Laundry Divers: An Erotic Lesbian LitRPG

Ch. 03: Challenges

Sabrina entered the apartment with a basket of clothes. She instantly grew sheepish when she saw Jade in the kitchen. Her roommate was eating a popsicle and scrolling on her phone, casually leaning on the counter.

She wanted to tell Jade about the magical dungeon in their apartment’s laundry room. She couldn’t risk opening her mouth though. She knew that the words ‘I want to taste you’ had jumped to the front of the line and wouldn’t let her get anything out until they were said.

She paused, mindlessly, as she was passing the kitchen, unable to look away from Jade. Jade looked up. She briefly seemed like she would question Sabrina’s gaze, but her train of thought was derailed when her eyes caught Sabrina’s ass. Sabrina’s blood ran cold. Jade would certainly question the transformation.

Except, she didn’t. Taking in the sight of Sabrina’s ridiculous ass seemed to be so all-consuming that there wasn’t any attention left to go towards suspicion. Sabrina got an idea of how that boost to stealth worked. It seemed that her ass was just so hot that people went dumb around it. Jade shook from her daze, blushing. The pair exchanged nods and Sabrina simply kept walking, like nothing happened.

In bed, Sabrina waited a few minutes until she heard Jade go back to her room. Leaving her door open for the thrill of it, Sabrina tossed off her T-shirt and gently slid her fingers along her slick folds. She sensed a corner of her mind stirring and turned her focus there.

>Masturbation challenge: masturbate to hardcore pornography for thirty minutes for a minimum of 2 orgasms.

That seemed easy enough. She put in some ear buds and pulled up some porn on her phone. Her mind jumped to Jade when the video of rough lesbian strap-on fucking started. Her arousal spiked at this thought, and she ready enjoyed her intake of porn with Jade on her mind.

Sabrina was no stranger to treating her clit like a lotto scratcher she blew her last dollar on. With her new amorous perk, though, masturbating was brand new again. Her slippery folds and melting bean sent waves of delight from every little touch. There were little no wrong answers, as every move hit her just right.

Moreover, as the clock ticked on and she reached approached the required half-hour mark with three orgasms already under her belt, she was no worse for wear. Usually, after time went on, she’d begin to rub herself raw, with chaffing and post-orgasm sensitivity. Now, she just continued feeling fresh and eager for more.

Her thirty minutes ran out fast, and she got a message in her head about the challenge being complete. With the same holographic confetti that accompanied level ups, three flat representations of her rewards, with descriptions underneath. First there was a ten-ounce silver bar. The description claimed that it was somehow immune to suspicion from both points of sale and the IRS.

Sabrina reached out, and as soon as she touched the pixelated image, the real bar manifested in her hand. It was polished smooth, and shiny. On the face of it, a simplified image of a succubus was etched. She looked up the value of the silver on her phone, and grinned as she saw that she’d essentially just gotten paid two hundred and fifty dollars to masturbate.

Second, there was a strange hard candy. The description said it was a vaginal suppository that gave her a boost to kegal strength and maintained a healthy pH balance. She shrugged and took it. The idea of putting candy in her pussy was strange, but she didn’t doubt the dungeon’s magic.

Last, with no description, was one of the pink jellies. She grabbed it and popped it right away. As Vigor had, her Lust gauge filled only two thirds of the way. That was enough confirmation for her of the diminishing returns of the jellies.

She twirled the silver bar in her hand, filled with excitement over having a tangible reward to prove the magic happening to her was real. Then, she took another look at the red candy, took a deep breath, and slipped it inside of herself. Her eyes went wide. She tasted the watermelon flavored candy. Her pussy literally tasted it, in full definition of flavor as if it was one big tongue.

Even better than the taste was the sour twinge. The same feeling that would pucker her mouth was puckering her inner walls delightfully. Her hips squirmed and gyrated on their own in response to the inner pleasure. She was ready to start back up again. Her mind turned to her path of cultivation.

>Masturbation challenge: edge five times without cumming. Counter is reset and one edge is added to requirements with each orgasm.

With the candy being squeezed back and forth by the contracting walls of her pussy, she was sure getting to the edge would be easy. Easing back from it, though? Only one way to find out. She got started, and after only a minute she found the edge of her climax and restrained herself from going over.

There was some trial and error. There was one where she got pretty close to the edge, but apparently not close enough, because it wasn’t counted towards her total. Infuriatingly, after four successful edges, when she finally hit the fifth, she had an issue. She removed her hand, but her body was barreling towards cumming with so much momentum that she fell halfway into release even after letting go. Unfortunately, a ruined orgasm still got counted as an orgasm.

She groaned in frustration as her edge counter was reset, and now required six for the prize. She raised her hand to her face, nearly rubbing it in frustration. At once, she realized her hand was slicked with her juices, and that it smelled like candy. She licked her natural lubricant off of her finger and was pleased to taste her watermelon candy had strongly flavored her cunt. She dipped down for a few more tastes and started back up.

