Laundry Divers: An Erotic Lesbian LitRPG

Ch. 07: Juicy

Getting upstairs while Jade was topless terrified Sabrina. Jade, on the other hand, was gleefully haphazard about it. Fortunately, they made it up without witnesses.

“You’re impossible,” Sabrina complained, once inside.

Jade was cracking up about Sabrina’s squirming. “I’m sorry. It was a challenge. I was gonna tell you, but you were being too cute about it.” Then, Jade snagged a silver bar from the air, followed by a classic potion bottle.

“A potion?” Sabrina asked, interest piqued.

“Yep. Good old-fashioned health potion,” Jade answered, grinning.

“Okay, yeah. That’s worth it. I was hoping those would be a thing.”

“I’ll save this for the dungeon. I wonder if we can make them with those magic ingredients. I bet we can. So, let’s figure out how to establish a base.”

“Right,” Sabrina confirmed. She held out the gold statue that was tucked under her arm. She felt an instinctual understanding that she was in the right place for it. It felt intuitive that ‘base’ referred to home. With that in mind, she simply set the totem on a shelf, and mentally consented to a base being set up.

>Base established.

>3 Base upgrade points available.

>Quest complete: Base Established.


>Base Perk: Restful. Benefits of rest are gained at double the rate inside of Base. 4 hours of sleep are as restful as 8. 8 hours of sleep will give double the benefits, without the drawbacks of oversleeping.

They both expressed excitement over the new development. Life-changing boons were coming at the two roommates so frequently that it was almost exhausting.

The totem’s flat mouth was now curled into a smile. By turning their attention to it, there was a vague psychic toggle they could easily press. This caused a sort of screen to appear in the air, which showed Base upgrades they could buy.

Out of the several options available, there were a few that stuck out. Jade spoke up first, pointing at an upgrade. “That one.” The upgrade in question gave a bonus to water pressure. Sabrina had the same thought, so they bought it.

Next, they bought an aura effect that reduced anxiousness and boredom. Finally, there was an upgrade that made all taps give cleaner drinking water and have a cleansing potion optionally mixed into it. The two of them agreed that they could trust the potion’s effects to be useful.

“I wonder if adding in the potion will take some kind of mental command,” Sabrina pondered.

“Let’s take a look,” Jade suggested, walking over to the kitchen. She found that a new button had been added to the side of the handheld faucet. She turned the handle, letting a heavy stream of water pour down. “Wow! Already loving the water pressure. I wonder how that’s gonna feel in the shower, now that my nips are straight up cum-buttons.”

Then, she pressed the button, which turned the water from a bubbly white to completely clear and glassy. The mild gunk on the sink washed away instantly. Eyebrows now cocked, she grabbed a dirty plate, and put it under the stream. On contact, the mess completely disappeared.

“Oh my god,” Sabrina praised. “That’s amazing! I wonder if it’s body safe. Like, could we shower in it? Brush out teeth with it?”

“Spray it up our asses?” Jade added.

“Jesus,” Sabrina chastised. “Were you always filthy as fuck, or did the jellies do this?”

“This is all me, baby! The dungeon is just throwing fuel on the fire. You picked the worse person to give pervy powers. I’ll be the queen of depravity by the end of the week.”

“I’ve created a monster,” Sabrina dramatically announced. “Or was I the monster, all along?”

Jade snickered at Sabrina’s wails of mock-anguish, then settled down into a contented sigh. “Let’s quit our jobs.”

Sabrina was taken by surprise. “I’m sorry, what?” Of course, the thought had occurred to her, but actually going through with it seemed ludicrous.

“I mean it! Here,” Jade started, before grabbing her phone and sending out a text. “Boom. Just texted my manager, and now I’m free.”

“You can’t just quit over text,” Sabrina protested.

“Why? Not like I’m worried about my resume when the universe is paying me to walk around naked, plus I get to see that flustered look on your face. Your turn!”

“I don’t know…”

“Do you want to get up early tomorrow to slog through a pointless day at the office, or do you wanna hang out and finger yourself with your best friend, getting paid way more?”

