Let There Be Blessing Behind You

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Chapter 116

Chapter 116

If the prince really meant this… If he was really willing to flee with me to Hwen… I was so grateful that I wanted to cry. But I knew this wasn’t the case. Eriez knew it as well, and he replied after a sigh, “Your highness… I know very well that you wouldn’t do that. It’s not like you are in love with Juya. Besides, what would you do if you did go to Hwen? How will you survive there? You have never worked in your life.”


Sevan Camille glared at him. Perhaps he said these hasty words because he didn’t want to lose. Maybe if Eriez pushed further, the prince would confess his sweet love to me and promise to run away with me to the new world.

However, what would happen afterward? What would happen to this boy prince’s life after five years? Ten years? He would be without his royal status and honor.

In Minurd, I, Iztal Juya, was a nobody, but it was a very different story for the prince. Arim Sevan Camille was a beloved prince and a respected scholar in Minurd. He would have to give up everything to be with me, and I didn’t want that.

I had to make a decision. I was the last one to draw my sword, and turning away from the prince, I said to him, “Your highness. You should go back.”

“Juya! But!”

I couldn’t look at him. Instead, I gestured towards Fatima, who was crying in pain, and said to the prince, “You need to take Fatima back to the harem, right? You have done more than enough for me. You got me this far, and I can find my way to the south by myself. Please don’t worry about me and return to Minurd.”

If I could escape safely, there was no reason for the prince to risk his own life. I didn’t want him to lose anymore because of me. It was best for us to go our separate ways. I was sure of it now.

I turned towards Eriez.

“Eri, I’m sorry, but I need to leave. Do you think you can stop me?”

“What about you? Do you think you can win against me?”

Eriez growled at me arrogantly. Until the prince left safely, I could not back down. The keys to winning a fight were strength and endurance. When I was his teacher, I told the prince that there were many other things you needed to win, but for soldiers like us who were used to battles, these things didn’t matter.

I made the first move. I yelled, “Take this!”

I expected him to evade my attack, but instead, he blocked it straight on. My body flinched from the shock of his strength.


“Ha! I can see that you at least found your sword!”

He pushed me away, making me take a few steps back. Eriez was still as strong as I remembered. When we sparred before, he was meticulous enough not to hurt me, but now, he was using his full force.

Eriez taunted me, “… I can see that it has been a long time since you used your sword, huh? You suck, Juya!”

“Shut up!”

The Prince and Fatima were gone by now, but I knew they probably didn’t get too far. I needed to buy more time for them, and, although I wouldn’t last very long at this rate, I hid my tiredness. I looked at Eriez sharply, trying to find his weakness. We were on a narrow uphill path. It was wet with dead leaves, rocks, and small holes. One wrong move and one could slip easily.

To my luck, I was on a higher ground than Eriez. If I could push on and make him back away, I might have a chance. However, no matter how hard I attacked him, even using my body weight, my friend didn’t budge an inch.

How would I defeat this formidable foe? I was getting weaker by the second. I didn’t have much time left. Perhaps it was better for me to run away now.


I pretended to attack him, and when he raised his sword to block me, I slid underneath his arm to pass by him. He flinched and turned around, and I didn’t look back to check if he followed. I ran as fast as I could. Attacking him from behind would be useless, so I didn’t even try.

I knew he was stronger than me, but I couldn’t last even a few minutes against him. What a pathetic loser I was.

I concentrated on the ground to make sure I didn’t fall, and for a second, I looked back to see where Eriez was. I wished I brought some of my daggers with me so that I could slow him down, but it was too late to regret how unarmed I was. I ran as quickly as possible. To get to the old castle, I had to go around the lake. To my relief, I could see the water through the trees and the bushes. The lake must have been bottomless since it looked black in the middle.

I would probably die if I fell in that water.

Eriez wasn’t slow. The only thing I had was the fact that he didn’t expect me to run. However, I didn’t know this area at all. I vaguely remembered the rough map the prince drew for me, so I moved hesitantly, but it looked like Eriez knew this place. He probably already explored this area before coming after me. Eriez, for a large dude, moved nimbly.

By the time I reached the edge of the lake, Eriez was almost on me. The old castle was so close. I could see it from here. I had to find a small hidden path up to it, but before that, I had to get away from this guy.


I held my sword with both hands and turned around. It was quiet, and I waited for Eriez to get to me. The sun was coming up, and when I spotted him, my friend asked me, “Why?”


“Why are you running away? Why do you have to leave Minurd?”

Should I scream like Manar did? Should I tell him that those who used to rule this place gave up on their religion? Should I say to him that our own faith was meaningless? That it would end soon, and the world would be destroyed along with it someday?

I couldn’t. I didn’t want to curse Eriez.

“Juya, is it because you are ashamed? Because you fear how the other brothers think of you?”


“If not, then is it because you still believe going to war against Hwen is wrong? Is that why you ended up angering the warrior? Is that why he abandoned you?”

I didn’t know how I felt about this war. I didn’t know if it was the right thing to do or if it was utterly wrong. I guess it didn’t really matter because either way, I would go to Hwen.

I could see the desperation in Eriez’s eyes as he continued, “Did the prince teach you something that made you admire that kingdom? Have you decided to betray the brothers and the Goddess’ warrior and side with the Hwenians?”

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