Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch74- Konoha Chronicles 4- Socially Awkward Pupil and Pervert Teacher


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Before Naruto left for his training, Jiraiya was determined to take him away, so Akatsuki couldn’t reach him. After all, he was the Sannin Jiraiya, the spymaster, author of most best-selling books in the world, a great warrior, and a person respected by many. If Naruto wasn’t safe with him, there was no land in the world that could protect him. Sadly, Koushin, who had a different plan for Naruto's training, insisted that Naruto go to the Tengu Realm to continue his training. Reluctantly, Jiraiya agreed, and Koushin proposed that he take Sai with him and teach him Fuinjutsu.

Jiraiya was not thrilled about this idea, but he recognized the potential in Sai and decided to give it a shot. He took Sai under his wing, intending to mold him into a skilled shinobi and spy master. Little did Jiraiya know that Sai's socially awkward nature would make their training an unforgettable adventure.

Throughout their journey, Jiraiya introduced Sai to his network of contacts, teaching him the ins and outs of gathering intelligence. He, from time to time, encouraged Sai to go and talk with the informants, but almost always, Sai failed. At one time, it almost choked Jiraiya with laughters;

Jiraiya was known to be quite the ladies' man, often using his charm to persuade women to help him with his missions. Sai, wanting to emulate his sensei, tried to employ the same tactics on a female informant. He approached her with a straight face and said, "Your eyes are like the deepest pools of water, reflecting the moonlight on a warm summer's eve. Would you be so kind as to share information about our enemies?" The woman, amused by Sai's unusual approach, couldn't help but laugh, as Jiraiya watched from a distance, shaking his head in disbelief.

Jiraiya also shared Koushin's idea for Sai to develop a new technique that combined Drawing Jutsu with Sealing Jutsu and chakra manipulation. Sai was eager to learn, but his determination to fit in and gain Jiraiya's approval led him to mimic the legendary Sannin's behavior in the most awkward ways.

Jiraiya was both amused and perplexed by Sai's attempts to act like him. In one instance, Sai tried to act perverted, mimicking Jiraiya's penchant for spying on women. With a straight face, Sai approached a group of women at a hot spring and said, "Excuse me, ladies. I am here to, uh, research material for a book I am writing. May I observe your...assets?" The women, understandably outraged, chased Sai away, leaving Jiraiya laughing hysterically from a nearby hiding spot.

Despite these awkward moments, Jiraiya was impressed by Sai's progress. Sai diligently practiced his Drawing and Sealing Jutsu, eventually mastering the powerful "Artistic Realm: Reality Canvas." Jiraiya watched as Sai drew intricate symbols in ways he could never imagine and practiced his techniques. The more he saw Sai working on this technique, the more his respect for Koushin increased.

Jiraiya knew that Sai's new technique would require intense concentration and chakra control, so he devised training exercises to help Sai refine these skills. During their sparring sessions, Jiraiya pushed Sai to his limits, forcing him to maintain the drawing while dodging attacks and managing his chakra reserves.

As Sai's training progressed, Jiraiya noticed that the young shinobi was starting to come out of his shell. He began to engage with others more naturally and even developed a sense of humor. It seemed that Sai's attempts to emulate Jiraiya had helped him overcome some of his social awkwardness.

By the end of the first two years, Sai had grown into a formidable shinobi, ready to take on the challenges that awaited him back in Konoha. Jiraiya, proud of his student's progress, bid Sai farewell, confident that he had helped create a powerful ally for the Leaf Village.

As Sai returned to Konoha, he knew that his time with Jiraiya had not only made him a stronger shinobi, but it had also taught him valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty, and the importance of being true to oneself. Though he would always be grateful for the skills he had learned, Sai realized that the greatest gift Jiraiya had given him was the confidence to embrace his unique personality and forge his own path as a shinobi.

Back in Konoha, Sai reunited with his friends, eager to show them the results of his training. They were astonished by the power and versatility of his new "Artistic Realm: Reality Canvas" technique, and they knew that he would be a valuable asset to their team. As they prepared for the challenges that lay ahead, Sai felt a newfound sense of camaraderie and purpose, grateful for the bonds he had formed and the lessons he had learned during his time with Jiraiya.

“I should work on my social skills, although I am not a Master anymore. What would Jiraiya do? WWJD? I know.” Sai punched his palm as he walked the empty streets.

Jiraiya often enjoyed visiting bars and flirting with the waitresses, so Sai decided to give it a try. He approached a beautiful waitress with a stoic expression and said, "Excuse me, miss. You have quite an exquisite...posterior. Would you mind if I sketched it for my artistic inspiration?" The waitress, taken aback, dumped a glass of water on Sai's head.

“Did I do something wrong?” He tilted his head as he looked around. Luckily no one saw.

As Sai continued to hone his skills and strengthen his bonds with his friends, he couldn't help but think back to the time he spent with Jiraiya. He knew that his experiences with the legendary Sannin had changed him for the better, and he was determined to carry on Jiraiya's legacy by using his newfound abilities to protect the ones he cared about and serve the Leaf Village to the best of his abilities.

Of course he knew it was Koushin who gave him this opportunity and the technique and he was truly grateful, despite not knowing how to show it. “Well, I will thank him in Jiraya-style when he comes back. For now, I will go and work on my new book. Research time!”

Taking a deep breath, Sai strode confidently toward the woman, attempting to imitate Jiraiya's swagger. He stood beside her, trying to come up with a smooth opening line. However, instead of a charming remark, Sai blurted out, "Excuse me, miss. I couldn't help but notice your...uh, ample bosom. Would you mind if I sketched it for...scientific purposes?"

The woman's eyes widened in shock, and she slapped Sai across the face before storming off in a huff.

“I have much to learn!” Sai balled his fists, as his respect for his master increased.

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