each other.

Unexpectedly, the scheming ancestor of the giant beast asked for a lot of money, saying that it was impossible to join the human race, and if he wanted him to not help each other, he would need to exchange it secretly with Jiehai.

Because he knew that the source of the human race was the first person of the first era to step into the boundary sea, and his ability determined that he could obtain a lot of information.

This is also the cunning of the ancestors of giant beasts. In fact, two races like the monster race and the Zerg race rarely wander around in the boundary sea.

On the contrary, he often goes to and from the Boundary Sea, and has also gained a lot of fame.

It's just that it's still a bit worse than Yuan, so he agreed to the Yaozu and the Empress's proposal to join the war, in fact, he planned to take the opportunity to make a deal with Yuan.

From his point of view, if Yuan is unwilling to trade, then he will not suffer a loss if he joins the foreign race.

And if Yuan agrees to the deal, then he can get some relationship with the human race after he quits, and the most important thing is to get the secret of Jiehai.

From his point of view, neither the left nor the right will suffer, and this is also the capital he is waiting for.

If Yuan intends to make a move himself, then relying on himself and several other twelfth realms is enough to resist Yuan's attack.

At that time, he might be able to get more, but that would not be in line with his style.

And there are also some uncertain factors in it, that is, the source of residence that these people can resist together.

The ancestor of the giant beast was soaked in the boundary sea all year round, and even how deep the water in the boundary sea was, so he was very afraid of the source who could rank among the top ten in the boundary sea.

It's just that the benefits touch people's hearts, this time is the only opportunity for him to communicate with Yuan face to face, and he doesn't want to miss it.

So this time the war has already changed, and the key to victory or defeat is no longer those countless creatures, but these few seemingly high-ranking figures.

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