Sabrina stretched her face out, thinking it over. Hearing it out loud, it really was kind of a no-brainer. So, she tracked down her phone and drafted an email politely explaining that due to a personal emergency, she would need to resign effective immediately. With a last anxious sigh, she sent it. That aura effect seemed to be working wonders, as her tension eased immediately.

“Oh my god I did it! This is crazy! We’re… unemployed,” Sabrina said, strangely serene.

“We’re not unemployed, we’re adventurers. Well, part-time adventurers, full-time masturbators. Take that, guidance counselor!”

Sabrina chuckled, briefly going in for a hug before she remembered that Jade was topless. Jade closed the distance, insisting, “oh get in here!”

The embrace was like a long drink of water after being stranded in the desert. Sabrina felt complete in a way that she hadn’t known she needed. She wanted to cry, but resisted, not wanting to weird her friend out.

“I love you,” Sabrina said, immediately regretting the words

“I love you too, girlie. We’re in this together.”

Sabrina had never been so relieved and so disappointed at the same time. Jade seemed to take it in a friendly way, which meant Sabrina hadn’t humiliated herself. She just didn’t know if friendship was enough, even with the absurd level of sexual openness they were developing.

“Alrighty, Bean. You down jack off and watch Buffy some more?” Jade invited, gleefully.

“Honestly, yeah. Jesus. I appreciate all the magical powers, but it came at the cost of being like, chronically horny. It’s really an issue,” Sabrina confided.

“I know the feeling. You’re chronically horny, I’m chronically wet. We might have to wrap the furniture in plastic or something.”

“Eh, don’t worry about it. You’ve got a magically clean pussy and we’ve got cleansing potion on tap. Worst case scenario, all of the seats give us a contact high,” Sabrina reasoned, already finding a comfortable spot on the couch.

“Speaking of,” Jade alluded, dropping her shorts and joking Sabrina on the couch. She then gave her middle two fingers an exploratory dip into her pussy. She stirred for a moment, then removed them. “It’s about time I try my new brew.” With that, she sucked on her fingers, and swallowed down her own juices.

Sabrina saw Jade’s pupils dilate slightly, and goosebumps form on her skin. “Whoa,” Jade whispered.

Sabrina put on a conspiratorial hush and said, “as written. Lisan al Gaib.”

Jade smiled blissfully, ignoring the reference. “I can’t even describe it. You’ve gotta try it.”

Sabrina gulped dryly. “Your pussy juice?”

“We’re past that, Bean. My pussy makes drugs now, I’m not gonna hoard it out of modesty.” Jade brought her hand back down and scooped from her honey pot again, then extended it to her friend. “I insist.”

Sabrina’s mouth watered. She wordlessly sucked on Jade’s fingers, her lips still sexually sensitive. She shuddered as a soothing channel of seasoning beamed through her. It reminded her of MDMA, except she became relaxed instead of jittery. She was warm, and comfortable, and overjoyed. She was bursting with happiness, and arousal, and love.

“Oh my god,” Sabrina gushed. “Thank you for sharing that! You’re so amazing Jade, I’m so happy I have you.”

“You’re the one who’s amazing,” Jade praised back, also under the influence of her own drug. “You made the world magical for me. Not just because of the dungeon, but just by being you.”

Jade rested her head on Sabrina’s shoulder, then began idly playing with herself. Sabrina’s own arousal was growing to levels far beyond what she’d ever felt, so she slid off her romper and did the same. They were content like that, snuggled up together and massaging their own clits with the TV on.

They had no worries, or judgements, or desires beyond the current moment. They stayed like that for quite some time, not even attempting to speed up and cum. Eventually, though, Jade brought her nipple to her mouth and sucked it while she fingered herself.

Sabrina felt like it was the right time for a change of pace as well, so she checked on her challenges. Her challenge was to eat her own pussy, which intrigued her. She almost forgot that she’d gained the ability to do so. Gently nudging Jade off of her shoulder, Sabrina leaned forward and found her back easily curled like rubber.

