Let the Villain Go

Chapter 176

The dark liquid wriggled along the ground, and Fu Huaiyu quickly backed toward the door to meet her companions outside. She slammed open the door and stepped out of the room but was stunned on the spot.

There were no companions outside, no snow-covered ruins, no strong pine forests, nothing, only a barren land and dark sky. On the broad black land, only the small house where Fu Huaiyu had just stayed was left alone.

In the silent world one couldn’t see any living beings.

“Are you looking for them? Don’t worry. You will get together soon,” Ah Xiao took out a tablet. The tablet’s screen was cracked and stained with blood, but it could still get turned on.

“Why is it in your hands? Who are you?” Fu Yingyu recognized the tablet as something which was in the hands of the team members.

Ah Xiao reached out and opened the screen. The screen turned on and began to play a video shot in the laboratory.

The humans in the picture were fixed by restraints like animals, and one by one were injected with some kind of dark liquid. Everyone was struggling with pain. Most people eventually died, but a few people’s bodies started to deform and twist, and they showed the characteristics of demonization. Some of them became demons, but they still had human characteristics and clear consciousness.

On the cracked screen, the painful and wailing faces were torn apart.

The blond-haired Ah Xiao bit one of his fingers and looked at the screen silently. His face was calm with no turmoil.

“Thinking of it, I know who you are, you are Zhong Lixiao,” Fu Huaiyu snorted contemptuously. She remembered the man in front of her from memory. He was a poor and dirty test subject that used to be in her laboratory.

“Wow! You turned out to be just a failed product. Since you were not lucky, why haven’t you found a corner in the world to hide? Who do you want to see your old and ugly face?”

She pulled out a high-level sword inlaid with a crystal core, and pointed it at  him. 

“At that time, in the laboratory, you were weeping, lying on the ground and pleading. Did you forget it so quickly?”

Beside Fu Huaiyu, a summoning beast surrounded by strange lines appeared, which surrounded her, giving her a pragmatic safety. The opponent was alone, and she knew that this man’s ability was not a powerful combat system ability.

“I always wanted to ask you.” Zhong Lixiao lowered his eyes and looked at the video screen during the broadcast, “Have you ever felt guilty for doing this?”

“How could a rat in your gutter like this understand the glory of God?” Fu Huaiyu laughed from the bottom of her heart. She lifted her chin, “We are high saints selected by God. Humans will walk under the Divine Light. In the new era, you garbage, which belongs to the inferior race that has been eliminated, and there is little value in the use of waste, you should be honored.”

Zhong Lixiao’s fingers curled slightly and suddenly opened. The black blood dripped linearly on the ground, and soon formed a piece of pure black that almost covered the earth, and pieces of black water surrounded Fu Huaiyu.

Fu Huaiyu’s ability was summoning, which belonged to the strong in combat. She possessed seven summoning beasts with different attributes, which made her unfavorable in previous battles.

Just as she ordered her summoned beasts to attack as usual, the huge beasts that surrounded her suddenly disappeared like bubbles. There was nothing beside her, only the endless, dying black land.

Fu Huaiyu was taken aback, no matter how hard she exerted her abilities, those summoned beasts who had been on call did not give her a slight response.

“Come out, everyone? What’s going on?”

She turned to escape, sweating while calling her summoned beasts. But in this strange world, no one responded to her.

The black ground wave-like bulge threw Fu Huaiyu in a rush and fell for several consecutive fights.

The blood-red eyes hanging in the dark night sky, turned, and stared at her from the top.

In this world, the man with blond hair was like a God-like existence. He changed the terrain according to his own wishes to block Fu Huaiyu’s actions, and instantly moved to any foothold she wanted to go.

No matter how Fu Huaiyu fleed, the ghostly voice would suddenly appear behind her head.Until finally she could not avoid it, the black water on all sides seemed to be enough to play around, slowly surrounding her feet. In Fu Huaiyu’s frightened eyes it began to climb up along her calf, restraining her body then covering her beautiful face, and finally the thick black liquid entered her mouth.

Fu Huaiyu fell to the ground, pinched her neck, her eyes protruded, and began to roll in pain. Her skin began to turn blue and transparent, her legs seemed to be sticky together, and the tears in her eyes made an unexplained plea for mercy.

Ah Xiao looked at her struggling on the ground with a smile on his face, but deep ice in his eyes, “You’re fine, you won’t die.”

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