Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 31 Tatara Ironworks

"By the way, is the Talala ironworks nearby? Are you sure you remember correctly?"

"I grew up in Sono Town, how could I not know about that ironworks! You actually doubt my intuition! Also, that's the Tatara Ironworks!"

"Of course I remember. It's the Talara Iron Works."

After having a delicious lunch, the two decided to head towards the Tatara Ironworks near Sono Town.Firstly, the speed of the two of them is not enough to rush to Route 205 and the supply station of Modai-no-Mori within today, and secondly, if the two of them want to rush to Moyo-shi, they have to cross Momo-no-Momo.

The largest primeval jungle in Quanshenao!

EMI Forest is located in the north of Sono Town, southwest of EMI City. Due to the complex terrain and the northwest facing the sea, the warm and humid prevailing westerly wind brings abundant water vapor. This area has been surrounded by endless and vast primitive forests since ancient times.

There are the most diverse and skilled wild elves from Sinnoh, among which the insect and grass attributes are the most prosperous.If there is a fire elf on him, then this journey will be much easier. You must know that in this damp and rotten virgin forest, there are no fire elves that can make fire, and they can't even light firewood.

The Tatara Ironworks is a peculiar location, which is blocked by the mountains by the sea and becomes dry. Before coal and steelmaking were popularized, people in that place relied on the rich timber resources of Emoyo-no-Mori to smelt steel and carry out industrial production.

It can be said that there are most of Sinnoh's fire elves there, and even some groups of special fire elves in other regions survive.

"By the way, Yumi, don't you want to have a fire elf?" Shinpei asked curiously. Yumi only had a three-bee with little combat power, and it was too rare even if she wanted to take the path of cultivator.

"Let's forget about the fire elves. Their tempers are too violent. I still want to catch docile elves like lucky eggs. As a future master of nurturing, lucky eggs are a perfect match for elves. Whether it is helping to make energy cubes or taking care of elf lucky eggs, they are the best helpers."

"So after talking so much, it really is Yan Kong..."

"what are you saying?"

In the fight between the two, the two finally arrived near the Tatara ironworks.

"Is it finally here..."

Looking at the sprawling iron-making base in front of you, a giant furnace with a height of 50 meters is inserted into the sky, and the entire industrial area is connected by dazzling and complicated pipelines. A huge amount of coal is sent from Heijin City by railway to heat the furnace to maintain daily production.

Watching the truck beside him driving into the factory spewing thick smoke, the closer I got, the more insignificant I felt.This ironworks is highly automated, and the two walked around for a long time without seeing a single worker.

"Has the current technology advanced to fully automated production?"

"No, it seems like all the people are by the lake!"

The location of the ironworks is located by a big river, so that it is convenient to take water and discharge waste water, which is a necessary natural condition for steelworks.

Just as it was strange that there was no one there, Yumi spotted the crowd through the three high-flying bees.

"Is this a collective strike?" Shinpei couldn't help but quicken his pace and ran to the lake while being puzzled.

When we got to Zhenping, we found that there were at least 100 people gathered by the lake, and everyone was arguing about something.

"Excuse me, uncle, why are you all crowded here?"

"I'm going to call you brother, am I that old?"

A certain old man wearing a protective helmet and dressed as a sloppy worker chattered dissatisfiedly, but he still answered Shinpei's question.

"It's the Gyarados in the lake who are making trouble again. I don't know why that water-type elf insists on biting at our ironworks. Being harassed by it makes it impossible to continue the ironmaking production. It's really a headache."

Seeing that the steel man was dissatisfied, Shinpei bragged for a while, and immediately he couldn't tell the truth about the steel man's bragging, and smugly poured out all the inside stories he knew.

"Thank you, uncle!!"

After hearing the news, Shinpei immediately threw off the sweaty man, which was really torture for the nose.

Relying on being slightly shorter than these burly men, Zhenping got to the front of the crowd.

Sure enough, just as Gang Man said, in the lake next to the ironworks, a huge Gyaradosaurus with a trident-shaped crown on its head and a slender body covered with blue and white scales was roaring towards the crowd on the shore.

The long white beard at the corner of his mouth was erratic in the violent roar, and his fierce eyes enveloped the area with a strange depressing aura.

Since seeing the Gyarados for the first time, Shinpei couldn't help but feel that his knees were a little weak. Not only that, the wide and slender tail of the Gyarados kept stirring in the lake, and waves after waves hit the shore with an unstoppable momentum.

This Gyarados seems to have a particularly high degree of control over the energy of the water system. Even the surface of the scales has a faint flow of water. A strange air current engulfs the Gyarados' body to support the Gyarados' body, and at the same time replenishes the physical strength consumed by the Gyarados to maintain its long-term combat capability.

It can be said that the entire lake is the backup of the Gyarados. The strength of the Gyarados in the water and on the shore is completely different. You must know that most of the workers in the ironworks raise fire-type elves that contribute to steelmaking. It is no wonder that the workers in the entire ironworks have nothing to do with this Gyarados.

