Kyouhana: Transmigrated into the Worst Book and Became the Dark Lord’s Bride

Little Sister’s Vlog I: My Life as Princess

A month after…

“Hello everyone! This is Mary, and I’m not a princess. Wait… Should I pretend that I’m not a princess?”

Marina Ravelgrace, the youngest daughter of the Ravelgrace royalty, wiggles in front of a strange device. The gadget made of toned metal has a huge lens that faces her.

She placed it on the desk in her room, facing her bed alongside the sun rays. Unease approached her, not knowing how to start the content.

After pinching her chin, a bulb lights over her head. The energy enhances her speech into an exclamation of joy.

“Ehem! Again, this is Mary! Thank you for your consideration, but I really don’t know how to start this video… but I don’t care!

“By the way, I have a joke. Why did the tomato turn red?” Marina asked, extending her ear towards the lens and putting her palm around it.

After some time, she straightened her back and cheered at herself.

“Because it saw the SALAD DRESSING! BWAHAHAHA!”

The sound of die-hard laughter filled the air. It was a high-pitched, joyful, and contagious sound that made everyone around her cringe.

She didn't care about anything else in the world, except for having fun. But it would be embarrassing if someone saw her in that state.

When she realized that her bedroom door is open, she flinched with a deep swallow. Her happiness faded into terror in an instant.

A head of a maid slips inside, staring at her with squinted eyes and an open-hanging mouth. Marina blushed as she inhales more than her lungs could.

After a moment of silence, Marina rushed to the door to close it with a bang. She blocked the door with her little body to stop it from opening, but no one does.

“Idiot! Why did you peek, Gloria?! You idiot! Idiot!” Marina cried.

“I’m sorry, milady. Your Highness asked you to attend dinner.”

“Will Dad joke?”

“Your Highness will leave urgently for an important matter with the other country’s ambassadors. He’s expecting you to join—”

“Then I don’t care! I’m vlogging! V-L-O-G-G-I-N-G!”

“Your wishes, milady. I will inform Your Highness of this matter,” Gloria said, leaving the sounds of fading footsteps gone.

Gloria is a tall, slender woman with dark, wavy hair that cascades down to her waist. Her piercing green eyes hold a sense of mystery and wisdom.

She wears a traditional maid's uniform, complete with a crisp white apron and a neatly tied headscarf.

Like Elara is to Veniara, Gloria is the maid assigned to watch over Marina. She’s a silent person who can resist the little princess’s pranks.

Sometimes, Marina’s pranks end up returning to hers. It’s a quality only Gloria can do, that’s why she’s hired as a maid.

Marina stomped back in front of the lens with a stooped posture and a downturned face. Her lips extend while her eyebrows furrow.

“Boring. She’s so boring,” she mocked.

When she realized that she was in front of the gadget, she flinched back with widened eyes. She suddenly turns back to hide her embarrassed face.

“Oh! Y—You have to see that, huh? Never mind it! It’s nothing! Really, it’s nothing!”

She turns to the gadget again, with a facade of joy. The glamouring aura she emits brightens her character.

“Oh, Hello again! Uhm… What should I call you? Hmm… Oh, right! I shall call you lambs! It sounds fantastic! Mary had a little lamb, little lamb…”

After that, she sang the whole song. Well, those who watched her foolishness will not notice that she’s thinking of her content.

“Oh, I know what to talk about now!”

Marina left the lens’s field of view. After some time, she came back holding the same gadget and shows it to the lens.

“This is called a Ciamera! With this, you can capture yourself, me, and your loved ones! I always bring this when we go outside. Of course, I have memories in myself, but I want to share them with others!

“This Ciamera is made by Cianon, a famous producer of amazing inventions. I really really loved visiting their place sometimes!

“The Ciamera I bought captures colors in it. And not only it captures a frozen shot, but it also mimics moving images from that memory. I remember it is called ‘video.’

“And this is where I am now! I am recording a video of myself saying hello to the world. This is really amazing! Soon, I’ll be able to share my memories with others, but for now, it’s a secret. Shhh!

“Oh right! I will show you around the house! I will also introduce you to the people here. Just wait. GLORIA!”

For the next venue, Marina and Gloria wandered around the house, scanning every piece of furniture and corner of the most preferable rooms in the mansion.

Marina approached the royal court maid while Gloria holds the Ciamera, pointing towards them.

“Royal court maid Ellyn! May I ask you a question?” Marina asked.

“Little princess Marina? And Gloria too. What brings you two here?”

“I’m doing a vlog!”

Ellyn squints at the lens with her narrowed eyes. “A vlog? Is that the trend nowadays?”

“Yes! It’s easy if you have a Ciamera!”

“I see, little princess. By the way, what questions are you going to ask me?” Ellyn asked with a smile.

“Is being a royal maid fun?”

