Let There Be Blessing Behind You

Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Chapter 60

Chapter 60

What Fatima told me was true. The harem was being searched by some of the brothers. Those who were arrested were lined up in one of the gardens waiting for the Goddess’ warrior’s decision.

They were kneeling on the ground and waiting. Some were covered in blood, and many were injured. Others were perfectly fine but were bound with ropes. They were the ones who were in the process of escaping. I heard many of them almost succeeded under Manar’s lead; in the end, they were all captured since they were carrying too much.

Greed and incompetence were their downfalls.

The one who orchestrated this entire scheme was on the ground as well, with his face bowed. His messy hair covered his face.

Would we get to see his bare face finally today?

“Iztal Manar.”

The warrior began about to announce his judgment.

“You were honored with the position of the Innocent One, yet you have provided a disservice to the Goddess. Iztal Manar, you frequented the harem against the law and brought the corrupt substance to the Innocent Ones’ selamlique. This created chaos and disruption among your brothers, and using this, you tried to escape only to be captured… Did I get it all?”

“Yes, My warrior. You have summarized the entire event perfectly and accurately.”

Iztal Nairim bowed to Hakim Karid as he replied. It seemed that he learned about the current situation already. When he saw me, Nairim winked at me discreetly.

What an obedient and opportunistic brother.

When I walked up to the front and stood beside the brothers, the warrior asked me, “Iztal Juya, do you have anything additional to report regarding what happened in Camille’s quarters? I was told you were near where the explosion occurred.”

I took a step forward and felt everyone’s eyes on my naked upper body. The brothers were glaring at me angrily, but at least this time, they weren’t looks of lust.

I bowed and replied, “My warrior, please be forgiving to these poor misguided brothers. Prince Camille’s quarters are filled with sacred secrets the outsiders do not know about. No one can approach the secret area without the prince’s permission, yet these idiotic men entered the place carelessly and ended up being punished by the Goddess. Please show mercy to them.”

“And are you okay, Iztal Juya? You were very close to the explosion.”

“I followed your order and protected the prince, and with His Highness’ permission, I was able to learn a little bit about the sacred secrets. I am greatly thankful for the great honors you bestowed upon me, so how could I not be okay? The only thing I regret is the fact that I was not able to stop my brothers from committing such a sin. I couldn’t stop some of them from perishing in the explosion. I just hope the brothers present here will be shown mercy, My warrior.”

No, this wasn’t what I really wanted. The truth was, I wanted them all dead. Those who died already, I was very happy about it.

The prince told me before that they were all gunpowder. This was why he warned me when I used my sword to try to break the lock on the door. If a spark was formed, that would have been the end of us.

However, I called it the Goddess’ punishment because it was more convenient. It was simpler, and it worked perfectly to my advantage.

I bowed my face and grinned. I knew the warrior would be fair and wise.

“Those who created such chaos just to escape this place do not deserve to live. The Goddess has shown that they need to be punished. Traitor Manar will be beheaded, and the rest will be executed. That is all.”

Was this too much? Too cruel?

“My warrior!”

Suddenly, a husky gritty voice called out to Hakim Karid, who was about to leave. I could understand Manar’s desperation for a more honorable death. After all, he used to be one of the most respected Innocent Ones among us.

However, mercy wasn’t what Manar was looking for. When the Goddess’s warrior turned towards him, to everyone’s shock, Manar spat at the warrior’s face. His spit didn’t reach the warrior, and instead, it fell to the ground. Manar’s face crumpled angrily.

“What the…!?”

Before anyone could even become angry at Manar, we all gasped when we saw Manar’s face. To our shock, there were no scars.

Was Manar, as an Innocent One, lying to us all?

Under the bright sun, Manar’s face was as beautiful as ever. Clean, pure skin, rosy cheeks, and perfect facial features…

Too beautiful.

Too beautiful to be a man.

We immediately realized the truth.

The warrior ordered, “Take the traitor’s clothes off.”

“Arrgg… N-no! Kkk!”

Manar fought the soldiers, but it didn’t take long before the shirt was ripped off. Manar’s chest was covered with layers of bandages, but there were no scars anywhere.

Pure pale skin… Round feminine lines… And even the tight bandages could not hide the round and plump breasts perfectly.

“So, you are a girl.”

“You bastards…!”

The soldiers pushed her down on the ground and gagged her mouth. The most shocking thing to me was how I wasn’t astonished at all. The warrior walked towards her slowly. What was he going to do? Whatever it was, I expected it to be something that would cause her great shame. Her arms and legs were much slimmer than expected, and she was no match for the burly soldiers. It would have been kinder for the warrior to behead her right now. I thought that being restrained like this in front of everyone was the worst thing for her.


Manar seemed to realize this, as well. At some point, she stopped fighting. Her mouth was gagged, and all she could do now to express herself was to glare at the warrior. It seemed like she now accepted her fate. Quietly, she glared at the warrior.

I couldn’t just watch it. I couldn’t let this happen. I needed to do something. Try anything.

Thus, I stepped forward again and asked the warrior, “I have something to ask of you, My warrior.”

“What is it, Iztal Juya.”

“Manar was once the best among all of the brothers. We all used to look up to Manar at one point in the past. Even though she obviously lied to us, I still believe that we need to hear her side of the story. Please allow her to speak, My warrior.”

The others gasped in shock.

Even the Goddess’ warrior seemed confused, and I understood why. It was a well-known fact that Manar and her gang bullied me. Their actions have brought me to this place. They have ruined my body and my reputation.

However, the warrior nodded and allowed me this favor. I gestured for the soldiers to free Manar and helped her to sit up.

Manar asked me angrily, “… So you’re thinking of showing me mercy now, Juya?”

“My brother.”

She may have been a woman, but Manar was still my brother. I asked calmly, “How did this happen? Tell us. Accept my offer to give you a voice now and tell us your story.”

“Hmm… You feel sorry for me, is that it? How stupid and ironic… I don’t need any sympathy from a sl*t.”

I pulled up my lips to put on a smile. Putting one hand on her shoulder, I asked, “Are you sure that is all you want to say? Anything else?”


“Are you sure? The more you talk, the more time you will have. As long as you keep talking, you will remain alive. What do you say?”

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