Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 116 Inside the Ghost Tower

"The latecomers..."

Picking up the note in her hand, Melissa read slowly: "If you come to me, you must be looking for a way to close the ghost tower... Unfortunately, the ghost tower can no longer be closed."

"The existence of the taboo has broken through the siege, and that thing has stared at our world."

"You don't need to look for me anymore. The mission of the psychic family is to end this nightmare. The origin of the Ghost Tower is the fault of our ancestors, and the result is borne by us..."

"Even though the escaped things are cleared, they are just some insignificant poor worms, stay away from Huarui Town, stay away from Huarui Town!"

The pen and ink on the note ended here, and Melissa grabbed the note tightly, almost kneading the entire piece of paper into a ball.

Can you bear such an ending?


At the same time, the origin of all chaos and tragedy is in the ghost tower built by Yaoshi.

The unimaginable fog of the underworld enveloped the world inside the tower, and countless resentful spirits and remnants mixed with indescribable things shuttled freely in the fog of the underworld.

On the first floor of the Ghost Tower, the Black Key Stone constitutes a barrier that blocks these wraiths from the real world.

As a special material in the elf world, key stones have an excellent effect on the isolation and storage of spirit bodies.

According to legend, there are 108 souls of the ghost potted plant, and the core of its seal is a key stone.

Ever since, this high tower has become the place where all spirits are imprisoned, and nothing can escape from this cage that is on the verge of getting out of control.

However, the current situation is somewhat special.

On the top of the tower, as the most core spire, a key stone is horribly missing. The hole reflects the light of the outside world. This ray of light illuminates the hope of all the lost spirits in the tower.

Get out, hope of freedom!
It's just that the hole is too small, a space the size of a fingertip can't accommodate too large spirit bodies to pass through, and at the same time, the design left by the tower builder makes it extremely oppressive to spirit bodies.

Overpowered ghosts also cannot escape the suppression and seal of the ghost tower. They are destined to obliterate their sanity in the endless mutual devouring in the tower, and turn into spirit bodies with only instinct left.

However, even though the hope is slim, that ray of light still stimulates these ghosts whose minds are already confused.Among all the spirit beings, the huge Geng Gui slammed down with his ghost claws while roaring, and the fierce shadow claws left a white mark on the main stone.

The fog of the underworld provided a steady stream of ghost-type energy, and Geng Gui's physical strength was almost inexhaustible. Shadow claws came up one after another, but they couldn't expand the area of ​​that white mark by an inch.

The only remaining sanity dispelled Geng Gui's stupid idea of ​​destroying the important stone. This ghost with a terrifying breath pulled the whole body into one line, trying to drill into the hole like a long snake.

It is also ineffective, the strange magnetic field between the key stones blocked the hole, the stronger Gengar's impact force, the stronger the resistance generated by the magnetic field.

In the last desperate breakthrough, a terrifying light wave erupted from the magnetic field. After being pierced through the head by the light wave, Geng Gui finally fell down with a howl, and was immediately devoured by the surrounding spirit bodies.

Geng Gui, who was originally with a strong aura, continued to shrink in size under the devouring of countless evil spirits, and finally turned into nothing.


The space inside the tower seemed like a lifetime away. Geng Gui's death was no different. Those evil spirits who greedily devoured the soul and blood of the victim continued to wander endlessly, waiting for the next victim to appear.

It's just that something unusual happened today.

The hole suddenly trembled, and more light rushed into it, and the hole seemed to be inexplicably bigger.

This slight change shocked the spirit elves in the ghost tower who were still alive, and tried to escape in ecstasy.

However, not only light enters the middle of the hole, but also a foot.

An old, withered foot like a dead branch.

Then another foot, then two hands and a body.

Finally, an old woman with gray hair and wrinkled face walked in with a cane.

"The souls of the dead turned into strange evil spirits..."

"The bond between humans and elves is desecrated by indescribable things..."

"The dead revive, the living perish..."

"The only people left, built a high wall and completely blocked the portal..."

A voice was either mournful or sad, singing an ancient and desolate song.While walking, he solemnly stepped onto the land of the Ghost Tower.

"Ahem, it turns out that the ghost tower is such a ghostly place, no wonder you want to escape."