Sabrina’s lips encircled her clit while her nose was nuzzled between her silky labia. Sabrina always loved the flavor of good pussy, and she was pleased to learn hers was one of the best she’d ever tasted. She used her hands to pull the top of her slit open so that her clit peaked out from its hood, then sealed her lips around it.

Sabrina sucked, gently at first, finding just the right negative pressure to intensify her clit’s sensation. Still sucking, she slid her tongue across and around her clit, masturbating with her own tongue. It was bizarre to eat a pussy as she felt the direct feedback of her oral tickles. There was no guess work involved.

Jade had told her that her enchanted mouth felt good, but she couldn’t have predicted just how insane the effect was. She felt an energy radiating from her lips and tongue that multiplied every little jolt of pleasure. It was an erogenous hum that buzzed into her and set her clit ablaze with pleasure. In no time at all, Sabrina’s thighs were clamping onto her own head as she was slept up in waves of orgasmic release that escalated to a tsunami.

As she came down from her intoxicating climax, Sabrina lifted her head halfway up, before giving up on the effort. Rather than raising to a seated position, she toppled to the left, landing on Jade’s thighs. Immediately, though, Sabrina was sprayed with Jade’s sweetly scented squirt. Initially it was the side of her head that got sprayed, but on reflex, she turned to see what was spraying her and caught it in her face.

Jade snorted, which turned into the kind of laugh one involuntarily lets out when they make a humorous mistake. “Oh shit Bean I’m so sorry! The train already left the station when you put your head down. There was no stopping it.”

Sabrina slowly opened her clenched eyelids, and reassured Jade, “all good. It’s pretty tasty actually. Like cucumber water with a hint of hibiscus and honey.”

“You got it in your mouth? Is it making you any higher?”

“Big time,” Sabrina said with a smile. It was fortunate that the effects of Jade’s fluids didn’t effect lucidity or inhibitions. She just felt wonderful, without turning into drunken idiot.

Sabrina turned her attention to the rewards for eating her own pussy. There were only two rewards, and no silver this time. First there was another egg. Unlike the first one, this one said it would only take a half-hour in one of her holes to hatch, and only contained a ‘rare’ item. Then, there was something that looked a one-piece bathing suit or bodysuit.

>Second Skin [Rare][light torso armor]. Provides moderate damage negation, including to exposed areas of the torso. Magic bonus to allure.

Sabrina grabbed both items out of the air, drawing a curious look from Jade. The egg was a deep purple, and only as large as a standard chicken egg. The dark gray bodysuit looked like it was sized for a three-year-old, but seemed quite stretchy.

“What’s with the egg? Didn’t you say you’ve gotten one before?”

“The one I got before is a lot bigger, but yeah,” Sabrina answered, puzzled. “Apparently if I keep this in my pussy or ass for thirty minutes, I’ll get some kind of rare item. The other one said it’ll take six hours and gives a legendary item. I don’t know what to do with it.”

Jade gave a surprised chuckle. “Are you kidding? I’ll take this one if you don’t want it. I’m not letting you get out of using the other one, though. A legendary item doesn’t sound like something you can just puss out of. It’s probably a game changer.”

Sabrina handed over the egg without hesitation. “Be my guest.”

“Nice! Thanks Beany-Baby! And what’s the doll bathing suit about?”

Sabrina stretched the bodysuit, which was made of a material she’d never felt. It was akin to spandex, except it was unbelievably soft to the touch. “Armor. Another joke from whatever perverted god runs all of this.”

“Ah yes, the dungeon master,” Jade added.

“For legal reasons, I’ve gotta veto that name for our hypothetical patron,” Sabrina rejected.

“Legal reasons?”

“Hasbro is not to be fucked with. I guess we could use ‘game master’ but that sounds too much like…”

“— gay master,” Jade finished.

“Yep. Although so far, only lesbians have gone into the dungeon, as far as we know.”

“I’m bi,” Jade groaned, rolling her eyes.

“Nobody’s perfect. How about… The Dungeoneer.”

