Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 63 The Ultimate Sunshine Flame

For the many grass-type elves among the wild elves, bathing in the sun on a sunny day is simply perfect.A few cherry blossoms responsible for keeping the sunny day even touched their flower gift characteristics and turned into a sunny day.

"Very good, let's use growth next, and use the sun flames in different areas after the growth is complete!" Nanako said to the grass elves beside her, and the elves headed by Rosered nodded seriously.As a very special strengthening skill, growth can greatly increase the double attack in the sunny state.

Many grass-type elves who have mastered the sun flames and weather balls let go of their bodies and minds, absorbing the sun's rays in the sky with all their strength.

In the plan, Nanako is in charge of commanding the majority of the grass-type elves. If they want to completely open their way of life, these grass-type elves who can exert their greatest strength in the jungle must be used well.

"Everyone, get ready to absorb the sunlight... the target direction, the creep beside the rock platform!" Nanako shouted loudly, trying her best to let all the wild elves hear.Roseleduo was the first to respond, controlling the surrounding wild elves to gather momentum for the sun and flames.

The longer the Sunshine Flame is charged, the more lethal light it can release.If it is a normal battle, it is naturally impossible to have the opportunity to grow and strengthen under such a well-prepared sunny day.However, the target of the attack is the creep with only simple swarm consciousness, which makes this ultimate move possible.

"Get ready, let go!"

Accompanied by countless dazzling and shining beams of hot light, hundreds of torrents of energy fired in a mighty salvo in one direction.In an instant, the forest was brightened to the limit, and the water vapor in the air was instantly evaporated by the heat wave. People and elves only felt hot and dry, and their blood seemed to be boiling.

"Be careful, Roseletto help that stinky flower, pay attention to keep the direction!" Nanako excitedly said, this is the first time commanding so many wild elves, let alone her favorite grass elves.

Rose Leiduo, who has more combat experience, is obviously more comfortable in controlling the sun and flames. He can use one hand to emit heat rays and at the same time withdraw his hand, and control the vines to hold a stinky flower with an unstable chassis that is spinning around.

Such dense sunlight and flames are an unbearable blow even to the creep with tenacious vitality that is almost abnormal.

The dormant creepers attached to the high rock platform quickly evaporated in the high temperature and beam of light, and the rock was even burnt to a crisp, exuding a faint scent of lava.

"It's your turn, Okja and Shinsuke, attract the attention of other creeps in your direction!" Shinpei carried out the plan in an orderly manner, and it was time for the other two to perform.

Having dealt with things like creep, Shinpei gradually grasped some of their characteristics.Although Creep is extremely tenacious, its mobility is too poor.

It may be able to launch a sudden and intensive attack in a short distance by relying on its huge creep volume, but it is very difficult to move over a long distance.

Ideally, it's a living target.

Secondly, due to unknown reasons, the creep has once again fallen into a low-activity state, perhaps because Celebi's containment and suppression on the other side gave the real chance.

At this time, it is only necessary to open a gap on this high rock platform, and use the violent sunlight and flames to clear a clean path, then there is a chance to open up the internal and external paths.

In addition, the elves led by Shinsuke and Yuzi were slightly closer to the creep, using the strong breath of life to arouse the instinctive cluster consciousness of the creep, and let their main force move to the other end.

Such a two-pronged approach can achieve the greatest possible connection between the central area of ​​the Emodai Forest and the outer forest.

Now, Shinpei's plan has succeeded.

Hundreds of flames from the sun and the high temperature caused by the weather balloon stimulated the self-defense of the creep, and countless fine tentacles twisted and curled into a ball, but they were still completely killed by rounds of high temperature.

A whole piece of creep lost its activity, and the anxious elves who were waiting immediately ran wildly.Sprint into the central area along the rocky platform that is still hot to the feet.

At the moment when the rock platform pierced through the central area, Celebi, who integrated into the ancient tree of life to resist most of the creep erosion, felt the breath of the forest outside.


Celebi laughed happily, and the two dull hairs on his head danced happily.If it hadn't been cut off from the entire forest by the creep, how could the majestic forest god be so passively defensive.

