Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 101 Leaving and Special Training

Fifty kilometers south of Shenhe Town, Road No. 210.

"Little Fire Monkey, jump into the air and use the flame wheel! Aim at the opponent and don't miss it." Shinpei smiled and directed the little Fire Monkey who was fighting for the first time, feeling a sense of worry from his old father in his heart.

On the other side, a young cricket about half a person's height poked out half of its head from the grass with a face full of anger. On its head were two black antennae about [-] centimeters long, with scorched marks left by the flames.

Hearing Zhenping's voice from behind, the little fire monkey, who knew it was right to cause trouble, smiled mischievously, and jumped up and off the ground with its light body, avoiding the insect bite trick from the young cricket.

Although the young cricket is an elf at the bottom of the elf world, the experience accumulated from long-term survival in the wild is not comparable to that of the little fire monkey who has just left the baby stage and entered the growth stage.

The sharp mouth exuding light yellow energy lightly brushed the little fire monkey's hair dangerously, not only did not touch the little fire monkey's body, but the tentacles of the head were scratched again by the flames under its buttocks.

The young cricket was even more angry. Although it was just a house bug, anyone could be angry.While he was sleeping in the cave, the fire monkey involuntarily spit out a pile of flames and burned his nest to the ground. This made the mild-tempered young cricket hard to hide his anger, and desperately chased and killed the young fire elf.

The little fire monkey escaped from the young cricket's sight, and its light weight gave it strong control over its body. It flexibly adjusted its center of gravity in the air. At the same time, it gave a strange laugh by virtue of the downward gravity, and violent flames wrapped around its body, turning into a round of flame wheels and hitting the slowly turning young cricket.

At this time Kankan looked back from the collision just now, and the young cricket saw a round of fire wheels approaching in front of him, which made the creeps of the insect elves stand on end. His anger was immediately extinguished by the flames, and the ghost of the dead lay down on the ground and buried his head in the haystack.

This is the reason why wild elves rarely have a chance to resist when they encounter natural enemies.

Once attacked by natural enemies, most of the elves will lose their sense of resistance and can only let the enemy do what they want.Losing fighting spirit is equivalent to being slaughtered by others, and this young cricket is obviously not one of the rare elves with fighting spirit.

Although the little fire monkey is young, the flame wheel still looks good.The fire wheel continued to rotate in the air to increase its strength, and finally hit the young cricket on the ground after one breath.

Roasted by the raging flames of the flame wheel, the brown shell and yellow-white collar-like protrusions on the young cricket's body surface were scorched black, and there seemed to be a faint fragrance spreading.

The little fire monkey screamed happily, triumphantly climbed back from the ground to Zhenping's shoulders, found his own exclusive seat and sat down, dangling his hands in front of Zhenping as if asking for credit.

"It's alright, alright, it's clear that you are the one who went to find other people's troubles... Without my order, you are not allowed to tease the wild elves everywhere. If you get into big trouble, I can only run away." I gave the little guy an angry look, and the latter covered it up with a nonchalant smile, and cleverly took out an orange-red energy cube from his pocket and ate it in small bites.

What the little fire monkey eats is the exclusive energy cube specially made by Shinpei Yumi for the fire elves, which is mixed with precious fire stone powder, and Huang Liguo, a tree fruit that fire elves love, so it has an extraordinary allure for the little fire monkey.

Shinpei also tried a sip of the energy cube when it was just out of the oven, but he was choked by the strange taste of spicy and sweet, so he went to drink water, but this taste is very suitable for the appetite of the little fire monkey.Whenever there is a chance, the little guy will sneak a piece from Shinpei and enjoy it slowly.

However, the effect of the energy cube can only be brought out best after the intense training of the battle, so the little fire monkey is only allowed to use the energy cube after the battle.

It was because of this rigid rule that the little guy was able to find fault with the bully insect-type grass-type elves, which also happened in the scene just now.

Resignedly, he rubbed the hair on the head of the little fire monkey, who was very individual, and the little guy groaned and jumped on Yumi with satisfaction.The big watery eyes and pitiful expression immediately won the girl's heart, and she hugged the little guy in her arms dotingly.

