Legend of Legends

Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Adolphe, The Champion 1
Translator: – – Editor: – –

Doctor Tula hit the flying saber as a fire orb appeared above his head and a fire spear flew against his chest. The doctor used both of his arms to block the spear, but he was pushed back when the fire orb exploded.

At a distance, Vera was at her most dangerous, making expert use of her magic. Vera’s magic combos were dangerous enough for the new heroes.

Doctor Tula shot off his flame as he was pushed back, but the force field defended against it easily. Vera erected a firewall, disrupting Doctor Tula’s and Regina’s visions. That’s when Nudra left the force field, jumping high in the sky. Seeing that the firewall was blocking their sights, Nudra made a move.

Artlan also jumped. The firewall disappeared, and Nudra crash-kicked Regina’s head, leaving her stuck on the ground. She had anticipating something appearing from beyond the firewall, but when Nudra dropped on her head, Regina didn’t have a chance to dodge.

As she was stuck on the ground, Artlan jumped toward her. He was outside of the force field, and Regina aimed her pistol at him. However, he moved faster than her and, still in the air, he threw his saber at her. The saber made a sharp, slicing noise as it flew and sunk into Regina’s chest.

Her left eye widened, and Nudra, who was standing behind her, kicked her back. She was pushed toward Artlan, and he pulled out the saber from her chest. She started bleeding like a fountain, and that’s when Artlan used his ultimate, his signature finishing move, attacking her seven straight times. Regina couldn’t resist, and blood gushed out of her in all directions.

Regina had received massive damage, and it didn’t look like she would survive. However, that’s when Doctor Tula wrapped Nudra with his spider web and lit the web on fire. The giant flames were burning Nudra up when Adolphe ran toward him. Adolphe was holding a mechanical sword, and, when it shone blue, he slashed Nudra.


The sword made a loud noise, and it sliced Nudra in half. Then, Adolphe sliced the ground, in a pattern, about twenty feet long in all directions.

Nudra had already lost a lot of health when he was attacked and killed by Adolphe, and Adolphe’s sword strike was not a simple attack. It was another one of his powers. He could tie people up with his liquid boomerang and do that special sword strike.

Suddenly, Regina was also sliced half. She had already been badly hurt when Artlan slashed her across the waist. With Regina dying behind him, Artlan stared at Doctor Tula. He was hurt by Vera’s magic, but he still looked strong and he still had Adolphe.

The allies had the numerical advantage, but that didn’t guarantee victory. Artlan had lost a lot of health, and, as he stared at the doctor, he lifted his saber.

“Now you are all alone.”

He was alone, but he was not an easy opponent. He had used his spider web and flames and had to wait on their cooldowns.

Artlan had also used his power, but they still had Vera. He ran at him and swung his saber, but Doctor Tula used his legs to block. They fought at close range, and Vera erected a firewall against Adolphe so he wouldn’t interfere.

They separated Doctor Tula and Adolphe and attacked only one of them. Doctor Tula scowled at Artlan. Artlan’s swordsmanship was precise, but he could still block his sword.

That’s when the doctor decided to kill all of them at once. Even if he tried to run, he wouldn’t get away because one of them was buffed, and he had already lost his speed buff. There was only one thing to do.

“I have no choice.”

Even without the spider web, he could be accurate at that distance. Doctor Tula used two legs to block the sabers. While blocking the sabers, those two legs moved sideways and a small opening appeared on the mechanical spider. From those openings, missiles shot out toward Artlan.


Artlan had his arms wide open and was badly hurt. The missiles were about seven inches long, but they were strong enough. Artlan staggered backward, and the doctor approached. He could kill Artlan with his legs.

Junhyuk teleported behind Doctor Tula and swung his swords.

Thuck, thuck, thuck!

He swung three times, but was unable to deliver a fatal blow. Doctor Tula’s senses were sharp, and he was able to minimize the damage but moving slightly. However, Junhyuk had struck with the Frozen Rune Sword, and it debuffed the doctor twice. Doctor Tula now had decreased movement and attack speeds, and as he turned to look back, Junhyuk stabbed him again and jumped.

He stepped on the doctor’s shoulder and kicked his chest while moving toward Artlan. When Junhyuk stood in front of Artlan, Doctor Tula lifted his legs.

Junhyuk grabbed Artlan by the shoulder.

Thack, thack!

The doctor’s legs slammed on the ground, but Junhyuk had already moved back with Artlan.

Vera attacked the doctor, who couldn’t escape her attack because of his debuffed movement speed. Vera launched a fire orb and a fire spear combo toward him. He was hit twice, and black flames continued to burn him.

