Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch52- Monkey Pretend!


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Before the semi-finals, I had an extra round to battle. Since Temari technically won, she was my opponent, but she forfeited without stepping up after ‘winning’ peculiarly.

The semi-finals began. Naruto battled against Ino. Ino was much better than she could ever be in anime. Her clan Jutsu was much stronger and she had close to perfect Chakra control. Her body was stronger and she could even use elemental Jutsu.

Through Earth Release, she defended against Naruto while using Clan Jutsu to get him but in the end, it was Naruto who had won the battle.

For the semi-finals, I was supposed to battle with Neji, but he didn’t want to battle since he had spent most of his Chakra against Shin, and was still a little shaken. So, the finals began and Naruto and I stood off against each other.

“It is time for me to win against you!” Naruto smirked. It seemed the beating I gave him wasn’t enough.

“We all know how this will end, right?” I smirked back.

“It was just a spar. This time, we will battle for real.” Naruto snorted as he held his sword, fastened on his back. I reached out to pull a Kunai but stopped when white feathers started to fall from the sky.

“I guess we have to postpone our battle, Naruto.” I sighed as I folded a seal. “KAI!”

With it, feathers vanished. I looked around the stage and realized civilians were falling unconscious one after another.



A pair of Genjutsu Dissipation reverberated not far from me. Naruto and Hayate looked around as well in surprise. I turned to look at Kage Balcony to see Rasa was now in his battle suit, standing across Tsunade who looked shocked beyond belief. Welp, I couldn’t tip them off without giving off an ability that would bite me in the ass, so I let it happen. Sorry, not sorry.

I could say I overheard Sound Ninja about the attack, I could say I found clues, I could say I noticed something off with Sand Ninja but none of them would let me be off the suspicion following after. Since I couldn’t tip them off without hurting my interest, I just didn’t.

Now, where is Orochimaru?

I didn’t need to wait long as in the next second, he jumped out of the stage to the roof and stood against Tsunade as well, with Rasa. Before any ANBU could rush to help Hokage, Sound Four stood at the four corners of the roof and activated the barrier Jutsu, Four Violet Flames Formation.

Now Orochimaru and Rasa were standing against Tsunade. Fuck, this is not good.

“What is the meaning of this, Kazekage?” Tsunade asked with anger.

“It is obvious, isn’t it, Hokage?” He looked haughtily. “This is the destruction of Konoha.”

“Do you think you can destroy my village as simple as this?” Tsunade smirked. “Wishful thinking of a traitor snake and incompetent Kage.”

“From this day forth, these lush lands will belong to Sand, and Konoha will be history.” Rasa didn’t respond to her taunts. Only scoffed even further.

“Tsunade, long time no see. But you are still feisty.” Orochimaru grinned. “I actually wanted to kill Sensei but failed to find him. In exchange, I will kill you.”

“If you think you can easily kill me, Orochimaru, you are crazier than I thought.” Tsunade looked unfazed but she was panicking. She was against two Kage-level enemies, and couldn’t kill even one of them easily.

“Don’t worry, Tsunade, I will not be killing you alone.” Orochimaru folded hand seals rapidly and in the next second, three coffins started to poke out of the ground.

“I shall not let you!” A sound reverberated in the arena and with his black armor, Sarutobi appeared near Tsunade. He locked his eyes on the coffins as he tried to prevent them from coming out. But could only stop one. How he entered the barrier or if he was hiding within, is beyond me.

The whole arena, at least those who were still conscious, looked at him with gobsmacked faces. The senile old man looked battle-ready and in the barriers with Tsunade.

“You?” Tsunade asked in surprise.

“I knew the old fool was pulling Iroh on us. I just fucking knew it!” I shouted as I fought against the attacking Shinobi of Sound and Sand. But there were too many of them. Now that Rasa was in charge, he gathered even more power to attack Konoha unlike what Orochimaru pulled off in the Anime.

“Sensei, I knew you wouldn’t go senile over something so trivial. You were never soft-hearted.” Orochimaru smiled as if a kid were given candy. “I have long wanted to kill you with my own two hands. Well, your Sensei’ hands, to be accurate.”

As he said so, the coffins revealed their interiors, and Hashirama and Tobirama Senju walked out. “Saru, it’s been a while.” White-haired corpse said while walking out of his coffin.

“I almost failed to recognize you. You have grown old, Sarutobi.” First Hokage slowly commented.

“Grandpa, Granduncle!” Tsunade’s eyes teared as she exclaimed.

“Tsuna-chan?” Hashirama looked happy and sad at the same time as he looked at his granddaughter.

“You have grown nicely, Tsunade. I am proud of you.”  Tobirama looked at her lovingly. After his brother died, it was him taking care of Tsunade.

