Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch19- Idiots be Idiots


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Rookie 9, of course, me instead of Sasuke, graduated without any hitch. Naruto’s results were stellar, falling short only to mine. Next being Hinata, followed by Ino, Shikamaru, Shino and others.

Of course, despite being a fine Kunoichi, Hinata and Ino graduated with the Medical Exam as well. There were several reasons for that, the major one was, every team ever since Tsunade became Hokage would have a member capable of healing. Despite Naruto’s and my achievements in Healing Jutsu, we skipped the exam so we could be put in the same team with either Ino or Hinata. We decided no one would make a fuss in case we weren’t on the same team.

Of course, some things didn’t change at all. Just after our graduation and getting the headbands, in my case an armband, Mizuki approached us.

“Naruto, can I speak with you for a while?” He asked.

I looked at the future traitor and nodded at Naruto. I of course remembered the plot and what Mizuki was, but for the benefit of the doubt, I let him be until now. Sure, he was a major asshole over the years, but that could still be attributed to his hate for Kyuubi. It didn’t mean he was a traitor. Well, I wasn’t strong enough to end him anyways, but yeah, I let him be. Now, he approached Naruto anyway.

“You guys, go ahead and order me Miso Ramen, I will be back pretty soon.” Naruto nodded as he went away with Mizuki. “10 of them!”

I pulled two girls towards the Ichiraku while thinking what Mizuki would do. This time, Naruto earned his headband. Mizuki couldn’t trick him with that.

When we arrived and ordered the food, Naruto too came to our side with a restless face. He sat down and started to eat.

“So, what did Mizuki Sensei say, Naruto?” Ino asked while ironically eating  a bowl of pork ramen.

“He… wanted to congratulate me. Yep, that is all.” Naruto didn’t raise his face from his Miso Ramen and said uneasily.

“Hmm, strange. Why only you and alone at that?” Ino pressed but Naruto shrugged it off.

After we ate and dropped the girls into their homes, I took Naruto back to our house. “So, what did Mizuki say?” I asked.

“Nothing, like I said. He wanted to congratulate me.” Naruto said while evading my eyes.

“Naruto, I have to know, because I think he is up to no good,” I said while giving him an assuring smile.

“What do you mean?” Naruto asked.

“Did he tell you there is a secret exam to really become a Genin?” I asked.

“How… How did you know?” Naruto asked in disbelief.

“Guessed. But just know, he is lying.” I sighed. Of course, I could guess to some extent but, the reason why I really knew was, this;

[Little Brother]

Your little brother, tricked by traitor Mizuki to do a task for him, might end up with his death. As his big brother, show him the right way and protect him.


(Optional) Inform Hokage

(Optional) Let Naruto know the nature of the traitor.

Save Naruto from his imminent death.

(Optional) Kill Mizuki

(Optional) Learn from Scroll of Seal(Fake)

(Optional) Convince Tsunade to give the fake Scroll of Seal with real jutsu to Naruto and learn from it.

(Optional) Loot Mizuki

“Naruto, Mizuki is most likely a traitor. So tell me, what did he ask from you?”

“He wanted me to steal a scroll from Hokage Tower. He said each Genin-to-be had to complete a task as a final test. And as a Shinobi, I shouldn’t reveal the task given to me.” Naruto said with anger and sadness. “I am still stupid!”

“No, Naruto. You just see good in people. That is a commendable quality. You are a good person. I am proud to be your brother.” I calmed him down as I patted him. “Let’s go see Tsunade.”

“What are we going to see Grandma Tsunade for?” Naruto asked.

“We have a task to finish, don’t we?” I smirked as I pulled him over. “Oh, let’s do Henge first. Plain face and plain clothes, got it?”

“Yeah.” He said and turned into a regular ninja. I, too, did the Henge. My Henge Skill Tree (Alteration) was at 30. The first perk at 25 allowed me to use Henge with 10% less chakra, the same as Ninjutsu perk. I trained and activated the perk three times already, so my Henge cost 30% less chakra. And I spent points to activate the second perk.

[Double Cast] Using the same Jutsu twice efficently, making it twice stronger. So, it is safe to say that my Henge Jutsu is one of a kind. I sincerely believe that at the peak, not even Rinnegan can see through my Henge.

When we arrived at the Hokage’s office, she was drowned by a mountain of papers. We entered through the door without asking, and she was about to wreak her anger on us, but she noticed Naruto’s somewhat weaker Henge.

“Drop the Henge and come out.” She ordered Naruto.

“Aww, man. Why can't I trick you?” Naruto dropped the illusion and came out. Tsunade looked smug but when I dropped Henge too, she looked gobsmacked.

“What? Koushin! I didn’t know you were Henge too.” Tsunade asked with surprise.

“Hehe. I am a genius, it is to be expected.” I answered with equal smug.

“Yes, yes. You are.” She sighed. “So, what brought you here?”

“We have a judas on loose,” I said and did a signal for her to seal the room.

She looked at my hand and ANBU guarding her disappeared. She clicked a button and a seal shield covered the room. “Care to tell me what is going on?”

“Go on Naruto.” I pushed him forward and he started to explain.

“After our graduation, Mizuki approached me and wanted to speak with me in private. He said the exam we passed was just the first step of the real exam. To cull the herd.” He started uncertainly.

“That bastard!” Tsunade exploded in anger.

“Wait, is it true?” Naruto asked with squinted eyes.

“No, what else.” Tsunade too squinted her eyes and wanted him to continue.

“Anyway, he said that my task was to steal a scroll from the Hokage Tower. A big ass scroll in the hidden room. He even told me how to find it.” Naruto ended and looked at the woman.

“That baseborn traitor. I will skin him!” Tsunade shouted as she pulled out a bottle of sake and drank from the bottle.

“You can go. I will deal with it.”

“Yes, Grandma Tsunade.” Naruto was about to go but I stopped him.

“Hokage-sama, with all due respect.” I started, Tsunade looked at me with a squint. “Mizuki is no idiot. He is patient, cunning, and dangerous. If he smells something is wrong, you might let him escape, and it would be dangerous.”

[Speech increased to 59]

“What do you suggest?” She asked.

“We should let Naruto have the Scroll of Seals, and pull Mizuki over. When he is in our ambush, the team of your choice can bring him to justice.” I suggested.

“Impossible!” Tsunade slapped the table. “I can’t, under no circumstances, let the Scroll of Seals leave the building.”

It seems impossible to convince her. I shouldn’t push it.

“I didn’t say the real one, Hokage-Sama,” I smirked. She looked intrigued. “You can create a fake one with some not so dangerous Jutsu. After all, it would be odd if there were no Jutsu in the Scroll. Naruto would try to learn them and Mizuki would be convinced that it is the real scroll.”

“Not bad.” Tsunade pondered while taking another sip from the bottle. “Alright, I will copy the scroll, just wait here.”

I have to do it right, or I am screwed.

“Hokage-sama…” I stopped her.

“What else?” She asked with anger.

“In case he gets away with the scroll… we should take precautions.”

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