Jade considered, then nodded. “I like it. Perfect name for a being I really hope doesn’t actually exist. Oh god, are we inventing a religion?”

“Nah, don’t worry. We don’t have enough members for a religion, yet. For now we’re just a sex cult.”

“Phew. That would’ve been awkward.”

After a beat, Jade got up on her knees, and used her hand to spread a generous helping of her sexual juices onto the egg. Then, unceremoniously, she bent over, with her ass in the air for Sabrina to see. It may not have been as large as Sabrina’s, but Jades ass was still quite the sight. Jade had muscular legs and a well-sculpted bubble butt as a reward for her time spent at the gym.

As if it was a butt plug, she pressed the tip of the egg against her pristine back door and slowly guided it in. Once the largest part of the egg was through, the rest of it slipped inside on its own. Jade shivered with her whole body once she had the egg inside of her.

“Your cunt would have worked, too,” Sabrina stated flatly.

“Listen— something in this apartment was going to end up in my ass tonight. It was either this or ruining a hairbrush.”

“… Thank you?”

“You’re welcome.”

With that done, Sabrina tried on her new armor. It stretched to fit her, if only barely. It was a very tight fit, but somehow wasn’t uncomfortable. It didn’t have any seams, so it didn’t dig painfully at the edges. It was very low-cut at the chest, arguably showing a hint of her areolas. Although, her areolas were a soft gradient, so she was never clear on where the borders were. The right fit, only on the underside of her breasts, gave great lift without being firm or restrictive.

Down below, the bodysuit was cut like a thong. Sabrina’s oversized cheeks completely hid the strip of fabric, though. She may as well have been bottomless. Even in the front, her fat pussy lips couldn’t be wholly covered by the sharp V that ended above her hips.

She had to admit, it looked great on her. The soft and stretchy material looked deceptively like cotton. That combined with the long sleeves meant she could easily wear it as a top. The only thing she didn’t love was the visibility of the small bump of fat below her bellybutton. The important thing, though, was that it was the most comfortable garment she’d ever worn.

“Wow,” Sabrina gushed. “Screw armor, I just found my new pajamas. It’s gonna be a bitch to go to the bathroom though.”

 As if the armor was responding to her concern, she became instinctually aware of a magical fastening on her crotch. With a thought, she released the fastening, and the fabric parted, despite the lack of a button or clasp. The elastic flung open to make her pussy available, without issue. With another thought, the fabric stretched back over her and resealed seamlessly.

“Whoa! It’s like venom!” Jade called out excitedly. “I want one!”

“Well, this one is mine,” Sabrina gloated. “You’ll just have to live with whatever you give booty-birth to.”

The two chatted and watched the rest of their show until the time came for said booty-birth. When thirty minutes had passed, verified by a timer that was running in Jades head, Jade began to stand. “Alright I’ll be right back.”

As she got to her feet though, her legs went weak, and she was forced to kneel. She crawled feebly back onto the couch, sticking her ass out.

“What the hell? Go to the bathroom,” Sabrina demanded, exasperated.

“I… tried. I’m… too… late,” Jade huffed. Then, on its own, the egg pushed itself out of her ass. Fortunately, it floated in the air afterward. As Jade fell back, cracks of golden light formed on the surface of the egg. Then, the egg itself exploded into golden light, with coalesced into the shape of a sword. Finally, the light dimmed, and a roughly three-foot sword was left.

Sabrina put a comforting hand on her friend, asking, “are you okay?”

“You kidding? That was awesome! It felt like my ass literally came,” Jade explained joyously.

The sword was double-edged, with a black blade that gave a purple glint in the light. The cross-guard and pummel were the same metal as the blade, and the handle was tan suede. Jade reached for the sword, before holding it straight up like He-Man.

“Fuck yeah! I came a sword out of my bootyhole! Description said it’s a bastard sword, which makes sense. I really don’t know who the father is.”

At that moment, Sabrina officially had her fill of Jade for the day. She loved Jade, but there was only so much Sabrina could take before her mental battery was drained. “I’m going to bed.”

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