Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch87- Uchiha Clan Members


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As Chiyo led Karin to Kankuro and Raasa, the others discussed their next course of action. Naruto's eyes blazed with determination. "We have to find Gaara and rescue him. We can't let the Akatsuki get away with this!"

Kakashi nodded, his gaze equally resolute. "Agreed. We'll need to gather as much information as possible and plan our next move."

Temari looked at her friends, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, all of you. I know Gaara would be touched to see how much you care."

Hinata smiled gently at Temari. "We're all in this together. Gaara is our friend, too, and we won't abandon him."

Koushin clenched his fists, his expression grim. "The Akatsuki won't know what hit them. We'll make sure of it."

As they discussed their strategy, Karin and Chiyo reached the room where Kankuro and Raasa lay unconscious, their skin tinged with a sickly pallor. Karin's heart clenched at the sight of them, but she steeled herself, knowing she couldn't afford to hesitate.

She knelt down beside Kankuro, placing her hands gently on his chest. Her hands began to glow with a soft green light as she channeled her chakra into his body, using her medical ninjutsu to identify and counteract the poison coursing through his veins.

Karin's eyes narrowed in concentration as she worked tirelessly to identify the poison that was ravaging Kankuro and Raasa's bodies. After several tense moments, she let out a sigh of relief. "I've found the poison. Now I just need to create an antidote."

Chiyo watched in amazement as Karin's hands continued to glow, working quickly and efficiently to synthesize an antidote directly within their bodies. Before long, Kankuro and Raasa's pallor began to improve, their breathing steadying as the poison was neutralized.

With a final burst of chakra, Karin removed her hands from Kankuro's chest, slumping back in exhaustion. "I did it," she panted, relief and pride shining in her eyes.

Kankuro and Raasa slowly stirred, their eyes fluttering open as they looked around in confusion. "What... what happened?" Kankuro croaked, his voice weak but steady.

Before Chiyo could respond, Karin interjected. "You were both poisoned by Sasori's puppets. I managed to create an antidote and heal you."

Kankuro looked at Karin, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you... I don't know what to say."

Karin smiled, her exhaustion momentarily forgotten. "You don't need to say anything. Just focus on recovering."

As Kankuro and Raasa began to regain their strength, Kankuro handed Team 7 a piece of Sasori's clothing. "This should help you track him down."

Kakashi nodded, taking the cloth and summoning his ninken, or summon dogs. The dogs sniffed the cloth intently, then began to follow the scent, leading Team 7, Chiyo, and Temari towards Sasori's location.

Naruto, eager to save Gaara, wanted to rush ahead as fast as possible. Koushin, however, placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, urging him to calm down. "Naruto, we need to rest. We won't be able to save Gaara if we're too exhausted to fight."

Reluctantly, Naruto agreed, and the group settled down for the night to regain their strength.

The next morning, Team 7, Chiyo, and Temari set off once more, leaving Karin behind to continue treating Kankuro and Raasa. They followed the ninken as they tracked Sasori's scent, determination and resolve etched on their faces.

As they hurried through the desert, the group was suddenly confronted by three unexpected figures: Inabi Uchiha, along with two other Uchihas, Taiseki and Muku. Kakashi's eyes widened in shock as he recognized the trio from the Konoha Police Force, thought to have been killed by Itachi during the Uchiha massacre.

Kakashi's gaze flicked to their eyes, noting the black sclera that indicated they were resurrected using Edo Tensei. "Inabi, Taiseki, Muku... You're supposed to be dead. Who brought you back?"

Inabi's eyes burned with a mixture of hatred and bitterness as he glared at the members of Team 7. "We were brought back by someone who shares our hatred for Konoha," he spat, his voice dripping with venom. "Our entire clan was massacred, even our children, all because the village feared the power of the Uchiha. We've been given a chance for vengeance, and we intend to take it."

Taiseki and Muku nodded in agreement, their faces twisted into snarls of fury. "We don't care about your mission," Taiseki hissed. "All we want is to see you Konoha ninja suffer as we have."

Muku's eyes narrowed, his voice cold and unforgiving. "We were once proud protectors of the village, and yet they turned on us, slaughtering our families without mercy. You won't be able to stop us from exacting our revenge."

Kakashi looked at the trio with a mixture of sadness and resolve. "I understand your pain, but attacking us won't change the past. We are not the one that killed you, he is the one who controls you!"

Inabi scoffed, his hatred unabated. "Your words mean nothing to us. The village betrayed our trust, and for that, they will pay."

Hinata's fists clenched at her sides, her heart aching for the Uchiha, but she knew they couldn't let their emotions get the better of them. "We can't let you stand in our way," she said firmly. "We have a mission to complete, and we won't let you or anyone else stop us."

Naruto stepped forward, his eyes filled with determination. "I know how it feels to be hated and feared," he said, his voice steady. "But we can't let that hatred control us. We have to look towards the future, not dwell on the past."

The resurrected Uchiha remained unmoved by Naruto's words, their eyes dark and unforgiving. Inabi sneered, "Your empty platitudes mean nothing to us. We will have our revenge, no matter the cost."

Koushin, who had been watching the exchange in silence, finally spoke up, his voice calm and soothing. "In the end, you are following the person who massacred you all."

Taiseki spat, his eyes narrowed. "You think we care about your opinions? We will destroy everything you hold dear, just as our lives were destroyed."

Muku's voice was cold and unforgiving. "Konoha will pay for what they did to our clan, and you will be the first to fall."

Kakashi sighed, knowing that reasoning with the Uchiha would be futile. "If you insist on standing in our way, we will have no choice but to fight."

Inabi's eyes flashed with murderous intent. "So be it. Prepare to meet your end, Konoha scum."

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