She took her time, carefully letting herself wind up and down. She swapped out porn genres and forms of media throughout, knowing she was in this for the long-haul. After roughly forty-five minutes, she approached her sixth edge, and stayed completely zen. With a deep breath to steady herself, she finally won the challenge.

>Challenge complete! Rewards:

This was followed by images of a dagger, another silver bar, and what looked like a green circle. She read the dagger’s description.

>Weapon: Razor’s Edge. Deals magic damage. The edge is as sharp as an obsidian scalpel; yet it cannot cut the skin of yourself or your allies without unreserved intention to do so.

>Non-combat use: supernaturally efficient shaving implement. Hairs shaved regrow at 1/15th their original rate until their length catches up with what was shaved off.

That sounded promising to Sabrina, despite her disapproval of edge being in the name. She looked to the green circle.

>Ingredient: lime. Low-tier magic saturation. Effects: boosts mental clarity. Additional effects yet to be discovered.

So, it seemed the dungeon had an alchemy or cooking system. That would be something to investigate later. She grabbed each reward, one after another. The long dagger was housed in an elegant white sheathe. Investigating it further would need to wait. Sabrina was pent up.

Since she already knew she’d be masturbating more just for a release, Sabrina checked for the next challenge. She nearly choked. The challenge was ‘have an orgasm.’ Accompanying the challenge was a timer, which was already ticked down to forty-nine seconds.

Her hand shot between her legs and began working. In spite of taking a moment of pure distraction after her last edge, she was immediately close. She was Amorous, and still had a small remaining bead of candy churning her up inside. So with twelve seconds remaining, she exploded into a glorious climax, one that went on through slowly diminishing waves of spasming pleasure for nearly two full minutes.

Basking in her afterglow, scarlet-flushed skin glistening, Sabrina opened her eyes. Getting rewarded for cumming seemed redundant, but she wasn’t complaining. She looked over the magically holographic display above her head. First there was two more silver bars. It was absurd how quickly she was accumulating silver; she’d already netted a grand in just over an hour. If her challenges kept paying out this easily, she could quit her job. Hell, it’d be dumb not to. What was the point of sitting an office, any time she wanted to put towards bringing in money would most wisely be spent fingering herself silly.

The next prize puzzled Sabrina. It appeared to be an egg, with a pink and tan splotch pattern. She read the description.

>Prize egg! Incubate in vaginal or anal cavity for [6] hours to hatch a Legendary bonded item!

Reluctantly, she reached for it, and her hand came back with an egg the size of a particularly large avocado. She was struck with the notion that somewhere, a very perverted god was watching her, seeing how far it could push her sexual limits. She delicately set the egg on her nightstand. Deciding what to do with it was a matter for another time.

Next, there was a pink jelly, which Sabrina found exciting. After that, there was a reward that was simply a box of text.

>Special perk: Enamored (single use). Select a target to be the focal point of your adoration. Lustful and romantic feelings towards this person will not be altered without your intent. Letting your desire build for them will, however, allow your feelings for the person blossom to take on magical effects. Optional masturbation challenges will be issued based around the target with increased rewards. Lust for this person may evolve your Amorous perk to grant improved bonuses.

Don’t think of a pink elephant. Just such a paradox was what Sabrina’s mind jumped to right away. Her first thought was don’t think about Jade. The image of her roommate spreading her legs in bed flooded her mind.

Then, Sabrina lied to herself shamelessly. She pretended as hard as she could that she was agreeing to take on the reward by accident. As well, that her mind just slipped and fell into choosing Jade was the subject of her affection. Whoops. Aw shucks, guess now I have to think about Jade to gain power.

Circling back, trying to act like that didn’t just happen, Sabrina grabbed the silver bars and pink jelly. The pink gauge filled up its remaining third and she leveled up. Some new stats were all she could hope for to distract her.

>[Lust] has reached lvl 3!

> In the absence of a class, your points have been allocated automatically.

>New skill: oral sex lvl 3! 5,000 hours of training gained. Moderate magical enhancements infused into your use of oral sex.

The lack of any perks was mildly disappointing. However, learning that not every level of Lust would come with a new kink softened the blow. Not to mention her new magical mouth skills. As she probed her thoughts, seeing what aspects of oral sex she was now skilled in, she found no blind spots in her training. She now knew exactly how to expertly suck dick, eat pussy, eat ass, and even simply kiss.

Sabrina also found that her HP bar seemed to have doubled. She guessed that extra points were sunken into health, rather than new perks. This seemed like more than a fair trade off, as she felt healthier than any human should.

Sabrina was now satisfied with the nights gains. As tempted as she was to take on a few more masturbation challenges while she fantasized about her roommate, she opted to go to bed. Dreams of Jade would need to be enough

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