Konoha: Start sign in intercolumnar cell

Chapter 15 Sense of Achievement

Chapter 15 Sense of Achievement

Under Sakura's private tutoring, Naruto's written test scores improved very quickly.

The third generation is not too much, as long as Sakura doesn't help bet on the questions, he won't intervene too much to change the exam questions.

This led to a result that made Sakura very depressed, confused, and couldn't figure out the reason even if she tried to break her head.

But as long as she is confident and puts forward the key points of the exam, once she arrives in the exam room, none of the questions will appear.

But if you keep it in your heart and don't say it, it's a good guess, and the accuracy rate of the betting is over 90.00%.

If it wasn't for Naruto's popularity, it would be impossible to tell the teacher that she had no friends, and the teacher wouldn't believe her if she told someone else, Sakura would have mistakenly thought that Naruto was messing with her.

Worried that Naruto would leave him and run to other girls, using Sasuke as a bargaining chip in exchange for benefits.

Facts have proved that Naruto has a way to shake Sasuke. With Naruto's help, there is great hope to win Sasuke.

Therefore, Sakura is eager to prove her ability.

Since betting is not good for the questions, then don't bet, and learn down-to-earth.

After sacrificing a lot of personal time, Sakura devoted herself wholeheartedly to Naruto, helping him with his questions and tutoring.

Gradually, even Sakura noticed something was wrong.

Every time in the examination paper, there will always be a few questions that are relatively uncommon, and Naruto has never studied them before, or they are not well-understood examination questions.

Without these few questions, Naruto would have hoped to be in the top three. It is precisely because of the existence of these few questions that Naruto missed again and again.

It feels like someone is manipulating behind the scenes and doesn't want Naruto to succeed.

This situation was not changed until Naruto memorized all the knowledge points that could be included in the examination paper and mastered them.

And here, it is close to the end of this semester, and it is about to have a holiday.

"Top three! You're in the top three! Good job!" Seeing the report card, Satoro cheered vigorously.

Sakura's face flushed red and she was speechless with excitement.

It's not easy, it's not easy.

After working hard for so long, I finally got what I wanted.

There were more difficulties than she imagined, but after finally overcoming them, the sense of accomplishment made her happy and satisfied.

It's a pity that apart from Naruto, this joy can't be shared with others, let alone publicized.

"No.9." Seeing her ranking, Ino shook her head and didn't care. She was surprised to see Naruto squeezed into the third place.

"I don't know what he ate. He suddenly changed his temper. He obviously handed in nothing before."

Sakura subconsciously raised the washboard.

I taught it.

Awesome, right?
Although there are also Naruto's own efforts, but this cannot erase her dedication.

Also happy and excited about this is Hinata, who wanted to say a few words, congratulations Naruto, thin-skinned, only dared to think, but failed to actually do it.

After school, Naruto couldn't wait to rush to the Hokage Building to find the third generation to cash in the reward.

"Grandpa, this time I successfully entered the top three in the written test. It was achieved within this semester. Does it count as completing the task?" Naruto said.

"Scores don't lie, okay." Sandai said, "This ninjutsu is yours now."

Naruto caught the scroll thrown by the third generation, opened it, and found that it was Tudun, Tuliubi.

Well, sure enough, it's defensive ninjutsu again.

It's okay, we can use the water formation wall as an offensive, defensive, auxiliary, multi-functional ninjutsu, and the soil flow wall is still a problem.

Do not ask.

Asking is Chakrado, self-willed.

"Because it is necessary to make up for the homework that was missed last year and to catch up with the progress of the students, the standard for this first year can be lowered." Sandai said.

"At the last moment, you will be rewarded if you pass the top three exams, but it won't be so easy after that."

"There are nine months in a semester, that is, nine monthly exams. During these nine months, if you make a mistake and fail to enter the top three, the rewards for that year will be cancelled."

"With the absence of one year, the final extra reward, the key method to develop S-level ninjutsu alone, has also been announced as a failure."

"I won't hide it from you, this method, when you graduate and become a genin, you can get it from the jinnin in charge, but..." Sandai laughed.

"For the same technique, it depends on the user's knowledge and understanding, and whether its depth is enough. Undoubtedly, the rewards I can give are better."

"May I ask, is this S-rank limited to one attribute, or all five?" Naruto asked.

"Of course there are five kinds." The third generation wrote lightly.

Not attractive enough, how can Naruto be obediently follow the task.

"I see." Naruto made up his mind to get it.

It is related to S-level ninjutsu, and it involves five attributes.

If he guessed correctly, it must be a change in nature.

Nature change is an advanced application of ninjutsu and is very important.

Take the Water Dungeon as an example. The Water Dungeon, which has no property change, can only be used when there is water.

If the level of nature change is high enough, you can completely ignore this rule and use water escape in a waterless land.

Wind, thunder, earth, and fire are the same in principle, with or without qualitative change, which is completely the difference between heaven and earth.

Although Kakashi is a copy ninja who claims to have copied thousands of ninjutsu, the killer he is really proficient in is just one...


You can ask Kakashi Raiden for advice, otherwise you have to find someone else.

Water escape and earth escape are Yamato.

Feng Dun can find Asma.

Huodun, Zilai is also the best candidate.

It is very difficult to find all these people, and it takes a long time to wait. Naruto can't accept it. If they can be in place in the third generation, why not?
Seeing that Naruto took the bait, the third generation felt happy.

It's not that he rejects Naruto becoming stronger, but he wants Naruto to have a bond first.

Don't underestimate the fetters. In Naruto's situation, if there is no restraint by the fetters, when the strength grows, the probability of defection is scary.

Even revenge on the village.

With a few more fetters, Naruto's heart can stay in the village, and if the heart stays, are you afraid that people will run away?
"Let's go, congratulations on your good grades, what do you want to eat, grandpa please." The third generation smiled.

"Meat." Naruto said, "As long as it's meat, I don't pick."

Seven forty-five.

Rubbing his hands, panting, leaving a string of shoe prints on the snow, Naruto trot home, took out the key and prepared to open the door.

Leng Buding caught a glimpse of a black figure at the door, was startled, almost stepped on the air, and tumbled down the stairs.

After seeing who it was, Naruto said unexpectedly, "Sakura?"

Curled up into a ball, squatting in front of the door trembling, whoever it was if it wasn't Sakura.

"Why are you here! It's so cold outside, let's talk about it first."

Seeing that Sakura didn't respond, and looking at the snow piled up on her hat and shoulders, she guessed that she might be frozen, Naruto said, "Can you get up? Come, let me help you, uh...so stiff!"

In the end, it was Naruto who carried Sakura into the house, wrapped her in a quilt, and moved the stove to the side to heat it up for warmth.

Next to where Sakura was squatting, there was a bag, translucent, it could be seen that there were meat and vegetables inside, and the meat was still raw.

"This is..." Naruto murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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