Konoha no Uchiha's desire to survive

Chapter 314 Ending

The group environment of the Yaozu is not as simple as that of the Zerg. There are also many groups in the Yaozu that are known for their wisdom.

For example, the fox family, the monkey family, and the elephant family are all races known for their wisdom. After years of observation, they finally came to a conclusion.

That is, the human race's hatred for the monster race is much lower than that of the Zerg race, so Sirius has made two-handed preparations since the beginning of the battle.

It wins over the Zerg Empress, and even persuades it to participate, it is nothing more than its means.

If the coalition forces of the Monster Race and the Zerg Race win, then everything will be easy to say.

If this fails in the end, it will be a big deal to withdraw from the current star field. The monster race can live there, and they don't have great demand for climate and resources like the Zerg race.

So from the very beginning, the Yaozu fought against the human race with the idea of ​​training soldiers, discarding the chaff and saving the essence, and the ones left are naturally the best existences.

Although the loss is a bit big, in the eyes of the Yaozu, it is a shame for the weak to survive, and it is the nature of the Yaozu to survive the fittest.

Moreover, they suffered a lot of losses in the early stage, so it is naturally easier for the Zerg to come forward.

Sure enough, the Zerg got enough hatred as soon as they made a move, and now the human race is basically fighting the Zerg.

Although the war robots dominated the temporary situation, both Sirius and Worm Mother knew that their two races were good at technological development, and this thing could only resist for a while.

The original dream of letting the war robots resist for some years was quickly shattered. After the war joined Caesar and Anderson, a big problem appeared.

As a mechanical race, Caesar has a very unique ability, that is, he can take over artificial intelligence lower than himself.

In this regard, even Alice needs to go through huge calculations to crack the opponent's firewall, but Caesar does not know why, and has a natural advantage over those war robots.

This virus-like thing quickly caused the alien alliance to suffer.

This kind of virus spreads at a multiple speed, one spreads two, two spreads four.

Such a speed makes it completely impossible for aliens who don't know how to defend against technology.

When our own war robots fight back on the battlefield, the situation suddenly gets out of control.

When seeing this situation, it is even more impossible for Charles to miss it. Following the command of the saliva, the defense line of the monster race and the Zerg race could not be defended at all.

In the command room of the virtual world, Charles kept waving the baton in his hand, as if such a move could make him feel like a conductor of a symphony.

What he is conducting is no longer a war, but a concert, and he is an artist who treats conducting as an art.

"In the final battle, gather all fighters and flying robots and keep them in the tightest formation. Don't care about casualties, the external robots will fight for our final chance, and everyone including the Star Destroyer Weapons will work together to protect Its final blow."

In the virtual world, countless spaceships and war robots surround a huge spaceship.

As long as these spaceships and robots are shot down by monsters or Zergs, the follow-up ones will immediately fill in the gaps.

In Charles' view, these are just outdated game data, but what he doesn't know is that these fighters are filled with the best soldiers of the human race.

And there are also drivers in some robots. After they received the order from Charles, no one hesitated to complete the tactical arrangement one by one.

Because everyone knows that this will be the final battle, and their current goal is to be the last bastion of the entire starry sky battlefield.

That is the lair of the Zerg empress, and the Star Destroyer Weapon is designed to deal with this lair that is comparable to a super-large planet.

In the entire lair, the zergs from the eleventh and twelfth realms were sent out, but there was only one Zerg guard leader with independent thinking left.

Seeing the human race transporting weapons desperately towards him, the Zerg mother queen suddenly panicked.

Its mental impact can only be effective against living bodies, but it has no way to deal with machines, although it can kill the human warriors in those planes and robots.

But as long as the pilots of these spacecraft die, the virtual world will take over their systems, and then the systems will complete their orders.

The reason why this happened again was that Charles transferred the command authority from other places. For Alice, she is already overloaded.

Every place needs her to receive and process information, and there are too many fighter planes and war robots in the entire starry sky, which will increase her workload.

In the end, the council issued an order to fully guarantee the right to use other places, and the attack of the human race can only be driven by those excellent fighters.

Now that it's the final battle, such a good opportunity is fleeting. Charles also seized this opportunity, and his arrangements are proceeding smoothly.

In the queen's lair, the Zerg warrior whose whole body was made of special steel was still waiting by the queen's side.

The mother queen of the Zerg Race, whose body is hundreds of kilometers long, can't move at all. This is also the biggest shortcoming of their family. Seeing the human race that kept killing her, she also panicked.

"Mantis, quickly clean up those human races for me, and don't let them approach my lair."

For Zerg Queens, the lair is their home and their last port of refuge.

If the home is overturned by others, it means that he will be exposed naked in front of people.

Such a result is not what she wants. Zerg mothers all have their own self-esteem and absolutely do not want to expose their bodies to the eyes of outsiders.

Because their bodies are too ugly, the body of the empress only occupies about ten meters in the body of hundreds of kilometers.

The upper body of this more than ten meters, from the waist down, is all tail belly, and it is the kind of tail belly that is a hundred kilometers long and one kilometer thick.

Being able to have such a large tail abdomen is the reason why they continue to breed Zerg, and compared to other insect mothers, they only breed Zerg fighters.

The strongest worm mother of the Zerg race is also responsible for the continuation of the race. All the worm mothers in the starry sky were conceived by it, so it panicked and screamed when it saw the human race rushing towards it like crazy.

While panicking, it also gave orders to its subordinates, and those Zerg warriors sent by him turned around and returned.

They couldn't refuse the Queen Mother's order, so after Cong Yun saw that he had finally killed the pincer worm jungler, he just wanted to get rid of the other two big meat shields.

He and Sirius were dumbfounded to see those two lumps of meat showing amazing speed, opening their thick carapaces, and flying directly away from the battlefield.

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