“There, there, Tsuna-chan. Don’t cry.” Hashirama smiled brightly. “So we were summoned by your Jutsu, Tobi?”

“Edo Tensei, yes. This youngster is our summoner it seems.” Tobirama sighed sadly.

“Enough with chit-chat, let’s begin.” Orochimaru walked towards them with seals and placed them in their heads.

“Gaara, start the plan!” Rasa too shouted towards the arena.


I looked at Gaara with his arms tied with a nigh-unbreakable chain. He wanted to sleep, but he was incapable of using Jutsu. In his whole life, he always resisted sleeping after all. I also couldn’t knock him unconscious, but just in case, I held him on my shoulder and carried him outside of the village.

Temari and Kankuro were following me but I saw Kakashi ordering Ino, Hinata, Naruto, and Shikamaru to follow me. Now I had only two options. One, let Naruto beat Gaara once again so he would change the latter as he did in Anime. Two, I could beat the shit out of him while keeping him awake. After all, Rasa was alive and things might end worse if we let Gaara soften.

Since Iroh/Sarutobi is there, I am not worried about the battle of Kages. Now the choice is what to do with this shit head…

I don’t think I can kill him as of now. Shukaku would attack the nearest settlement which is Konoha. We would eventually stop it but we would do it as a charity. After all, we would be forced to return it to Sand. Cloud and Stone wouldn’t let Konoha have a second Tailed Beast.

And after the battle, the Konoha will be weakened despite the outcome. Stone and Cloud could force our hand if we have the One-Tail. So, Gaara has to live.

Now, if I let Naruto straighten him up, he will be more approachable and prone to being helpful to Konoha which is helpful in the endgame. Gaara was pretty useful in the last part of the Anime. But would Rasa’s existence change Gaara's usefulness?

What if ‘better’ Gaara plus Rasa is a disaster? I mean, we can work around it as well, and Gaara is not a must in the end game, but it makes things easier, to be honest.

Anyways, I will deal with it later. Not like Gaara is stronger than endgame characters such as Madara or Kaguya. Since I am to clash against them if I fail to stop Black Zetsu, having Gaara or not having him wouldn’t change much.

“It is your lucky day, bastard.” I looked at the restless edgelord still on my shoulder.

Not long after, Naruto arrived with Hinata and Ino, while Temari also approached. I let Naruto do what he is best at.


“You didn’t have to.” Tsunade looked at Sarutobi lying on the ground, cold. He was still smiling while looking at the clear sky. He, finally, had the death he always wanted. A meaningful one.

And finally, he acquired what he wanted. Died, while protecting the village against the student he let go. He died while fighting against the evil who summoned his two teachers. And while doing so, he managed to kill the student he let go before.

Yes, I know.Fucking bullshit! Orochimaru died with the help of Tsunade. Sarutobi managed to seal two Kage and Orochimaru’s souls, while Rasa was beaten like a dog. Konoha won beautifully.

The battle was intense. Rasa brought tons worth of Gold Dust and unleashed it with the help of seals. Inside the Four Violet Flames Formation, Gold Dust waves pressured the third and fifth, but they managed to control the situation. Tsunade’s raw power and Katsuyu helped them greatly.

Just when Orochimaru’s sword was about to pierce through Sarutobi’s heart, Tsunade blocked it with her own body and saved enough time for the Third to seal Orochimaru. And now, both died.

Gaara, just like in Anime, is pulled to the light side by Naruto and is now more sensible. No more cookies for the edge-lord.

Rasa, after he and his accomplices were defeated, accepted to bow down and signed a new treaty that ripped a hole in his village’s already not-good-looking finances. He accepted to leave the Gold Dust he used there for Konoha to use as they also will help Konoha in case the village is under a threat.

After my ‘little persuasion’ another article was added to the treaty. Rasa was to step down from his duty and let the new generation take his place. With the new start, Konoha was willing to let go of the bygones and have a more amicable relationship with the Sand.

I am sad to learn Orochimaru died, I mean I have nothing against the guy. He is a true blue villain with an acceptable goal. Not a sad backstory, no cringe personality, he suffers from a friend/love triangle but not by his choice so I will let it pass.

Anyway, his death is just a phase. He has several pieces of souls across the land and can be reborn after some effort. I have no doubt he will as Kabuto was able to escape with Sound 4 in tow with his body. How? I DON’T FUCKING UNDERSTAND EITHER!!!

Tsunade was there, Kakashi was there, Gai was there, hell even Jiraiya was there. How could Four bug-fucker Ninja who had lost to four Genin escape from these names? The same happened in Anime, so I shall not question it.

And here we are, burying the third and people are crying over the ‘Hero!’ A day ago, everyone in here was cursing his seven generations. Now, they all mourn for him. Such hypocrites!

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