Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 60 Remnants and Secrets

In the jungle of EMI, the atmosphere became extremely eerie.The wind in the jungle seemed to carry a yin energy, whistling.

Obviously, among the things spit out from the stomach of the rice spoon snake, there are human limbs.Just, why only one hand?

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and bad thoughts naturally appeared in their minds.If this is an unlucky human being swallowed by a rice spoon snake, then it should be a complete corpse.It doesn't make sense. After the whole body is digested, only one palm remains.

Shinpei bit the bullet and rinsed the stump with the water bottle he carried with him.After washing away other secretions, the mutilated palm was clearly exposed.The skin fingerprints on the body surface have been dissolved, but the muscles and bones under the skin are still intact, exposed in the air as if they had been peeled off.

The two girls, Nanako and Yuzi, suddenly felt nauseated, and their stomachs began to roll.Shinpei ignored the nausea, and recalled what he had learned in the investigator course, "The rice spoon snake is a typical snake spirit, and its digestion ability is amazing. It usually only takes half a day to digest the food, and judging by the degree of corrosion of this hand, it may be swallowed in a very short time..."

"You mean, maybe some time before we came here, a human here was eaten up by an unknown existence?" Shinsuke said with a serious expression. He thought this trip to the forest was just a small adventure, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

"Hundreds of people go missing every year in the jungle of Emodai Forest. It's not surprising to encounter such a situation. Besides, with our team of four trainers, the risk is still under control." Nanako reassured everyone that her target was Celebi.

"In that case, okay." Yuzi and Shinsuke felt better. It's very normal for a trainer who is not strong enough to be buried in the wild.

"If that's the case, then let's move on. Let's put the severed hand where it is." Nanako directed Rosered to dig a hole and put the stump in it.

Shinpei took a deep look at the buried woodland. This trip to the EMI Forest may not be easy.

The scary thing is always the unknown. If there was a hunt for humans before, what would it be?

Several people in the team fell into silence, Nanako knew that if this continues, the team members might be scattered. "Everyone knows, is there anything special about the Celebi we are looking for this trip? Why are we so confident that as long as we find Celebi, we will be able to get its help?"

Nanako's words indeed aroused doubts in the hearts of several people. They only knew about the mythical beast from hearsay.Legend has it that Celebi is the patron saint of the forest and the embodiment of the will of the forest. If it does not want to see humans, it is impossible for a few people to meet it in the Emiji Forest.

"It's a long story. In the very long past, our Grass Clan had a talented ancestor. According to records, he spent half his life looking for Celebi, fighting with him and winning in the end. The ancestor who was recognized by Celebi had the qualification to fight alongside the beasts. Because of this, it is easier for us with the blessing of Celebi to get along with grass elves."

This is the historical secret of EMI Gymnasium, and it was revealed by the members of the Caozhi Clan, so it is highly credible.

"Do you have the blessing of the beast...so that's the case." Shinpei suddenly understood that the existence of this kind of people is not an exception. In fact, there is also a very famous type of people who are also blessed by the beast and have an extraordinary affinity.The water survivors who mainly live in the Fangyuan area have an extraordinary affinity for water elves.

"It's really enviable. The blessings of the gods and beasts can be passed down along with the blood. No wonder the grass family can firmly inherit the EMI Gym in their own hands. In terms of understanding and studying the attributes of grass, no one can match you." Yuzi said with emotion. She is a trainer from a small island in the south of Shenao, and it is the first time she has learned this secret.

"You don't have to be like this. In fact, because the time is too long, that kind of blessing has been very rare. Today, only Caizhong has extraordinary talent and affinity for grass-type elves, and I am far behind. Therefore, we must revive Caizhong, please."

After a shock of the truth, the uneasiness in the hearts of several people faded a lot.Cai Zhi smiled wryly in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face.

"The direction we are heading now is the central area of ​​EMI City, which is where the incredible giant tree is located. If I guess correctly, Celebi is most likely to be there." Several people rushed for a while, and stopped temporarily to determine the direction.

While a group of people were struggling to follow the trail of Celebi, the owner of the incident fell into huge trouble.

The central area of ​​EMI Forest.

