Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch89- Reinforcements Arrived


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Koushin launched a series of Rasengan attacks, each infused with one of his elemental affinities. As the attacks flew towards Inabi, he struggled to keep up, his Sharingan working overtime to predict and counter Koushin's moves.

Koushin decided to change things up, using his RasenShield to deflect Inabi's Fire Release. He then followed up with a RasenSenbon, spinning senbons of chakra that he threw towards Inabi. The Uchiha barely managed to dodge the attack, his eyes wide with surprise.

"You're not bad, Inabi, but you're not great either," Koushin taunted, continuing to barrage his opponent with his Rasengan variations.

Inabi gritted his teeth, frustration mounting as he struggled to land a decisive blow on Koushin. "You won't beat me with your childish tricks!" he snarled, launching another powerful Fire Release technique.

Koushin simply laughed, using his Katon: Rasengan to counter the attack. The two fire techniques collided, creating a massive explosion that sent a shockwave through the area.

As the smoke cleared, Koushin decided it was time to finish the fight. He quickly created a RasenSpear infused with Earth Release, hurling it towards Inabi. The weapon impaled itself into the ground near the Uchiha, imploding upon contact and trapping him in a prison of earth.

Inabi's eyes widened as he realized he was trapped, his anger and hatred quickly turning to desperation. "You won't get away with this!" he spat, struggling to break free.

Koushin shook his head, his expression a mix of sympathy and determination. "I'm sorry, Inabi, but we can't let you continue on this path of hatred."

With a final hand sign, Koushin sealed Inabi within the earthen prison, effectively putting an end to the battle.

Happy with their wins, Koushin, Hinata, and Naruto returned to Kakashi and Chiyo, who looked surprised. Especially Chiyo, who was utterly shocked. All three of them had demonstrated monstrous abilities in their battles.

Koushin grinned, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Well, that went better than expected."

Hinata nodded, her eyes still reflecting a hint of sadness from her battle with Taiseki. "Yes, but it's a shame it had to come to this."

Naruto's expression mirrored Hinata's, his thoughts lingering on his own battle with Muku. "I know what you mean, Hinata. But we had no choice. We had to stop them from causing any more harm."

Kakashi approached the trio, clapping them on the back. "You all did an excellent job. I'm proud of each of you."

Chiyo, still awestruck, finally found her voice. "I must admit, I never imagined you three would be so powerful. You truly are exceptional shinobi."

Narutp chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "We've all had our fair share of challenges and learned from them. We couldn't have done it without our mentors and friends."

Hinata smiled softly at the compliment. "Thank you, Chiyo-sama. We've worked hard to get where we are today."

Naruto's eyes gleamed with determination even further. "And we're not done yet. We'll continue to grow stronger and protect the people we care about."

Kakashi nodded, his one visible eye crinkling with a smile. "That's the spirit. But for now, let's continue going after Gaara. There is a cave ahead and Gaara must be there."

As they arrived at the cave, Koushin was expected to see Gai’s team, but to his absolute surprise they saw Team Asuma coming towards them as well. Koushin dashed toward Ino, visibly concerned. "Ino, are you okay?" he asked, scanning her for any injuries.

Ino smiled reassuringly at him. "I'm fine, Koushin. Thanks for worrying about me."

Koushin sighed in relief, thinking to himself, 'Why did Tsunade send Ino's team? In the anime, she sent Gai's team.'

Ino explained that her team had encountered a shark-like person, but they were able to defeat him using their newly improved techniques. Their attention then turned to the giant stone at the entrance of the cave.

Kakashi inspected the seal on the stone and explained in his usual lazy demeanor, "This is a Five-Seal Barrier. The user connects five 'forbidden' tags to each other using their own chakra. One of the tags is applied to a central location that the user wishes to shut access to, while the other four are applied to surfaces in the surrounding area. So long as at least one of the tags remains in place, a barrier will be created over the central location that prevents it from being opened or in any way physically damaged."

He continued, "If you want to remove the barrier, you'll need to break into two small teams for maximum efficiency: one team focuses on removing the four surrounding tags, while the second team removes the central tag and immediately afterwards storms the stronghold."

Kakashi then instructed Hinata to use her Byakugan to search for the other four seals. After locating them, Asuma suggested that his team would handle the four surrounding seals while Kakashi's team dealt with the central one.

Before they could go their separate ways, Koushin stopped them. "Naruto, I think you should inspect the seal too," he said, an air of caution in his voice.

Naruto and Koushin approached the seal, and Naruto soon realized there were traps within the seals that would form strong opponents when chakra was transferred to break them.

Koushin turned to Ino and Shikamaru. "Ino, you should use a small animal to remove the tags, and Shikamaru, you can use your Kage control on a small animal as well. Once you defeat the opponents created by the seal, go and help Asuma and Choji."

Everyone nodded in agreement and dispersed to their respective tasks.

As Team Asuma set off to deal with the surrounding tags, Koushin, Naruto, Hinata, and Kakashi prepared to break the central seal. The atmosphere was tense, each of them knowing the stakes of their mission.

Kakashi looked at his team, his voice serious. "Everyone, be on your guard. We don't know what kind of opponents these seals will create."

Hinata nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "We'll be ready, Kakashi-sensei."

Naruto clenched his fists, his eyes blazing. "Yeah, we'll show them what we're made of!"

Koushin grinned, his confidence unwavering. "Let's do this."

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