Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch110- Sealed


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At the same time, Hinata's icy gaze focused on Deidara. The ground beneath her feet crackled with frost as she prepared to launch her attack. "Hyoton: Tsumetai Kumo!" Icy webs shot out from her palms, aiming to ensnare Deidara in their chilling grasp.

Deidara, unfazed by the onslaught, chuckled. "You think you can trap me, yeah?" He threw an explosive clay spider towards Hinata's icy webs, the resulting explosion disrupting her jutsu and sending icy shards scattering.

Meanwhile, Kakashi faced Sasori, his eyes hardened. He formed the seal for a jutsu he'd not used in years. "Doton: Earth Dragon Bomb!" A massive earthen dragon erupted from the ground, its gaping maw filled with a sphere of concentrated rock and chakra.

Sasori regarded the beast with an eerie calm. "You've certainly improved," he commented, his wooden fingers twirling, manipulating chakra strings to send a barrage of puppets at the dragon.

As the puppets clashed with the earth dragon, Naruto redirected his fiery shield, rushing towards Sasori. His heart pounded in his chest, a rhythm of determination. "Sasori! You don't belong with them!" He raised his hand, a sphere of churning wind and fire resting in his palm. "Katon: Rasengan!"

Sasori's wooden form fragmented, narrowly evading Naruto's blazing Rasengan. "Naruto," he said, his voice flat, "my fate was sealed long ago."

While Naruto grappled with Sasori, Kakashi moved to assist Hinata against Deidara. "Suiton: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!" A swirling water dragon roared into existence, its roar echoing through the battlefield as it rushed towards Deidara.

Deidara smirked, his hands molding a clay bird. "You won't get me that easily!" The clay bird flew towards the water dragon, detonating on contact and sending a spray of water and clay debris over the battlefield.

Hinata squinted through the mist, her Byakugan piercing the hazy battlefield. "Wind Style: Kaze no Yaiba!" Blades of wind formed around her, spiraling with her frosty chakra. She lunged towards Deidara, her lion auras roaring with determination.

Deidara evaded with a laugh, but was promptly cut short by Naruto's sudden intervention. "Wind Jutsu: RasenSenbon!" Hundreds of wind-infused needles shot out from Naruto's form, forcing Deidara on the defensive.

Simultaneously, Kakashi and Sasori were locked in a fierce tug-of-war. Kakashi, gripping the chakra strings of Sasori's puppets, struggled to turn them against their master. His fingers moved with precise grace, his eyes a picture of intense focus.

Sasori resisted, his own fingers dancing over the chakra strings. "Impressive, Kakashi, but these puppets are mine," he asserted, a wooden smirk playing on his lips.

Naruto turned back to Sasori, his expression resolute. He exhaled, his chakra swirling more violently around him. "Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!" Naruto's voice echoed through the battlefield, the cyclone-like shuriken in his hand spinning furiously. With a mighty heave, he flung it towards Sasori.

Sasori's wooden form maneuvered to dodge, but was caught off guard by Hinata's sudden intervention. "Hyoton: Hyōga Seiran!" A blasting stream of icy wind shot out from her palms, freezing the ground and slowing Sasori's movements.

The Rasenshuriken hit, splintering Sasori's wooden form into shards, but the puppet master swiftly pulled himself back together, Edo Tensei regenerating his form. "Persistent, aren't you?" He sneered, his chakra strings pulling an army of puppets from the ground.

Meanwhile, Kakashi and Deidara were locked in a dance of offense and defense. Deidara molded explosive clay animals, hurling them at Kakashi who deftly countered with a variety of elemental jutsu. "Doton: Mud Wall!" he called, forming a protective wall to shield from an explosion.

Deidara grinned wildly through the smoke, another clay creation at the ready. "You can't hide, yeah!" His hand shot forward, sending a clay centipede burrowing towards Kakashi.

Kakashi swiftly countered, his hands forming a seal. "Raiton: Lightning Beast Running Technique!" His hand extended forward, the shape of a lightning beast lunging towards the incoming clay creature. The explosion lit up the battlefield, the deafening boom shaking the very earth.

Naruto, noticing Kakashi's struggle, left Sasori to Hinata and rushed to assist his former sensei. He mustered his chakra, a spiraling sphere forming in his palm. "Katon: RasenShield!" He thrust the fiery sphere forward, forming a shield that absorbed the aftershock of the explosion.

Simultaneously, Hinata engaged Sasori. Her palms were icy cold, her chakra shimmering around her. "Byakugan!" Her eyes glowed intensely, viewing Sasori's chakra strings. She darted forward, her movements a blur. "Hakke Rokujuyon Sho!" She targeted Sasori's strings, attempting to sever his connection to his puppets.

Sasori grimaced, his wooden form straining to dodge her icy strikes. He manipulated his puppets, attempting to form a barrier between himself and Hinata. But her icy strikes shattered them, their wooden parts scattering on the battlefield.

Naruto and Kakashi stood shoulder to shoulder, their gazes locked on Deidara. Deidara scowled, a piece of clay already in his hands. "C4: Karura!" He proclaimed, releasing a microscopic explosive into the air.

Kakashi's gaze hardened, his hands forming seals swiftly. "Fuuton: Wind Release Stream!" A powerful gust of wind swirled around them, aiming to blow away the microscopic explosives. Simultaneously, Naruto raised his hand, the wind swirling violently around it. "Wind Jutsu: RasenStorm!" He released a mighty gust of wind towards Deidara, the force pushing the explosives away.

Deidara stumbled back, grimacing as he was caught in the storm. Hinata, seeing an opening, focused her chakra, her frosty aura intensifying. "Hyōton: Ice Sealing Technique!" She sent a wave of freezing chakra towards both Sasori and Deidara, aiming to encase them in solid ice.

Sasori and Deidara, caught off-guard, were swiftly encased in Hinata's ice, their forms frozen in place. Naruto and Kakashi wasted no time. "Fūinjutsu: Sealing Technique!" They both shouted in unison, their hands moving in a series of quick seals. Bright chains of sealing script shot out from their palms, twining around the frozen forms of Deidara and Sasori, aiming to seal their limitless chakra.

Their Edo Tensei bodies twitched and strained, but the ice held them fast. The sealing script glowed brighter, wrapping around them more tightly. "You think you've won, yeah?" Deidara spat, his words barely escaping the encroaching ice.

"Accept your defeat, Deidara. Sasori," Naruto retorted, his voice echoing across the battlefield, laden with determination and sorrow. "It's time you found peace."

Sasori's wooden eyes bore into Naruto's, a myriad of unspoken words passing between them before he was entirely enclosed in ice. The sealing chains glowed even brighter, pulsating with energy before everything became still. The only sound that remained was the ragged breathing of the victors and the distant whistling of the wind.

Slowly, the ice around Deidara and Sasori started to dissolve, revealing the sealing script completely covering their forms. They stood, silent and immobile, their defiance finally quelled. Naruto approached the frozen forms, his heart heavy. "I'm sorry, Sasori," he whispered, reaching out to touch the cold seal.

Kakashi placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, offering silent support. Hinata moved to stand beside them, her icy aura faded, and fatigue evident on her face. "We did it," she murmured, looking at the sealed forms of Deidara and Sasori with a somber expression.

They had won, but the taste of victory was bittersweet. As they stood there, overlooking their victory, they understood that in the world of shinobi, battles were rarely about triumph. 

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