A few green caterpillars who were gnawing on young leaves and looking forward to pupating as soon as possible suddenly noticed something unusual in the grass under them. In addition to the strangeness, countless thin dry branches similar to tentacles suddenly gushed out from the ground.

They squirmed, rapidly expanding like a carpet.On its surface, whether it is dead branches or leaves, weeds and mushrooms are quickly corroded and swallowed by this special creep, and the area expands several times in just a few breaths.Soon it spread to the ignorant green caterpillar.

The green caterpillar chewed the leaves belatedly, unaware of what was about to happen.

As if aware of the existence of more vivid life nearby, the creeps on the ground obviously split and moved rapidly in the direction of the green caterpillar.Numerous fine tentacles and cracks between the lightning and flint wrapped the green caterpillar layer by layer. Accompanied by the tooth-piercing tearing sound and short screams, the creep covering the green caterpillar quickly split, and there was no trace of the green caterpillar in just a moment.

A silent invasion occurred in the quiet central area, and similar creeps appeared in hundreds of different places at the same time.

They devour all the organic matter and minerals greedily, and increase their value like crazy.

This unusualness quickly attracted the guardians of the forest. A lizard king perched on the canopy suddenly opened his eyes, and the seeds on the back that were absorbing the sunlight slowly closed.

It sensed that something was wrong, and there was an increasing aura of disgust.

The lizard king's speed is extremely fast, and it's even faster than lightning in this forest space.When it rushed to the ground, it was already densely packed with weird creeping creeps.Lizard King's scalp tingled suddenly, and the creep in front of him exuded a strange aura, he couldn't help but fight a few cold wars and then pulled away.

These ghostly things gave it the feeling that a monster exuding chaotic desire to kill was devouring everything it saw.The excellent fighting consciousness is warning him that these things in front of him are coveting his body, and they seem to be very eager to eat him.

"Hey!" The Lizard King roared, and a torrent of seeds shot out from his mouth.Countless tiny seed light spheres attacked the creep like machine gun bullets.

A burst of thick smoke dissipated, and the splintering creep was temporarily restrained, and then it surged like a tidal wave as if it was irritated.Countless dead branches and leaves were lifted, and a small piece of creep in front of the Lizard King shed its disguise, revealing the terrifying truth.

The creep had already expanded to an extremely terrifying level, and the lizard king's sturdy body stood like an ant in front of the turbulent sea of ​​creep.The Lizard King's heart was full of alarm bells, and he quickly turned over the tree and left the ground.At the next moment, the creep was like a tide hitting the giant tree, splitting into countless slender black tentacles, grabbing at the lizard king with all its strength.

The Lizard King was terrified, and leaped to a tree trunk illuminated by the sun. The seed balls on his back glistened in the sun. The strong solar power gathered in its body. Feeling the surge of grass-type power, the Lizard King shot out a peak-level sun flame!
Sunshine Flame is one of the most lethal skills of the Grass system, which is a mixture of the continuous grass attribute and the violent heat of the sun.The wildly expanding creeps shrank and receded under the scorching impact of this heat flow, and the outermost layer was carbonized to form a burnt crisp shell, in which more creep tissues hid to avoid greater damage.

The seed organs on the back of the Lizard King swelled red and swelled visible to the naked eye under the power of the sun, and had to stop absorbing sunlight as if the machine was overloaded.The sun and flames slowly dissipated, and the ground was covered with smoke and dust, which made the Lizard King secretly heave a sigh of relief.

However, countless crackling noises came again, like the sound of cracking shells, touching the nerves of this leader-level elf.In the eyes of the Lizard King, countless fine tentacles revived from the scorched ground like spring grass after a rain. Except for a slight shrinkage in scale, even the slightest scar disappeared without a trace.

The sense of despair engulfed the Lizard King like a tide, and countless creeps expanded and multiplied unscrupulously, as if nothing could stop the existence of this taboo.

The Lizard King let out a roar, and activated the grass-type energy in his body again. In an instant, countless fine and sharp blades like flying knives struck, mixed with the strong wind, trying to cut these damn ghost things.

Flying Leaf Storm, after using it will greatly reduce the advanced skills of special attacks.

Not stingy with the energy and physical strength in his body at all, the Lizard King is determined to live and die with the ancient tree of life, at least before he falls down, he must not let these unscrupulous creeps get any closer!

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