Let There Be Blessing Behind You

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Chapter 51

Chapter 51

I ended up spending the night in the Goddess’ warrior’s arms that night. Apparently, Nairim came to find me again and didn’t see me, which made sense since I was in the warrior’s bedroom.

However, Nairim stood in front of me now, and when he saw the metal piece still stuck in my penis, he laughed, “Hahaha… Hahahaha! What the heck is that? Is it some kind of pleasure toy?”

“Shut up.”

The warrior ordered me not to even touch the metal rod, but it was impossible to obey such an order. I mean, what about when I had to pee?

The warrior then showed me how to take it out and put it back in, which is what I have been doing. The only problem was that apparently, it was dangerous to put the piece in when the penis is flaccid. This meant that after I pee, I had to stroke myself to get an erection before I put the metal piece back in.

I was in the process of doing this when Nairim walked in on me. He saw what I was doing and, with a chuckle, asked me, “So what happened? Is this some kind of a new kinky fetish you got yourself into so that you can satisfy yourself? Hmm… That would make me very sad because I was hoping you would come to me for more.”


“And you know what? When I told the other brothers about you, they became all interested in you. There are so many of them who want you now… Both the warrior and even Eriez were always worried you didn’t get along well with the brothers. Now is your chance to fix that problem, don’t you agree?”

I knew what Nairim was saying. Usually, I could have just let Nairim have me here, so he would leave me alone, but the Goddess’ warrior conditioned me so that my body could no longer feel pleasure from such acts. As soon as I thought of being taken by Nairim, my body shuddered. I didn’t want it to happen, so I had to find a way out of this situation.

“M-move aside, Nairim. Let me go.”

“What’s wrong? I’m not going to bite.”

He didn’t stop me, but when I left, I could feel him staring at me. I had nothing to do for now, so I stayed near the warrior’s quarters. Nairim was still working, which meant he couldn’t get to me now.

I was in the garden when suddenly, I heard someone announce from somewhere above me, “Hey! Everyone, look! Our favorite brother Iztal Juya is going towards your way!”

“Nairim! What are you…!”

I didn’t even get a chance to get angry at him. I hadn’t realized that there were so many of my brothers who were working in this area. Suddenly, several of them ran towards me and tried to grab my neck. I was able to escape their hands, but barely. Every corner I turned around, there was a brother, or several brothers, trying to take me down.

Where should I go? Minurd was such a tiny place. If I left Minurd, would there be someplace I could go?

The west was bordered by a cliff. The east was no better. If I somehow returned to the warrior’s quarters, would I be able to get his help? I wasn’t sure.

I wanted to beat Nairim up. That bastard… And Shadi…

However, even if I reported this to the warrior, it wouldn’t be the end of this problem. I mean, so far, nothing happened, right? What would I tell the warrior? That my brothers tried to catch me? So what? What was wrong with that?

I wondered if I should try to find Eriez and ask for help? However, right now, he would be with Prince Camille. If he saw me like this, he would be so disappointed in me. What about the prince…?


I tried to think as fast as I could. Who would be able to stop these bastards? I kept running and running.

The direction I was headed… Iztal Manar would be there. I wasn’t sure if he would take my side, but I knew that he would at least not try to rape me. I didn’t know why I believed this, but I just did. It was an instinct.

Besides, he was the only one who could take all of them down. If he took my side, this could end quickly. After all, he was the one with the most power among the brothers currently.

“Argghh… Let me go!”

I got caught briefly, but I was able to hit him with the back of my sword and escape. I looked around, trying to find a clear path. If I continued on like this, I would get caught in the end. Quickly, I found a ladder that led up to the top of the castle entrance. There was a very narrow way that I could take and jumped down on one of the wooden stumps. I could hear several of them yelling at the entrance, trying to get to me.

I jumped on one stump to the next. It was very dangerous because the stumps weren’t stable.


As I expected, one of them moved, and I ended up falling on the ground. At least, I didn’t drop onto a steep slope, but the leather strip that was still wrapped around my member tightened, causing me a shocking amount of pain.


At least, I could see Iztal Manar from far away. He was with some soldiers and other brothers. It looked like he was questioning them.

Suddenly, the brothers who were chasing me grabbed me. They held me up by my arms, and before they could drag me away, I screamed, “Manar! These bastards are trying to rape me. Say something! Help me!”

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