Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 118 Melissa's past

The world was spinning for a while, and Zhenping's consciousness remained in the outside world for a second, and at this moment, the eyes had turned into darkness.

Depression, occlusion mixed with a strange smell makes people's heart sink, and a sense of uneasiness floods into my heart like a tide.

"This is? Inside the Ghost Tower?"

Shinpei jumped up suddenly, can people come to this kind of place?Endless strange ghosts and dangerous environments are a deadly place for human beings.

At this time, there was a tactile sensation on the right hand side, and it was Yumi.

With the same dazed look, she stared blankly at Zhenping, but she was subconsciously nervous, why she also came in.

Looking at the dark surroundings, the girl couldn't help but timidly said: "How did we get in, this place? Could it be the inside of that tower?"

"It's meaningless to say these things now. That crazy woman, Melissa, rushed straight into this tower like a madman. We should have been dragged in and brought in... It really hurt the fish in the pond." Zhenping sighed helplessly and said.

At the same time, Shinpei touched the battle belt with his right hand and pressed the Poke Ball switch.After several flashes of red light, Ghost Stone, Haoli, Yuanlu Shark and Little Fire Monkey appeared around the two of them.The size of the Gyarados is too large, and it is too restricted in this environment, so it is better to be a hole card to be determined.

Realizing the weirdness and inauspiciousness of the environment, the elves leaned towards the center one after another to narrow the defensive area.

"Come out too, lucky eggs, three bees!" Yumi bit her lips, and the only two elves on her body appeared on her body!In front of him, but in terms of combat power, it is extremely limited.

"Haoli, use Sight to detect the surrounding environment, you are on guard as the internal defense line!"

"Ghost Stone is in charge of peripheral detection and defense, don't let any kid break through your defense!"

"The round land shark is on guerrilla alert, make good use of your sensors, carefully observe the special biological frequency of the ghost elves, and attack immediately when you find it!"

Shinpei gave the order, and the elves began to operate immediately after receiving the order, and the construction of three simple defense lines was completed.The cute little fire monkey squatted on Zhenping's shoulder at this time, scratching the hair on its head with its little paws in a daze, because it didn't get the order.

"For you, enlarge the flame and try to illuminate it as much as possible..." Looking at the little fire monkey with some headaches, the little fire monkey is really not suitable to participate in this level of battle.According to the cultivation status shown in the illustrated book, Little Fire Monkey only has LV5 at this time, which is the level when ordinary newcomer trainers receive Yusanjia.

According to the data in the illustrated book, Haoli and Ghost Stone are far ahead in level, having reached the level of lv39 and lv37, especially Haoli is only one line away from the elite level.

The round land shark is hovering around lv23, according to the illustrated book, it is not far from evolution.However, data is just data after all, and the situation of elves depends on individual circumstances. Some elves will even evolve in advance under the stimulation of the environment, and many elves cannot evolve smoothly after reaching the level.

The accumulation of energy, the psychological state of the elves, and the attitude towards evolution all played an important role.The data are for reference only.

As for Yumi's elf level, it's even lower. The three bees and the lucky eggs are both around lv20, and neither the lucky eggs nor the three bees are races that are good at fighting, but the auxiliary role of the lucky eggs is more obvious at this moment.

Having a team doctor there is a very different feeling.

As for the three bees, well... they are still in charge of being cute.

A white light swept across Haoli's eyes, and the thick fog couldn't stop the white light. After seeing through, Haoli possessed a strange vision that could penetrate everything temporarily.

Hao Li turned around and shrugged, indicating that there were no enemies around.

Has Melissa already been here?Then why did the two groups of people enter the Ghost Tower almost at the same time, but Melissa was not in this area?


"Night Demon, are there no enemies around? It seems that she has already come here. We must find her to detect the fluctuations of the surrounding humans!"