“Well, it depends. If you like to boss around and order, this job is for you. But it’s very tiring if you’re too committed. Handling all of the maids is a pain. Sorry if you can hear this, Gloria.”

“No, it’s fine,” Gloria shook her head and replied.

“Next question,” Marina followed up, “Are you having fun with the family?”

“Rather than having fun, I somewhat feel enlightened. Having the privilege to stay beside Princess Veniara is a heartwarming blessing. I can see her sweat and hard work paying off.”

“Eh!? Can you buy things with sweat!? I didn’t know!” Marina exclaimed like a forbidden knowledge entered her brain.

“That’s not it, milady,” Gloria followed up. “The royal maid meant Princess Veniara is being rewarded for her hard work.”

Because of the sudden comedy, Ellyn chuckled. “You two are great partners!”

After the house tour, the two entered the castle without any notice. While the king holds a meeting with the other country’s ambassadors at the throne room, the two open the gates.

The guards didn’t even obstruct Marina as she walked and sings through the red carpet with a wide grin. Gloria pans the Ciamera as Marina walks.

Everyone caught their attention. Both the king and queen’s pupils dilated. The ambassadors are asked to make way for the princess.

As Marina reached the end of the carpet, she didn’t bother talking to her parents first. Instead, she turns around and…

“Hello, lambs! Right now, we are here at the castle! Oh! Papa and Mama and the others are having a meeting! Did we get to the right time?”

She extended her ears to the lens again. After that, an awkward silence followed.

As he realized it, the king laughed as hard as he could. Beside him, the queen hides her blushing face with her arms.

“Little lamb! Why are you here!? What are you doing!?” The queen squealed like a vampire bathing in sunlight.

“I’m making a vlog! Don’t worry, Mama. I won’t share this with anyone yet,” Marina replied.

“Yet!? A vlog you say!? Don’t point that thing to me! My benefactors will notice my face.”

The king suddenly stopped laughing as he squints his eyes at the queen. “Benefactors?”

The queen suddenly grabbed the king’s collar and threatened him with her gritted teeth.

“Don’t try to come up with a joke right now, or I’ll kill you. I’m in a very bad mood right now.”

“I—I surrender,” the king stuttered.

Marina turns around the Ciamera with a pose of achievement. “Obstruct the royal meeting: Success!”

Recognizing that it was all a prank, the queen shouted. Her anger resonated in every corner of the room.


After being kicked out of the palace, the two don’t seem to finish yet. Instead, they were redirected to the barracks.

As they enter…

“Milady, what we’re doing right now might be inappropriate for Princess Veniara. She’s doing training with the Cavalry Knights right now,” Gloria advised.

“Don’t worry! My sister loves me! This prank won’t even hurt her.”

“As you wish, milady.” Gloria doesn’t have decision-making authority. She’s only capable of advising.

As they enter the cavalry zone of the barracks, they saw rookie knights training with their swords and horses. The fragrant hay mixes with the smell of hard work from their sweat.

Marina scanned the field until she finds a red-haired trainee wielding a sword. After she does, she points toward her.

“Look, Gloria! It’s my sister! She’s doing amazing moves like the heroine in fairy tales! Point the Ciamera at her!”

From the distance, Gloria points the Ciamera towards Veniara who’s exchanging blows with another girl rookie.

Because of their different smell and aura, the other resting rookies caught their attention. They did notice how elegant Marina’s dress is and how clean Gloria was.

“Uhm… Excuse me, but perhaps… are you lost?” A rookie male asked.

“I’m Marina, the vlogger! I’m watching my sister train to be strong! She’s really amazing! You should watch her too!”

“Marina? Wait… Don’t tell me— Princess Marina!?”

Because of his squeal, even those practicing caught their attention. Their training got disturbed by the sudden checkup of a royal daughter.

“I—I didn’t notice— Forgive me for my rudeness, milady!” The rookie kneeled and begged for forgiveness. Others froze to nervousness.

“Don’t worry. I’m just visiting. By the way…” Marina waved towards Veniara who was also affected by the distraction. “Sister! Do your best! You’re amazing!”

Everyone looked at the red-haired rookie whose mouth hangs open as her eyes dilate. Time stopped for seconds at the Cavalry section of the barracks.

The knights murmured at each other.

“Hey, is she cheering for Vena?”

“But that’s the only direction she’s looking…”

“Don’t tell me—”

Like a wave, the rookies in the whole area kneel at her. Even Veniara’s partner shakes in fear as she kneels.

Veniara grimaces and swallows as her ears redden. Her body freeze down in place as if she wanted to flee. But there’s no escaping her situation.

Her shoulders slowly rise. Her eyes protrude to where Marina and Gloria were. Veins appear on her forehead. She walks with a threat toward her little sister.

Even from a distance, Marina can hear her sister’s breathing.

But that won’t stop the vlog. Marina turned at the Ciamera and did the same pose again. “Distract my sister: Success!”

Veniara shouts with agony.


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