Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 108 Deterioration

"Fifth Avenue South, report six cases!"

"Walk around the garden and report four cases!"

In the Yuanzhi City Police Station, the calls to the police came one after another. The operator was overwhelmed with recording the situation, and the calls kept coming in. The emotions of the callers were all emotional breakdown and fear.

"Lord Junsha, the situation is out of control! There are many calls to the police that were not recorded because the phone line was busy. Just now, 81 cases have been recorded, and the number is still rising." Police officer Xiufu tried to calm down, his voice still full of surprise.

He has been in the police force for so many years, and he has never seen such a doomsday situation.

The informants all claimed that the people around them died suddenly and violently in a closed room. Similar to the previous owner of the repair shop, none of the deceased had complete wounds, and the cause of death is yet to be determined.

Junsha is sitting on an office chair, and her knuckles constantly tapping on the table symbolize that her heart is not peaceful.As the backbone of the police station, she knew that she must not show panic. If she panicked, the police officers below might become a mess.

"Xiufu, immediately summarize all the alarm locations. I need to know the general situation." Junsha commanded, and Xiufu immediately acted after receiving the order, marking the geographical locations of all the callers on a huge map of Yuanzhi City.

The map was spread on the floor, occupying more than half of the room.The densely packed streets criss-cross on it, and important landmark buildings are also marked.

"These few in the southern district, mark them up."

"Scattered Garden, the number of callers here is particularly dense, and the growth rate is the fastest. Find out what's special here." Junsha said calmly, calling the police to analyze the law of the call location.

This kind of mass incidents cannot be independent, they must be related to each other. Junsha has a vague idea in her heart, but she is always stuck on a key point, and it is difficult to draw a conclusion.

"No, no, the distribution of these points is not irregular!" Junsha's eyes lit up, she stepped back a few steps, and looked at the distribution of these points from a more macroscopic perspective.I was surprised that most of the red dots were distributed near the northeast corner of the city, and spread out from the northeast corner as the core.

"Boss, if this is the case, then the core is not in our Yuanzhi City. If we continue to the northeast, it should be more densely distributed!" A female police officer added that she majored in mathematics at university and is more sensitive to the distribution of such graphics and points.

"By the way, is the owner Melissa here? Keep urging me. I want to see the owner within 10 minutes!" Junsha continued. Finding out some laws will not help solve the situation. Naturally, the owner needs to solve such supernatural events.

Although she has received a good education, Junsha firmly believes that there are only ghost elves in the world, and there are no ghosts, but the strange things happening right now are constantly impacting her worldview.

Such a weird thing should be... haunted, right?
"What do these things have to do with the communicator? Judging from the current situation, the deceased has a communicator around him. Forget it, let's do it!" Junsha struggled in her mind for a while, and immediately issued a new order:
"Immediately use the radio to notify the whole city, and ask the citizens to stay away from their own communicators, especially the communicators with abnormal conditions. We highly suspect the bizarre death incident, which is closely related to the communicators."

The police station is operating in an orderly manner. Although the situation is still urgent, it is still in order.

On the one hand, Junsha dispatched police forces to conduct on-site investigations in areas with high incidence of cases, and on the other hand, she also joined the wiring work.There are some spare landline phones in the police station, which can also play a role in answering calls at critical moments.This situation is now a very critical moment.

Junsha tried her best to calmly stabilize the emotion of the caller on the other side, and hung up the phone after recording the important information with a pen.After a 2-minute break, another call came in.

Just about to pick up the phone with inertia, a hand wearing lace gloves held her down. Junsha looked up, and in front of her was a woman in a violet dress with gorgeous makeup.

"Melissa, the owner, you are finally here!" Junsha said excitedly, she was looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally this one came.

"Miss Junsha, you can't answer this call. If you answer it... maybe you will end up with those who reported the crime." Melissa spoke with a foreign accent. Looking carefully, her face and facial features had a different depth and three-dimensionality, which was slightly different from the people in Shenao mainland.

In fact, this owner is not a native of Sinnoh, but from a distant Hezhong area.

"Such cold and weird negative energy seems to be a part of a certain existence... So, is the medium established through the phone to cast a curse? Interesting, very ingenious way of transmission, but is this man-made or a natural event?" Melissa murmured. The experienced owner saw that the phone was not simple, but he was not afraid, and released a special elf floating in mid-air in a blink of an eye.

"Night Demon, use the black hole to eat the curse, try to see if you can catch the medium!"

She knows very well that no matter what kind of curse it is, it needs the existence of a medium.If you seize the medium, you are not far from the source of discovery.

What appeared was a gloomy ghost-type elf. The appearance of the night demon seemed to attract a strange curse from the phone. It opened a gap in the abdominal cavity, revealing a special black space.The beating phone fell into the black hole under the control of an invisible special force, and disappeared along with the phone and the unknown curse.

After a while, Junsha suddenly heard a strange sound that was suddenly far and near.The voice was like a vague human voice, but it was mixed with an indescribable sigh, as if it came from a very distant place.


Melissa and the others suddenly felt goosebumps crawling all over their arms, and there was a strange strange feeling watching over their backs, which made people feel uneasy.

The Night Demon trembled for a while, and the antenna on the top of its head shone bright yellow, as if devouring this cursed medium was no small burden for it.

Melissa became a little serious. The Night Demon can use the antenna on its head to receive spiritual radio waves, and at the same time, the black hole in its body can also devour spiritual energy, turning the spiritual power that does not exceed the limit into its own use.Surprisingly, just a part of supernatural powers attached to a phone made the night demon to such an extent.

Fortunately, everyone's expectations were not in vain. The abnormal noise in the night demon's body slowly dissipated. Its one eye suddenly opened, and its whole body pointed to the northeast.

"Sixty kilometers to the northeast...isn't there Huarui Town? If the Night Demon Spirit's sense is correct, the source should be there. It seems that we have to go to the source to solve the curse before Yuanzhi City can restore calm." Melissa has already made a decision in her heart.

Without solving the core origin of the supernatural, it cannot be solved only by external force confrontation.Although this curse is transmitted through communicators and networks, no one knows whether it will change its mode and spread through more covert methods.

At present, the entire Dongcheng District of Yuanzhi City has been called the police, and there is no large-scale alarm in the Xicheng District. It seems that this abnormal situation is spreading with Huarui Town as the core.

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