"Don't get used to it, what's the use of such a slippery fight?"

"It's still a child, so don't be too strict with it. The training will take a while... Be good, let me see if you were injured just now? If you were bitten by that big bug, you little monkey might break your skin and bleed, so don't be careful."

To the little fire monkey Shinpei, he was able to frighten and frighten him with a straight face, but to Yumi, Shinpei had no idea what to do. Only after this little fire monkey had no fear of stealing and playing tricks, when Yumi turned his head, he made a few grimaces at Shinpei, causing the veins on the latter's head to bulge.

"Oh, it's just that I can't do anything about you."

After stroking the terrific hair on the little fire monkey a few more times, Shinpei could only let this slippery little guy go.

For the elves that he hatched with his own hands, Shinpei has placed extraordinary emotions on it, treating it like his own child, and the rigorous training is just an urgent expectation.

Go through the large forest to the south, and the next town, Huarui Town, is not far ahead.In the land of Sinnoh, Huarui Town is just one of many ordinary towns, but according to Shinpei's impression, this town has more than just a well-known cultivation house.

There is also an ancient building called the Ghost Tower in the south of Huarui Town.In the older years, people buried the dead bodies of their loved ones and elves in the ghost tower to pray for their rest.

However, a large number of corpses containing negative emotions, under the accumulation and concentration of time, turned the serene ghost tower into a holy place for ghost elves. Countless ghost elves were attracted by strong negative emotions and took this as their home, even taking the ghost tower as their own territory.

For quite a long period of time, everyone ignored the existence of this tower, until two years ago, the alliance finally smelled something different from the continuous disappearance of persons, and finally discovered the ghost tower that had turned into a ghost land under the leadership of a search officer.

According to the investigator's description afterwards, unpredictable changes have taken place inside the Ghost Tower. A large number of ghost-type elves have entrenched and even communicated with some different spaces. The space inside the Ghost Tower has a certain connection with the underworld.

In the world of elves, the existence of the underworld is confirmed.According to legend, after the death of humans and elves, their souls will eventually return to the underworld.

In Sinnoh's time and space legends, the Pluto Dragon, regarded as the master of the ruined world, inhabits the inverted world.Strictly speaking, the underworld is closely related to the reversed world, but because no one has ever been to the underworld and returned alive, the relationship between the two worlds is still a mystery.

But it is undeniable that the danger level of the underworld is definitely not lower than that of the reverse world.

The negative energy contained in it is enough to have a fatal impact on human beings living in the material world.Perhaps only ghost elves born from negative energy can lead to the underworld, and they can use its power to improve their own strength.

The Ghost Tower is exactly what Zhenping expected to be a treasure land, a treasure land exclusive to Ghost Stone!

The promotion of ghost spirits is slightly different from that of other attribute spirits.In addition to normal training, they also need a lot of negative energy to build their own spiritual bodies.

Shinpei once looked for a special item called soul soil on the organization network, but compared to these rare and expensive consumables, the ghost tower is almost an inexhaustible source of negative energy.

Moody, who had a good relationship in Shenhe Town, even showed his cruel behavior of feeding ghost elves with the life of elves, which Shinpei could not agree with.

"In the future, will I also do something like using the soul of an elf to raise a ghost-type elf?"

Especially in the rumors, the depths of the ghost tower communicated with the underworld.The place where all the negative energy gathers in the world is even more fatally attractive to ghost elves.

"That place is probably already occupied by a large number of wild elves. Given that the older the ghost elves, the more powerful they are, it may not be friendly to the new ghost elves." Shinpei closed the information record about the ghost tower and said alone.

Ghost Stone's erratic figure hovered beside Shinpei. Through his own trainer, he learned of such a paradise for ghosts, and he couldn't hold back the excitement and desire in his heart.

Go, must go!
Only by devouring more negative energy can one gain stronger power.

"The power of ghost elves comes from the precipitation of time, and there is a traditional nature of cannibalism... If you want to go in, I'm afraid you need to prepare." A gleam flashed in Shinpei's eyes, comforting Ghost Stone.

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