“Hee-hee-hee! You’ve got skill, but you can’t win!”

The doctor was using his eight legs to close in on Junhyuk and Artlan when Junhyuk saw two boomerangs heading toward them.


He had already used his teleportation and couldn’t escape Adolphe’s power. The liquid boomerang tied them both up.

Doctor Tula moved in quickly and lifted his legs. They didn’t have any special power, but there was nothing Junhyuk could do about them. His legs were strong enough to go up against Artlan’s sabers.

Doctor Tula’s legs shone brightly and were about to drop on them when a blast of electricity hit him, leaving the doctor paralyzed. From below his feet, a firewall surged up.

He was paralyzed and burning, and a fire orb appeared in front of him.


The fire orb exploded, and Vera continued the attack with a fire spear, hitting the doctor directly on the head. After the loud explosion, he was pushed back, and Artlan was able to untie himself. Adolphe’s tying power was strong, but it didn’t last long. After freeing himself, he ran at Doctor Tula and stabbed him deeply.

“Aaargh!” the doctor scream, and Artlan smiled coldly.

“I got you.”

Doctor Tula’s body started disappearing. The flames and Artlan’s sabers had been too much for him. Then, a blue-colored energy appeared on top of Doctor Tula’s head.

“Move!” Junhyuk shouted and dodged.

However, the blue energy sliced through Artlan and left a twenty-foot crack on the ground. Artlan’s health had been very low when Adolphe attacked him.

Vera fired some magic.


A fire orb exploded in front of Adolphe, but he kept running as he burned. He wanted to kill Vera, which surprised Junhyuk. Vera was a magician, and she had low defense. He may be able penetrate her defense, and that could be dangerous for her.

However, Adolphe had used all of his powers. Without his powers he wouldn’t be able to deal with Vera. She was a hero after all.

Vera threw a fire spear at him. He tried using the mechanical sword to block but couldn’t and was pushed back, still getting hurt by her.

However, he started running again. Junhyuk also ran toward her, trying to think about why Adolphe wanted her dead so badly. Vera just had to keep her distance and she wouldn’t get hurt.

Adolphe ran and picked up the items dropped by Artlan, and that’s when Junhyuk realized it. When an expert died, he didn’t drop items. That meant that Adolphe had risked his life to pick up the items.

He only had one extra life, and he was using it now. Adolphe lifted his mechanical sword, but it wasn’t the time for him to use his power yet.

Junhyuk still had some distance to cover before reaching Vera, and suddenly, Adolphe kicked off the ground. Just like Halo’s flash attack, Adolphe’s sword pierced Vera’s ribs, and she started bleeding heavily.

“He has another power?”

They thought that he only had two powers, but he had a third. Vera was paralyzed.

Rushing and paralyzing the opponent, is that his power? He could tie people up; he had a twenty-foot slash; and he had one more power, paralysis.

Junhyuk teleported himself to Vera, grabbed her and teleported again.

Clank, clank!

After they both left, Adolphe’s mechanical sword dropped to the ground where they had been standing. If he had been a moment late, Vera could’ve been killed.

Once away, Vera could move again.

“He is a champion,” she said.

After she spoke, she extended her staff, and Adolphe started running toward her again, but now she had some distance between them. Vera set a fire orb on his back and launched a fire spear at him.

Boom, boom!

He was hit by the fire spear and pushed back onto the orb, which exploded. Then, a firewall rose from below his feet.


He was impressive to last that long. He had to have some kind of resistance to magic, or he had a lot of strength. However, he too had a limit.

He was smiling while he started turning grey.

“Till next time.”

Vera threw her staff against his face.


A bump appeared on his head, and he disappeared. Vera grabbed her chest. It looked serious.

“Can you destroy watchtower?” she asked.

Junhyuk nodded. They didn’t have many riflemen left, so he would massacre them and destroy the watchtower. There were many allied minions standing.

“Then, do it.”

Junhyuk looked at Sarang.

“Stay here with Vera.”

Sarang could get hurt by a stray bullet while attacking the watchtower, so he told her to stay, and she nodded.

“Be careful.”

“Don’t worry.”

“Destroy the watchtower! Attack!” Junhyuk shouted at the minions.

The minions followed him because he could kill the riflemen, and Junhyuk took the lead to destroy the first watchtower.

The first battle cost them two allied heroes, but they killed three enemy heroes and a champion, and they destroyed a watchtower, so they won. Still, it felt like they had suffered a heavy loss.

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