In the same mist, a woman was wearing a strong suit, with sharp eyes and two braids trailing behind her head, and an erratic black and yellow night demon was beside her.

This person is Melissa who disappeared in the ghost tower, and she came to find a certain truth.

Many years ago, the slums of Raven City in the United States area.

Some people say, if you love someone, send her to Raven City, if you hate someone, send her to Raven City.This is the most prosperous city in the Hezhong area, and likewise, it is also the cruelest city.

Different from the appearance of Xiaozhi when he traveled to the Hezhong area later, the film industry, the music theater and the Leiwen Sports Center in Leiwen City, as well as the Leiwen Playground, which is famous throughout the Hezhong.

During this period of time, although Raven City was not as prosperous as later generations, it was already showing its fangs.

This is the financial heart of the Hezhong area, and it is also the most luxurious place.

However, these are for the rich.

Few people know that under the prosperous surface of Raven City, many ordinary people who are attracted by the great Raven Dream can only live in the city's underground drainage pipes.

Likewise, the dark side of the city breeds a level of decay that no one on the surface would have imagined.

The meat pad passed silently across the damp and cold concrete floor, and a pair of sly and narrow eyes stared at the girl who kept running away in front of him.

Different from the special pupil structure of the pursuer, who can clearly see through the environment in the sewer pipe, the worrisome figure running ahead can only rely on vague memory and groping to hide.

The long and sharp three sharp claws stretched out in the darkness, the snow-white light was like a bleak cold light, and the sharp claws were retracted into the pads in a flash, and the girl in front suddenly jumped forward with a muffled grunt.

The blood seeped out from the ankles of the two legs unstoppably, soaking the dirty and tattered ball of thread jacket warmly and moistly.

The sneak attacker stretched out his sharp claws again, licking the traces of blood remaining on the sharp claws with his barbed tongue.As if intoxicated by the sweet taste of blood, there was a sharp groan in the darkness.

Stepping forward in an elegant and slow staggered way, the flesh pads of the outstretched claws firmly pressed the wounded woman who was leaning against the corner and panting in pain.

A burst of hurried footsteps was amplified in the hollow pipe, and the increasingly clear sound of trampling was like the sound of death.

Finally, several beams of light swung to illuminate the sewer, and three figures appeared.

"Damn it, this little bastard can really run. If it weren't for the leader, she might have escaped. The precedent of private escape can't be set..." A one-eyed strong man who followed behind among the pursuers whispered to the leader with his back bent.

The leader waved his hand and said impatiently: "Of course I understand the rules, you don't need to worry about it, it's just that this brat's legs and feet are already useless, and no one will want to keep them..."

"Oh, what do you mean?"

"Those people on the ground seem to be more interested in organs..."

"What about the price?"

"Don't mention money to them, is money meaningful to those people?"

With just a few words of dialogue, the cruel reality is undoubtedly outlined.In the darkness, a yellow-purple figure strolling gracefully appeared, with sharp cat ears and slender limbs covered with soft hair, it was the evil elf cool leopard.

"By the way, what happened to this kid's parents, or did they beg me to bring their family of three from the countryside to Leiwen? How do you say it? Leiwen is full of gold?"

The third person who had been silent all this time finally spoke and asked with a playful smile.

"You said those two are desperate. I saw that woman was pretty and wanted to introduce it to the Leiwen Grand Theater. I didn't expect her to be so ignorant, so I..."

The leading Leopard Brother suddenly seemed to have thought of something, a few strange smiles crawled on his face, deep lines were outlined on his rough skin, he shrugged his nose and trembled a few times, took out a cigarette from his coat pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

Meimei took a breath, and he continued to tremble while puffing: "Is it the end, like this."

Flick the cigarette on his mouth with the index finger of his right hand, and half of the ash is gone with the wind.

"Then it's her turn next."

The cool leopard lay lazily at the man's feet, its two paws were pickily shaved, and there were a few cruel smiles reflected in the cold light.

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