Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 48 The Arrival of the Heavenly King

After leaving the door of the treatment room, Yumi grabbed him, looking at him with watery eyes as if he was about to cry in the next moment.

"I don't care, you must take me with you!"

This is really a headache. In order to make friends with Dr. Yamanashi, he has to take risks and then explore the Forest Mansion, but this does not mean that he also has to drag the oil bottle into danger.

"Even the head of the gymnasium in a city almost died in that place. It is risky for us to go. You said that you are not good at fighting. I am afraid I can't fully take care of you. You just stay at the elf center and wait for me to come back."

Whispering in Yumi's ear, he sincerely hoped that he could listen, but Shinpei still took it for granted.

If she hadn't been so stubborn, she wouldn't be Mayumi.

"Don't go if you don't take me. I'll go and explain to Dr. Yamanashi. I'm also one of the witnesses present, and I can help recall. Besides, the doctor is a famous big shot. How could he be in trouble with you, a little guy who walks around like this!"

Someone turned around and was about to run towards the treatment room, when a voice suddenly sounded from the gate of the elf center.

"You two can go with me at ease, I will protect you two little guys."

Turning around, a capable woman with wavy hair in high-heeled shoes came in from the door, wearing an advanced alliance combat uniform.

A gentle face, but sharp eyes.His body exudes an earth-like aura and a sense of oppression, and his slightly wrinkled face shows the charm of time.This person is the newly appointed Four Heavenly Kings of Women - Ju Ye.

Behind her, a giant Scorpion King with a huge wingspan lightly landed on the ground, its thin black wings kicked up dust all over the ground.The gleaming giant pincers on both arms were quietly pressed against his abdomen, obviously good at some special skills of using pincers.

The Scorpion King quietly followed behind Juye like a clay sculpture, his bright yellow eyes and brown-red ears protruding like a scorpion kept shaking to detect the surrounding situation.This is a vigilant Heavenly King-level elf. From it, one can feel the capable aura similar to that of Juye. It is obviously a combat elf specialized in actual combat.

[Elf: Scorpio King / Gender: ♂ / Level: LV75]

[Characteristic: Poison Healing / Attribute: Ground + Flying / Status: Healthy]

There is no doubt that the quarrel between the two of them just now was overheard by the heavenly king who had just landed. After a little comparison with the information obtained from Dr. Yamanashi, she clearly understood that the two were the first witnesses to discover the vegetable seeds.

Perhaps it was to protect the rookie trainer, she said straightforwardly that she could protect the two of them.This also made the two people who came to their senses and recognized Juye's identity very grateful.

Shinpei could only reluctantly agree to Yumi's request.There is a heavenly king to take care of him, and he has confidence in Zhenping's return to the scene.

"Juye, you are here. The situation this time is very complicated, and you need to be careful."

"I understand, otherwise you wouldn't have called me over."

Dr. Yamanashi did not know when he walked out of the treatment room. He put on the same capable trainer combat uniform. The special fabric has a strong defensive power. The back is decorated with the Pokeball, the logo of the Pokemon Alliance. Although he looks white-haired, he has a kind of heroism.

Reassuring Shinpei looked at the two with strange eyes. It is rumored that Dr. Oki from the Kanto area has an unusual relationship with the ghost king Kikuko. Could it be that Dr. Elf from the Sinnoh area also had an affair with the king?
It seems that Kikuko and Kikuno are also sisters.


When Shinpei and his party arrived outside the gloomy Forest Mansion, more than a dozen staff members assigned by the alliance had already sealed off the mansion.Specialist guards are also equipped in front of the isolation zone to prevent trainers who don't know the situation from entering by mistake.

When a commander wearing a special blue uniform saw the leading Dr. Yamanashi and Kikuno, he immediately stepped forward to contact them.

"Dr. Yamanashi, Master Kikuno, we arrived at the scene of the incident immediately after receiving the alliance's order to seal off the scene, but it seems that nothing unusual happened."

Zhe Ming, the commander present, reported the truth to Ju Ye.He directly belongs to the Alliance Investigator Department, and Ju Ye, the Four Heavenly Kings, is his immediate leader.

"You have done a good job. Next, continue to stay vigilant on the spot. It is up to me, Yamanashi and these two trainers to move forward."

Zhe Ming looked at the two Shinpei who followed silently in a little surprise, and immediately understood that this was the first witness to the whole incident.

