Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch56- vs Kimimaro


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Kimimaro, I liked. I understood him. He was the last of his kind, outcast, shunned to the point of death. Saved by Orochimaru from the gate of the no-return. He was loyal to Orochimaru because his life was Orochimaru’s to begin with. If he didn’t save him, he would have died years ago. Instead, Orochimaru helped him, gave him power, and identity. How could he not feel thankful?

No, no! I don’t condone it! I understand! Two different things. I still think he is an idiot and he should be selfish like all creatures. But, I can see where he is coming from, alright. So, I was a little softer against him. And I let him die knowing he died to protect Orochimaru’s honor.


“You and the snake you call master will die today.” I snorted in disdain, visibly irritating him. Just moments ago, he seemed kind and merciful, but now he appeared like a devilish buddha, ready to rip me apart.

“You just dig up your own grave.” He hissed and dashed towards me.

“Go and take care of others. Leave him to me.”  I instructed my allies. Shino appeared hesitant, Hinata trusted me entirely, Neji seemed eager to watch me get my ass kicked, while the others simply obeyed.

As I intercepted Kimimaro's attack with a kunai, our eyes locked. He began to grow bones from his body as weapons, while I signaled Aca and Harrada after the others had left. Aca nodded, following the others, while the plant summon filled the room with thick foliage to obscure our fight from view. Only Hinata and Neji could possibly see through it, but that didn't matter.

I glanced at Kimimaro, who seemed distracted by the thorny ivy enveloping us. Not one to pass up an opportunity, I quickly closed the distance between us, a spinning chakra forming in my hand. With a lightning flick I was in front of him and a spinning chakra formed in my hand.

“Katon: Rasengan!”

I aimed for Kimimaro's chest, but rib bones extended from it to block the attack. Well, 'block' might be too generous—his bones shattered from the force, leaving him seriously injured. I was in better shape, being the one who'd launched the attack. The blast was still strong and sent us both flying in opposite directions. I, as the owner of the attack, was in better condition, Kimimaro on the other hand was in a sorry state. His bones, harder than steel, had been shattered by the spinning, blasting chakra.

“Looks like you are not weak.” He said as he climbed onto his two feet.

“Who knows.” I grinned as I looked at the bleeding teen? A child was more accurate but in this world, people who cultivated chakra were considered adults. It was either him or me. I started to gather chakra at my fingertips, and all started to spin like mini rasengans. That right bitches, I created mini rasengans and I could throw them out. What? Should I wait for years for Naruto to discover it and show off? Bite me.

Five Lightning RasenSenbon took shape on my fingertips, spinning like tiny drills. Now you may ask how a Senbon could be called Rasen. Easy, they spin like thin fine drills. It is super hard to control, but I was able to achieve it with my perfect chakra control nonetheless. Yeah, I can derive Chidori Senbon from this too, but turns out, drilling senbons are much more deadlier, so why the hell I do that?

I shot my arm out, and the Senbon-like lightning attacks vanished, reappearing in front of Kimimaro. True to his reputation, Kimimaro was able to see the attacks despite their high speed. He leaped into the air and dodged each one by contorting his body into impossible shapes.

“Quite a dancer you are, aren’t you.” I teased him. Kimimaro snorted as he dashed forward. While he was running towards me, the mark on his neck started to melt and covered his body. Unlike the scale shape I had, his were more like contorting and parallel lines. His speed and aura changed while he was running towards me.

I Fire Flickered to quickly move back and create distance. Kimimaro was dangerous from a close distance, and I had no intention to give him what he wanted. I folded some hand seals as fast as I could, and brought my hand to my mouth. In the next second, I expelled a wave of hellish flames.

“Katon: Great Fire Annihilation!”

A wave of fire began moving towards the other end, emanating from me. It swept everything in its path, including Kimimaro, who was desperately trying to reach me. When he was confronted by the flames, his complexion changed for the first time and his tattoo began melting once again. In a matter of seconds, he transformed into a beastly creature with dark gray skin, dark black eye sclera, yellow eye irises, sharp teeth, six large bone spikes protruding from his back, a long bone-spiked tail, and two dark black curved markings under his eyes.

As the smoke from the Katon: Great Fire Annihilation cleared, I saw Kimimaro's monstrous form ready to strike. I smirked and taunted, "Still got some fight in you, huh?"

His eyes burned with fury as he lunged forward, extending his bone-spiked tail at me. I dodged, rolling to the side, and quickly sprang back to my feet. "Not bad, but you'll have to do better than that!"

Kimimaro snarled and unleashed a flurry of bone projectiles from his body, shooting them towards me like a living machine gun. I wove through the storm of bones, narrowly avoiding being skewered by the deadly barrage.

With a swift hand seal, I summoned a thick mist to obscure the battlefield. "Let's see if you can keep up, Kimimaro!"

Blinded by the mist, Kimimaro thrashed wildly, trying to locate me. I moved silently, circling around him, preparing to strike. Suddenly, I felt the ground tremble beneath my feet – he was using his monstrous strength to sense my movements.

"No you don't!" I shouted, launching another series of Lightning RasenSenbon at him. The spinning senbons pierced through the mist, striking Kimimaro's body with a series of electric pops.

He roared in pain but managed to stay on his feet. The mist began to dissipate, revealing his battered, monstrous form. His breathing was labored, but his eyes still held a dangerous gleam.

I grinned, panting slightly from our intense skirmish. "Let's end this, Kimimaro. One final clash!"

We charged at each other, Kimimaro's bone spikes and my spinning chakra meeting in an explosion of power. We pushed against one another, struggling to overpower the other, knowing that only one of us would walk away victorious.

Despite his transformation, he appeared slower. However, I could sense that he was now stronger from the tremors he was causing. In the anime, after taking the second form, Kimimaro could tear open Gaara’s sand. It was a big feat and required a lot of strength, but it was all for naught if he couldn’t catch me. And I had no intention to give him that chance.

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