Laundry Divers: An Erotic Lesbian LitRPG

Ch. 15: Exploration

With her new subclass, Sabrina saw that Red actually dropped loot. It was labeled Red’s Imp Essence (Vagina/Vulva). She took it out of her inventory, and a strangely holographic object appeared. It was like a fleshlight sculpted to imitate Red’s pussy but made out of whatever ghosts are made from. She put it back, pondering on the thought of crafting with it.

Sabrina’s escapade also completed a quest, and the rewards were frankly insane.


>10 base upgrade points

>10 oz bar of 24 karat gold

>Prize egg! Incubate in vaginal or anal cavity for [2] hours to hatch an Epic bonded item!

There was briefly an argument over the egg. Sabrina suggested that since she and Jade already hatched one each, they should be out of the running. The idea of Alice keeping an egg in her ass made Sloan laugh, so she conceded it to her. Alice decided not to waste her time and squatted down then and there to ease it inside of herself.

“Wowza. That’s sitting right against my prostate,” she said with a shiver.

When they all speculated on the value of the gold, Jade said, “about twenty-three thousand. More or less.” To the odd looks everyone gave her, she said, “what? I googled it. We keep getting silver, I was curious about gold.”

“Jade,” Sabrina said, almost shaking. “That’s a shit ton of money. I can’t even… fuck!”

They all took that in. The amount of money the dungeon was shelling out was going from enough to pay rent to enough for a minor medical emergency in America. They needed to complete more quests.

They set off to explore rooms and find a map. As they turned a corner, two imps ambushed them. One shot of ball of flame from her fingers like a Roman candle, singing the arm Sabrina put up defensively. The other pounced onto Sloan’s head and began scratching at her face with clawed hands.

When Jade turned to help Sloan, she was pelted in the cheek with a fireball. “Mother fucker!” she growled as she turned to the bitch who shot her.

Then Alice got hit with one, blistering one side of her lips. Then Sabrina took a direct hit to her cleavage, and two more to Jade’s head. “If you light my fucking hair on fire I swear to fucking god, I’ll break your bones, bite off your clit, and leave you alive,” Jade threatened, swinging her sword just out of reach of the flying imp.

“Kinky,” the imp teased, just before nailing Jade in the nipple with another shot.

Sabrina was lit ablaze with a rage she didn’t know she had at the sight of that. With all of her strength, she threw her dagger straight to the imp’s chest and knocked her out of the air. She dove for where the imp landed to grab the dagger and finish the job with a few more enraged stabs.

When she turned back to check on Jade, she saw that Sloan had the other imp pinned down, just in time for Jade to take her out with a swing from her sword. Sabrina huffed as she let her adrenaline settle down.

“Jesus, Bean. You went all barbarian for little ol’ me,” Jade remarked. “That was pretty hot.”

“You’re hurt,” Sabrina said, as if Jade didn’t know.

“Just a few burns, don’t worry. I’ve got one perfectly functional nipple to heal up with.” Jade then demonstrated by sucking on her own nipple, rolling back her eyes in pleasure.

Sabrina checked her loot. She picked up an unnamed imp essence, a Lust jelly, and a Mysticism jelly.

“Did both of the imps’ jellies go to me, somehow?”

“No,” Jade answered, her mouth still full of tit. “I ah a Lush jeh-wee.”

“No shit?” Sloan interjected. “I got one of the eyeball ones.”

“I got Lust and Mysticism. I guess the imps drop two. That’s pretty cool.”

Sabrina popped the Mysticism jelly, saving the other for when she could use it.

>[Mysticism] has reached lvl 1!

>No class. (5/6) Aspects unlocked. Unlock (6/6) to gain a class.

>In the absence of a class, your points have been allocated automatically.

>New spell: Stimulating Jump! Teleport to an unobstructed space that you can see. This is accompanied by erogenous sensation that may be distracting. These effects are intensified with each subsequent jump in a short timespan. Low mana cost, minimal cooldown.

Sabrina must have been broadcasting her excitement, because Jade grinned and asked, “what? Come on, what’d you get?”

Sabrina demonstrated by disappearing, leaving a sparkling cloud where she was, and appearing back at the end of the hall that they all just came from. She called out and waved, then teleported back to them.

“Wow,” she let out, and she knelt forward to rest her hands on her knees. She felt dizzy, and on the verge of cumming. “That’s weird as shit.” She explained the spells odd quirk. To be fair, it was par for the course with this dungeon.

Moving on, just past where they were ambushed looked like what had to be an exploitable room. Along the wall was a store, much like the vacant and gated ones they’d been passing by. Except this one had a big sign labeled ‘TOY WORLD’ and the entrance was clearly different. The large entrance was blocked off with tiled wall, save for a standard-sized beaded doorway.

They approached, and paused to compose themselves before going in.

“Getting anything from in there?” Sabrina asked Sloan.