The alliance attaches great importance to the attack on Caizhong. One of them is the head of the gymnasium in EMI City and a public official officially appointed by the alliance. Killing her is undoubtedly a provocation to the behemoth of the alliance.Second, Caizhong is similar to Donggang, and also belongs to the buffer zone of the alliance and the local big family. Caizhong itself is an important member of the Grass Family that has been passed down from EMI City to this day.Caizhong's accident involved many people, and the impact was extremely bad.

Is it possible that any cat or dog can touch the bad luck of the alliance?

Knowing that this is not what he should intervene in, Zhe Ming happily gave way, silently keeping vigilance outside the blockade.

Standing in front of the gate of the mansion, Juye, as the main combat force, took back the Scorpio King who was silently guarding beside him. Considering the possible suppression of flying power in indoor combat, a small leading gopher was responsible for opening the way.

The forehead and both paws of the dragon-headed gopher have several protruding, steel-like claws.Its belly has three fusiform red markings of varying sizes.There are also fusiform red protrusions on the cheeks, sides of the arms and knees of the dragon head gopher.

As an elf in the Hezhong region, Juye, the leading gopher, is extremely rare in Sinnoh. However, considering that the champion Zhulan in the original book also has a leisure villa in Hezhong, the regional alliance in this world may be more closely connected with other regions.

As the pioneer, the leading gopher directly broke into the door without fear, and the alloy-like assault claws shone with a silvery-white luster. The strong steel-type energy in the air became active, and the drill bit of the leading gopher was the core of all energy resonance. A simple blow to the metal claw was astonishingly powerful, as if it carried a resonance attack of all steel-attributed energy in the air.

Shinpei, who was following behind, suddenly saw a bright light in his eyes. It turned out that the difference between the Heavenly King class and the non-Tianwang class was thousands of miles away. Even Donggang's Boss Kedora could not match the destructive power of Juye's small leading gopher with its metal claws.

The Mori Mansion itself is actually just a simple forest villa. The ten-centimeter-thick wooden gate is no stronger than a piece of paper under the hands of the leading gopher. A piece of thin wood slag burst open, and was crushed into powder by the energy fluctuations in the air.

Juye's high-profile opening is precisely to deter enemies that may exist in the dark.

The mansion was so quiet that it was a little scary.Sure enough, as soon as he stepped into the door frame, a cold feeling came from his back, and Shinpei couldn't help but clenched Yumi's hand, and the latter also leaned towards Shinpei with a tacit understanding.

However, this weird feeling didn't affect the practical sandstorm queen in the slightest. The leading gopher kept on alert. As a trainer, Ju Ye immediately analyzed the source of the cold feeling in the mansion.

Suddenly, Juye seemed to have discovered something. With a thought, the dragon-headed gopher slammed out another metal claw, smashing the weird beast-head statue in front of the hall on the first floor to the left.

This statue is in the room, quietly placed there but it is out of place with the room.A weird sense of dislocation emerges from the statue, as if there should be another statue in its corresponding position.Faced with this inexplicable feeling, the cautious Juye chose to kill it directly, smashing the statue into pieces neatly.

However, the behavior of the leading gopher did not weaken the maliciousness of this mansion, and the coldness still lingered.It seems that the attack of the leading gopher is just useless.

Juye didn't feel surprised, if the coldness couldn't even withstand her tentative attack, then there was no need to gather two heavenly king trainers to explore.

Apparently that thing fled the moment the statue was broken, and continued to possess a certain corner of the building.It seems that it needs to be disassembled bit by bit!
A certain violent woman easily thought that since she couldn't be fatal with one blow, she should use another blow to completely destroy the target.

However, blindly destroying is obviously not in line with the character of Dr. Yamanashi who is in the team. With a wave of his right hand, his shadow suddenly became three-dimensional, and the Geng Gui came out with a grinning grin.

It seems that Shadow Possession is the door move of the Kanto ghost king Kikuko. It seems that Dr. Yamanashi also has a close relationship with the Kikuko family...

A carefree person suddenly thought viciously that although there was no change on the surface, Yumi still clearly noticed the fluctuation of someone's mood, and this guy obviously had some bad thoughts again.

Yumi gave him a helpless look, and the latter shrugged in embarrassment when he saw that his thoughts had been exposed.

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