The breath of countless forests gathered on the ancient tree of life, and the green halo emitted by the ancient tree became more and more intense, strongly repelling the creeps that tried to erode the core of the ancient tree.

Celebi's aura rose rapidly, as long as it wanted, the life in the entire forest could become its source of strength.

Every tree, every blade of green grass, every elf and living being gives it strength.

In just a few breaths, Celebi's strength has been raised to the peak of the king of heaven in the definition of human beings.Celebi smiled harmlessly, and a huge spiritual force as vast as a river swept across the real world.

Celebi stretched out his hand slightly, and an invisible giant hammer of spiritual power took shape, and fell rapidly under its control.In front of the all-pervasive mental power, the simple cluster consciousness of the creeps was severely damaged, and the countless creeps froze in an instant, and they were extremely sluggish.


The sledgehammer of mental power ruthlessly crushed every cell of the creep. In the face of this kind of lethality that reaches the cell level, self-healing and division and proliferation have become a joke.

Shera's powerful counterattack was like a god, and the elves who took refuge in the ancient tree of life immediately cheered.This is the supreme strength of the Forest God!
"Rabbi... everyone help me..."

Celebi finally had time to catch his breath, and saw it break free from the shrine of the Ancient Tree of Life, shining in the sunlight.

A special spiritual power opened the space-time, and Celebi finally used his space-time talent, and a special water column as clear as emulsion flowed out of the hole.

These water droplets are unusually heavy and thick, but clear and translucent, exuding a faint sweet breath.

With a wave of Celebi's small hand, the subtle spiritual power sent water droplets to every fighting elf.

Like the green light spots before, this time the water droplets also fell on the elves with precision.Shinpei caught the water drop with the back of his hand curiously, and saw that the water drop quickly melted into the body visible to the naked eye, a warm current flowed quickly through the blood vessels in the body, and all the fatigue was swept away in an instant.

"This is? The water of the Lake of Time, my God, so this thing really exists." Zhenping was very surprised. In the original book, there is a lake called the Lake of Time, or the Lake of Life, where Celebi gathers.The lake there is said to have the ability to heal all wounds.

It can be said that as long as there is still a breath, it can slowly recover after being nourished by the water of the Lake of Time.

Looking at the lake falling from the sky, Shinpei suddenly realized that the legendary Lake of Time might not be in the real world, but came from somewhere in the subspace carefully guarded by the Celebi.

The effect of the Lake of Time on humans is obviously not as good as that of the elves. The exhausted grass elves who released the sun and flames recovered quickly after absorbing a drop of the Lake of Time.The injuries and fatigue on the body disappeared, and the elves were full of energy again.

"Haoli, Ghost Stone, and Gyarados, come out and absorb the water of the Lake of Time! This will be very good for you!" Zhenping quickly released the elves from the elf ball.

Sure enough, after Shinpei had three more elves around him, the large water droplets in the air quickly separated into three drops of lake water, which were accurately absorbed by the elves.This frustrated Shinpei's plan to collect more lake water.

Hao Li felt a drop of strange water melt into his body, and immediately felt the blood surge up, and the muscle fibers swelled and grew.With a loud shout, Hao Li's body was actually strengthened by this mere drop of Lake of Time.

Although Ghost Stone has no entity, this special power from the Lake of Time is still useful. The spiritual power in Ghost Stone's mind is continuously generated, which is much stronger than before.

The most rewarding one is the water-attributed Gyarados. Gyarados has a good affinity for water-attributed energy. With the help of the Lake of Time, a thin layer of water covers the scales on the body surface, maintaining the underwater environment with ease.

Shinpei was so excited that he almost trembled. It was really a good time to help Celebi this time. It is precious to take any oil from the beast.

Perhaps the lake water of the Lake of Time is nothing more than that to Celebi, but it is a godsend to Zhenping and the elves who have just embarked on the path of trainers.

However, the creep hadn't been completely wiped out yet, after accumulating power for a long time, Celebi's ultimate move was finally brewed.

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