The old woman muttered to herself, and the ghosts were stunned by the muttering. There is actually a human here? !

But he was stunned for a moment, and these ghosts who were driven crazy by the life in the ghost tower roared out, and unimaginable malice flooded the sky and covered the sky, drowning this human being like a big wave in a pond.

However, when the stormy waves hit the shore, there are still isolated reefs standing upright.

A ghost potted plant suddenly appeared in front of the old woman. It was a potted plant-shaped elf with a strange smile. Its face turned continuously. The strange attraction caused all the ghosts in front of it to spin around. The terrifying attack easily passed through the face of the ghost potted plant and was sucked in by a stone at its core.

"You brainless idiots, the core of the ghost potted plant is the key stone, and your attacking it is just a waste of effort..."

Not at all interested in those dazed wraiths, the old woman glanced around, but the fog of the underworld seemed nothing in her eyes.Pieces of tombstones are hidden in the fog, and the decayed inscriptions and tomb bodies seem to be telling something.

"Sad, sad. The purpose of the ancestors building the ghost tower was to bury the souls of the victims, and also to communicate the souls of humans and elves, and to protect the bond between elves. Why did it end up in such a scene of purgatory?"

The moaning dissipated, but the spirit body in front of the ghost potted plant quietly disappeared.In the huge open space, only the fog of the underworld remained, and those unscrupulous evil spirits disappeared without a trace.

Seemingly hiccupped, the ghost potted plant with a weird smile turned around and looked at the old woman brilliantly, who also touched the key stone inside the ghost potted plant lovingly.

It is rumored that the body of the ghost potted plant is sealed in the main stone, and 108 evil souls are hidden in it, hiding in unknown places to avoid chaos.

The ghost potted plant is an extremely rare elf, and its rarity even exceeds that of the quasi-god group of round land sharks.

In fact, the reason why Melissa lost her calm beyond everyone's expectations was largely because she felt the breath left by the ghost potted plant.

No ghost-type expert would reject the ghost potted plant. This kind of elf composed of spirit bodies is undoubtedly the nightmare of ghost-type elves. The body of the key stone endows super resistance to spirit bodies, and the extremely rare combination of attributes makes it impossible to restrain opponents except the fairy type.

In the original book, the champion Zhulan has a ghost potted plant that has reached the championship level. Relying on this ace elf, he even caused a terrible record of one against the superpower king in a certain championship battle.

All these show the grotesqueness and horror of this kind of elf. Of course, these are only the content of the original work. The ghost potted plant of the ghost mother-in-law obviously did not reach the level of a champion.

But for the tortured elves and wraiths in the ghost tower, this is enough.

However, although the ghost potted plants temporarily repelled and devoured many spirit bodies, as long as the passage to the underworld in the depths of the ghost tower is not sealed, a steady stream of ghost elves will return to the world from the underworld, and then be trapped to death again by this cage that can only enter and cannot exit.

It's a vicious circle.

The ghost tower is very attractive to the ghost elves in the outside world for its rich atmosphere of the underworld. Out of instinct, the ghost elves will choose some areas with heavy negative emotions such as cemeteries and ancient battlefields to inhabit, and the ghost tower is the best choice.

Also for the ghosts lost in the underworld, the ghost tower is an extremely rare communication channel with the real world, a coordinate, and it is even more irresistible for the elves who have been lost and wandered in the underworld for an unknown number of years.

Therefore, this tower has become a deadly trap. The elves outside want to go in, and the elves inside want to get out. In the end, everyone can only be trapped in it and fall into endless torture.

The ghost mother-in-law, who is the guardian of the ghost tower, is naturally aware of this, but as a guardian, she can do nothing about it.At the beginning of the construction of this tower, there was no expectation that there would be a long-lasting and stable passage to the underworld.

"Could it be that Yaoshi can not only suppress the spirit body, but also maintain the stability of the underworld channel?" The old man thought in his heart, she knew the rules of the Ghost Tower very well, and now that she chooses to enter, there is also no chance of exiting.

This is an attempt with no return.

"But compared to these, I want to know what you are..." The ghost mother-in-law's eyes were serious, and her deep eyes pierced through the fog and shot straight at the bottom of the ghost tower.

There, a deep hole is connecting with an inexplicable world!

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