“Lotta weird smells,” Sloan answered. “Some distance buzzing, too.”

Sabrina sensed the same. She went through, knowing she had the best trick to escape if there was an ambush.

“Clear?” Jade asked.

“I… guess?”

Jade followed, now curious, followed by Alice, and Sloan taking the rear. Inside was a toy superstore, impossibly big to be adjoined to this mall. Interspersed was a mix of sixty percent sex toys and forty percent children’s toys, all mixed together on the same shelves.

The regular toys were nonsense, too. It was like a blackout drunk improv team made up names for toys and then an army of prop makers had to quickly fabricate what the names seemed to describe. In arms reach, there was a GI Blob and an Unbendable Slinky, with massive dildos and ball gags interspersed between them. Above their heads, a monumental balloon was suspended of a giraffe that was just a big dick from the neck up.

Stunned silence was the unanimous response. That was until Sloan commented, “I understand the smells, now. Lube, silicone, and…” she pointed at a dildo the size of a human leg, and added, “that’s been in someone’s ass.”

Sabrina winced and pointed to the Unbendable Slinky. “So has that… nobody touch anything without checking with Sloan or me first.”

They sat with that for a minute. Finally, Alice burst out with, “how the hell is the considered a room? How do we explore this?”

Jade tilted her head, an idea hitting her. “Bail?”

“Bail,” they all agreed, one after the other.

They turned around and fucked right off. Exiting through the beaded door, they saw a unisex bathroom across the way.

“That’s a room,” Jade said, proud that she might be cheating the system.

“I actually really need to piss, too,” Sloan said in support.

“I do too, but I kinda doubt it’s a normal bathroom,” Sabrina cautioned.

“Huh,” Alice said, staring into space. “Do I not pee anymore? I don’t feel like I have to go.”

“Obviously it’s not a normal bathroom,” Jade admitted. “But there’s a fair chance that it’s a sexy bathroom. Let’s find out.”

Approaching the door, Sabrina heard functional water pipes. That was a start, at least. She didn’t hear or smell any obvious monsters, but the imps had proven monsters could be stealthy enough to get around a single level in sensation. Jade pushed the door open.

It was definitely a bathroom, albeit an abnormally long bathroom. There were were four sinks to their left, a row of coin-operated vending machines on their right. Beyond that was a hall of two rows of stalls facing each other which must have been fifty stalls long.

“Reminds me of the laundry room,” Sabrina noted.

“Yeah,” Jade agreed. “Might take a little longer to explore than I thought.

“Well clear out whatever we need to do I can go to the bathroom already,” Sloan proposed with a hint of urgency. Squaring up at the first stall on the left, she pushed it open. It looked like an ordinary toilet with the lid down.

Sabrina got a strange sense of déjà vu. It wasn’t like she’d done this before, but something intangible was familiar, and for whatever reason it set off alarm bells in her head. “What the hell was that?”

“What was what?” Jade quizzed?

“I don’t know… something is wrong. I can’t put my finger on it. I’ve got déjà vu, but not like, for the bathroom, or anything about what we’re doing. My mind just kind of went blank for a second.”

Jade looked concerned, but more about Sabrina’s mental state than anything else. Alice on the other hand, looked deep in thought. Sabrina looked to her inquisitively.

“I think I felt it too,” Alice testified. “My thoughts were just kind of empty for a second, and it’s not the first time today that it’s happened. When, though?”

“Whatever,” Sloan brushed off. “While you guys are figuring out your thoughts, keep guard while I piss.”

Sloan lifted the lid to see a normal toilet and unbuttoned her jeans. Before she could go further, Jade called out, “wait!”

Sloan paused, and Jade asked Alice, “was it when you first showed up at our place? When you first saw me?”

Alice’s eyes lit up. “Yeah! It was right before you opened your door, but then I was… pretty distracted.”

Jade was worried now. “It was asking us for consent. We got a psychic probe that asked us if we consent to something weird, and then took the memory of us thinking about it. I’ve got a thing where people only see me naked if they consent to it, that’s why it happened earlier.”

“What was it?” Sabrina asked.

“No clue.”

“How does that even count as consent if we don’t even remember to consenting?” Alice challenged.

“I don’t know, definitely seems dicey, but I know with mine, you can subconsciously revoke consent at any time, like a psychic safe word. Then, you just start filtering out my nudity or whatever other dirty shit I’m doing.”

“So… we either consented to something weird or didn’t, and can’t know until weird shit starts happening, and if it turns out we’re not into it, it just stops?” Sabrina clarified.

“I assume. I guess the good thing about noticing is we know something weird is gonna happen with this bathroom. My money is some kind of hentai bullshit.”

Sloan shrugged. “Oh well. Either nothing is gonna or I’ll have fun.” She resumed lowering her pants and sat on the toilet. “Hey can you use that magic dick to piss standing up? Because that seems convenient.”

