Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 42 The Power of Supergram

"Is this tree the origin of the entire Modai no Mori? How many years did it grow to look like this?" Shinpei grasped the ring-shaped piercing rope with both hands, and the rope formed a simple pulley lifting device with the help of a high tree trunk.

"Haoli, pull slowly!"

As the speed of ascent became faster and faster, and when he gradually approached the tree trunk, Shinpei couldn't calm down anymore, and shouted at Hao Li who was far below.


Hao Li, who had shrunk to the size of an ant in his field of vision, smiled sarcastically. Compared with the tons of boulders he usually lifts during training, the weight of Shinpei and Yumi can be said to be as light as nothing. Inadvertently, the two of them were pulled up about ten meters in an instant, and because of this, the two uttered howling ghosts and howling wolves.

After reminding Haoli to restrain his strength, he lifted Zhenping up step by step steadily.

After reaching the predetermined height, Shinpei swayed the lock buckle skillfully, and nimbly put his feet between the tree layers.

Stepping onto the solid tree layer, he stretched out his hand and pulled Yumi up who was still on the lock.Stepping on this high-altitude world made up of giant trees, Zhen Ping suddenly couldn't tell where he was.

Although the novelty was in the strange scenery on the first floor, Zhenping did not relax his vigilance about the surroundings. The more powerful the elves, the more conspicuous and high-profile sites they would choose as their habitats.This towering giant tree can be said to cater to the nature of some elves, and it is very likely that there are powerful leader-level elves here.

It may be that Zhenping's thoughts are mobilized. The more you don't want to happen, the more likely it will happen. Just when you are vigilant, the branches and leaves on the trunk suddenly start to rustle.

"Be vigilant, there is a situation!"

Hao Li and Ghost Stone cover Shinpei behind them, and Yumi's three bees also fly into the air and hover beside Yumi.


Probably under the order of the leader, dozens of crawling lizards suddenly appeared in the woods above Zhenping's head. Their hands and feet with special suction cups were agilely attached to the tree trunk, and the conspicuous turquoise tail behind them swayed unconsciously.

It is one of the three imperial families in Fangyuan area, Mushou Palace.

Shinpei was stunned. There are such a large population of precious Yusanjia in EMI Forest. If the news is known to the notorious elf hunters, many hunters will break their heads into this primeval forest.

Mu Shougong's character is not belligerent, why would they intercept him?

Sure enough, surrounded by all the wooden geckos, there was an elegant and slender wrist with long and narrow blades, two rows of emerald green strange seeds on the back exuding a warm color, and a thick forked tail that was extremely flexible and tilted up so as not to touch the ground. This was the leader of the group, the Lizard King.

There was no provocation, no hostility, and no superfluous expressions. A large group of grass-type elves surrounded Shinpei and his party. These were the elves who came to intercept them under the order of the mysterious elves.

"Hey, we didn't mean to invade your ethnic group's territory, please let us go..."

Shinpei leaned down extremely slowly, and his movements were gentle, trying to avoid actions that might cause the other party to misunderstand.

The first point of encountering wild elves: don’t be condescending, try to keep the height corresponding to them, don’t move too fast, and let your hands appear in the opponent’s field of vision.

These are very basic survival knowledge in the investigator's learning tutorial. After many attempts, this can indeed minimize the hostility of the wild elves.

Grass elves have a much better temper than other elves. Unless their territory is seriously violated or they are completely angered, they generally don't deliberately embarrass humans, and these elves don't seem to come to find fault.


Right in front of the real plane, a small figure suddenly emerged from the dense forest of the canopy, swaying and sitting on the shoulder of the Lizard King.

"This is... Celebi?"

[Elf: Celebi/Gender:? /grade:? ? ? 】

[Characteristic: Natural Recovery / Attribute: Super Power + Grass / Status: ? ? ? 】

Shinpei's eyes suddenly contracted, and his eyes were full of horror, that he could meet the legendary elf in the Modai no Mori.What's even more shocking is that the ability to check the information of the elves actually failed on Celebi.

Is it because the gap is too big?
According to legend, Celebi can travel through time and has the magical ability to restore the vitality of the forest, so he is called the god of the forest.

According to the records in the archives, the number of sightings of Celebi is extremely low even among the beasts.

If the plot in Zhenping's memory is not corrected, this kind of elf can even move freely in the timeline.

"What kind of elf is this?" Although Yumi didn't know Celebi, the mighty lizard king was willing to let this little elf sit on his shoulders, which was almost impossible for the high-status leader elf.

Just like the previous battle between Haoli and the Flying Mantis, even though the leader was defeated and dying, its clansmen did not step forward to intervene in the battle. This is the influence of the leader's will.

Since it was agreed that it was a one-on-one battle, no elf would dare to intervene against the will of the leader.

But now, under the watchful eyes of the entire ethnic group, the leader actually let another alien elf sit on his shoulder regardless of his own face and dignity. This little elf is definitely not as harmless as it looks on the surface.

Pulling Yumi behind her carefully, Shinpei whispered, "This is the legendary elf Celebi, a powerful beast with the ability to travel through time."

Yumi's eyes widened immediately. Although she had never heard of it, Jamie, the elf known to everyone in Sono Town, was a legendary elf, and this little guy in front of her was actually at the same level as Xie Mi.