A middle-aged man in a black suit who probably belonged to the level of a manager was leaning on a duck-billed Charmander to confront the Gyarados, but he was almost crushed and beaten by the suppression of attributes and the powerful intimidating aura of the Gyarados.


The arm-shaped pillar of fire spit out by the Charmander has been extinguished by the huge waves raised by the Charmander before it can reach the Gyarados. As a fort-shaped elf that is good at long-range bombing, the Charmander is more flexible, more violent, and more dominant in the field.

"Damn it, come back Charmander!" The man in the suit saw that the terrible water cannon released by the Gyarados was about to hit the Charmander, so he hurriedly retracted his elf to avoid the blow.

"What are you waiting for, let's go together!" The man in the suit couldn't hold back his face, and roared angrily towards the crowd watching the excitement behind him.

"Ah yes manager, fire dinos use jet flames!"

"Coal Turtle, Spark!"

"Catty, shoot flames!"

Suddenly, a burst of flames burst into the sky from the bank, and large or small fire-attributed moves rushed towards the Gyarados. If the Gyarados really suffered this round of gang fights, even with the Gyarados' resistance and field advantages, they would definitely lose their fighting ability.

But if it went so smoothly, the entire steel plant would not have been harassed until today. The vicious and not very smart Gyarados plunged into the water to avoid the battle, and the flames used by the elves on the shore evaporated a large amount of water vapor on the water.

A gust of lake wind passed by, and the water vapor was blown to the shore, causing a thick fog in front of my eyes and I lost my sight.


The roar of the Gyarados came again, and Shinpei suddenly felt that the wind around him was a lot stronger, and suddenly felt bad, he pulled Yumi out of the crowd again.

"By the way, Gyarados know tornadoes, right?" Shinpei recalled the information about Gyarados. Wild Gyarados would normally learn this skill shortly after evolution.If this is the case, then the situation can be even worse.

What does a tornado add to this moisture?
Of course it's a waterspout!
The two of Shinpei immediately slipped faster. As expected, they had charged up for about half a minute. With the strong attraction of Long Xiao coming from the lake, a large area of ​​water was swept and carried to the shore by this attraction. Dark clouds gradually enveloped and sank in the midair. Suddenly, the situation changed and the released fire elves turned around and ran away like a mouse seeing a cat.

The Fire Dinosaur, clutching its tail for fear that the flame would be extinguished, ran back stepping on the head of its trainer, the wet-haired Katie crawled among the crowd in horror, and the slow-moving Coal Turtle simply retracted its head into its shell and played dead.

Zhen Ping, who had already run to the back of the wall of the steel factory, looked helplessly at a large group of elves running around as if they were being flooded, covering their heads with black lines.

"What a weak trainer..."

In other words, none of these people can be regarded as trainers, at best they are ordinary people with elves. Their elves have no combat power except for using fire skills to heat the furnace, let alone the so-called combat quality and tenacious will.

Shinpei didn't intend to show off the limelight. The two spirits he had had no advantage against the Gyarados. Whether it was the melee combat that Haoli was good at, or the ghost-type interference that Guisi was proficient in, they were of little use to the rough-skinned Gyarados.

Most of them just watched the lively crowd running fast, and scattered like paddling water.The elf in the suit with the biggest stomach ran the slowest, but he had no choice but to be the last one. He looked at the employees who had abandoned him and ran away with anger on his face, and his mouth kept flying up and down and spitting.

It is estimated that this group of unreliable guys have already greeted their families.

Although the tyrannosaurus was fierce, it did not kill these workers, except for teasing the manager man with a water gun the size of his arm, and let him escape.

Seeing the crowd fleeing in all directions, the Gyarados roared in an extremely humane and mocking manner, splashed water all over the ground again, turned around and walked away with its head held high and chest wide open.

"What should the factory manager do? We have nothing to do with that Gyarados!"

"Otherwise, the factory should spend some money to hire a professional elf trainer to solve it."

"Director, why don't we go to the market and buy some poison quietly?"

The man in the suit was also shocked by the strange brain circuits of his subordinates. He covered his head and looked at the group of paddling guys with hatred.

With the strength of this Gyarados, an elite trainer might not be able to deal with him, and if it wants to leave, how can it stop it?

As for the idiot manager who drugged him, he has already decided to let him go. Is the environmental protection law of the alliance a display?Since some union officials believed that the use of firewood to make steel was too polluting and banned deforestation more than ten years ago, the factory had to improve its technology and introduce coal heating to eliminate its dependence on firewood.

If the big boss behind the factory knew the news, the manager himself would pack up and leave.

The manager who was anxious to come up with a countermeasure suddenly took a look and saw the two Shinpei hiding in the corner, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"You two, just the two of you, it's you who are calling!"

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