Sabrina and Jade were baffled by the change of subject, especially when Alice added to the tangent.

“Wait, and if someone other than Sabrina uses it to pee, does it empty Sabrina’s bladder? Or does Sabrina just feel like she’s peeing without actually getting rid of anything?”


“Okay first of all, no I don’t think it pisses,” Sabrina ranted, “but is now really the time for this?”


“Well I didn’t know. It’s an interesting…”

“Fucking hello? Shut the fuck up,” Sloan barked out. All eyes were on her. “I definitely consented,” she declared calmly.

“What is it?” Jade asked. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, but a tentacle just crawled up my cunt and started fucking me.”

“What like, right now?” Sabrina asked, stunned. Sloan nodded casually. “Get the fuck up! Are you paralyzed or something?”

“I’m not done pissing! Plus,” she added with a smile, “it’s kinda nice. I think I’ll just let this run its course.”

“How can you just…” Sabrina cut herself off, noticing movement from deeper into the restroom. She gripped her dagger and said, “monster.” Before disappearing. Three seconds later, she reappeared without her dagger. “I need help,” she huffed out, before running, bringing Jade and Alice with her.

“Alright,” Sloan uttered to no one. “I’ll be here.”

Sabrina lead the charge to a monster in one of the stalls. Like a hermit crab, it wore a large porcelain shell made up of an amalgam of shapes that might be found on a toilet. Altogether, though, it added up to a seven-foot-high oblong mound.

 Peaking out from the crevices and cracks on the shell were fleshy pink limbs. Some were squid-like tendrils with spiky pads, others were multi-jointed arms with chitinous pincers at the end. Wedged into one of these crevices was Sabrina’s dagger.

Jade charged her sword with electricity and stabbed for one of the openings. At the last moment, the creature shifted slightly so her sword slid harmlessly off the shell. Her electrical charge was wasted on the insulated material.

Alice grabbed one of the tendrils just below the pad. Right away pincers cut into her from both sides, but she didn’t let up. Jade severed the one of the arms grabbing her. Alice wrapped the tendril around her arm a few times and walked towards the other pincer. She took a couple more cuts from it to lull it into a sense of security, then dropped to the floor so Jade could slice it off.

Then, she got ahold of a second tendril. She gripped it in her right hand alongside the first one, then rotated herself to get them get them under her armpit, and wrapped them once around her left arm to reinforce her hold. More pincers were snapping at her and by now her romper was in tatters. Alice just soldiered on without a word.

That was the point when Sabrina finished wrestling her dagger out of the creature and moved to help Alice. Alice shook her head though. She quickly wrangled up a third, fourth, and fifth tendril under her arm and stopped moving when she was on the far end of the shell.

As the last shreds of her romper fell to her feet and her HP got dangerously low, Alice gestured to the other side of the creature and called out, “mind grabbing those for me?”

Sabrina and Jade did as asked, shrugging off a few hits and dragging the other half of the tendrils to Alice, one-by-one. Then, they helped her keep them together in one big bundle, at a loss for what her plan was.

 Straining to reach her chest with her left hand, she gripped her shibari rope. Once she did, it unfastened itself from her body and coiled around her hand. After that, she simply brought her hand down to the bundle, and the rope wrapped around it in and inescapable net, complete with a cute little bow.

Alice fell back exhausted, leaning against the wall. Now naked, her wounds made her look like a red-striped zebra. With the creature immobilized Jade gave her sword an electrical charge and carefully handed it to Sabrina. Jade then turned to literally nurse Alice back to health.

Sabrina found a decent sized crevice and buried the sword inside of it. The creature cooked from the inside, putting off a disturbingly appetizing meat scent. Just like that, the horrid thing was out for the count.

Sabrina cursed when she saw that she got the loot. After what Alice did, she didn’t feel deserving of the monstrosity essence and two jellies, one Vigor and one Senation. She took out the jellies and held them out towards Alice.

“Here, these are yours.”

Alice chuckled, accidentally choking on some milk. After a cough, she smiled and said, “that’s funny. I thought it was weird the loot went to me. Guess it split it up.” She accepted the two jellies, and handed one back. “You should have this.”

Sabrina was confused, but looked in her hand. It was a new jelly. It was white and shaped like a shield. The last Aspect. “No,” Sabrina insisted. “No way! You earned it.”

“Debatable. Doesn’t matter who earned it, though. It does the most good for the party if you take it. You’re only one Aspect away from getting a class. That’s an asset.” Then, with a knowing grin, “plus, I only did that because winning a fight with bondage was my challenge. Got some pretty sweet stuff from it.”

Sabrina looked down. An asset. That’s what she would need to be. She closed her hand softly around the jelly and closed her eyes. She made a silent wish to the dungeon, that whatever she became, she’d be helpful to her friends.

With a little squeeze, it popped.

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