However, Celebi and Jamie are naturally kind elves, and most of their attitudes towards humans are friendly. Otherwise, if a guy like Darkley who is not in the kind and lawful camp appears in front of him, Shinpei should probably think about how to escape immediately.


Undefended, Celebi floated from the Lizard King's shoulders to the real plane, and looked curiously at this human being with a strange feeling.

Celebi frowned, the aura of the human in front of him seemed a little familiar, where did he meet him?

By the way, it is the smell of the group of humans living in Tianguan Mountain. Those humans who claim to be the servants of God seem to have this smell.


A soft and cute voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of Zhenping's heart. After thinking about it for a while, Zhenping realized that it was Celebi's telepathy.For this divine beast with super power attributes, telepathy is probably the simplest basic ability.

"My name is Shinpei, and this partner beside me is Yumi, and we are elf trainers who are traveling."

Shinpei replied cautiously, although Celebi has a gentle personality, but no one can guarantee that this elf has a bad and playful personality.

As long as it has a little bit of malice, there is no room for Zhenping to fight back.

"You are very special, the smell of superpower on your body is very strong... Rabbi~" Celebi asked curiously, the group of people on Tianguan Mountain had a good relationship with most of the beasts, and even the two beings in Sinnoh's legend had a close connection with them.

The power of super grams?
Celebi's words were like a bomb, and he lost his composure completely. So, so it was.

The special ability on my body is the exclusive ability of the temple family that appeared in the original book. It claims to be able to sense the flow of time and space, and the unpredictable ability to establish a mysterious connection with elves.

In the DP theatrical version, the two rookies of the temple can even borrow the mighty power of Dialga, the god of time, and Palkia, the god of space, with their superpowers, which almost become the power of super mythical beasts at the conceptual level.

Quickly searching the memory of Yuan Zhenping in his brain, Zhen Ping immediately ruled out the speculation of the descendants of the temple.

How could the descendants of the temple end up in an orphanage and only go out to take risks at their own age?
Due to the lack of a detailed understanding of the power of transcendence, Shinpei is also unable to determine the true state of his own abilities.

"It's a strange human being. Although they have the superpower, they don't have the smell of their blood. Is it the result of self-awakening?" For a heterogeneous Celebi like Shinpei, it is also very strange. "But you have to be careful, that group of people attaches great importance to blood. Your ability may bring you disaster."

The reason is not difficult to understand, the exclusive ability of the power of overcoming has always been in the hands of the temple family.

According to the current timeline, the alliance's rule in the Sinnoh region is far from being as stable as in the future era. Powerful local families and some forces with special abilities have always been unstable factors.

Just like Dong Gang, who Shinpei has met, who is also the head of the gymnasium and the patriarch of the family. He should belong to the moderate reformist in the alliance. Although the temple clan does not oppose the alliance rule on the surface, they are actually extremely xenophobic.

If they want to know that the power of their most proud bloodline has been leaked, they may not be able to survive. At least they will be imprisoned forever, and at worst they may be killed directly.

Fortunately, Zhenping has not shown his feet in front of outsiders so far. I am afraid that only Celebi, a divine beast who has been in contact with the temple clan, can perceive the transcendent aura of Zhenping.

"So, the temple is my enemy? The phrase "beware of the temple" I dreamed about...was a warning I gave myself?" A trace of confusion in Zhenping's mind suddenly dawned, and there seemed to be some secrets hidden in him.

"It seems that we should use our abilities carefully in the future. The human world is not as simple and pure as the elf world. Human selfish desires exist no matter which world they live in, and this is unavoidable." Shinpei thought in his heart.

After figuring out the key point, Shinpei immediately felt grateful to Celebi who woke him up, and bowed respectfully to it.

Celebi seems to be very satisfied with Shinpei's reaction. It covered its mouth and said with a grin: "Then, if you want to express your gratitude, you can use the things in the pot below as a repayment~"

The difference from the original book is that the number of mythical beasts is extremely rare. In the original book, it is even more impossible for a passer-by at the Lily of the Valley Conference to carry a Xidoran.The gods and beasts have a transcendent status, and even enjoyed the offerings and worship of humans in the older years. Naturally, they would not be interested in the intrigues of humans.

They are high above them, and in their eyes, what is the difference between the battle of human beings and the battle of elves?

I'm afraid reminding Zhenping at this time is just out of curiosity, and the main purpose is probably that pot of delicious soup.

Not afraid of Celebi's request, but afraid that it has no desires. Seeing that Celebi is interested in the corn soup stewed by Yumi, Shinpei immediately led Celebi back to the camp.It would be even better if she could hug Celebi's thick legs at this time.


"Hi... It's really~ It's so delicious!"

The little Celebi held a bowl that was much bigger than his head, sipped the thick soup in small sips, smacked his little mouth, and gulped down the occasional soup.

He burped again in satisfaction, and touched his belly with his slender hands to express his satisfaction.How can eating sap and fruit compare to these novel human foods? Celebi had a full meal, and seemed to be very satisfied with the food and said:

"I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time, Shinpei and Yumi, so I'll give you a gift too."

The two of Shinpei suddenly became excited like chicken blood, and looked closely at Celebi.

"Hey, this is for you..."

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