Let There Be Blessing Behind You

Chapter 71

Chapter 71: Chapter 71

Chapter 71

I no longer had a daily routine. It was getting harder and harder to keep a regular schedule. I slept when I was tired, and I awakened when I opened my eyes.

Within a few days, I had to return to the harem to get more of the special drug. Fatima smiled sadly as if she was sorry for me, but I didn’t care. I needed a lot of the drug because many brothers were involved in our daily orgy. The jar emptied fast.

I even used it when I was alone. I was aware of the fact that I had a job to do. I was given an order, but whenever I tried to do one of my duties, such as cleaning my room or my weapons, I felt my eyes closing by themselves. Whenever I tried to keep a clear head, my resolve didn’t last long. My skin would feel itchy and uncomfortable, and I reached for the drug, so I could get some sleep.

Of course, whenever someone visited my room for a quickie, I didn’t refuse. I took my pants off without hesitation, and I loved it.

Time passed by like this every day.

No one took care of me. Other than visiting me to f*ck me, no one came in to look in on me. In my room, time passed by like a dream, and I began to hallucinate.

Bits and pieces of my childhood came to me. I remembered meeting Iztal Manar for the first time when I was 14 years old. We were taught that the ability to observe well was the greatest skill an Innocent One could get. I tried to achieve this great talent, but at the time, I became mesmerized by Manar’s beauty that I didn’t even discern that she was a girl. I thought I have become an observant soldier, but clearly, I was wrong since I never noticed her true gender.

If she was a man… With that beautiful face… She would have made a fantastic lover.

In the end, she taught me the greatest pleasure in life, but she ended up dying and never experiencing it herself. Of course, she called all of us names. She said we all betrayed the goddess.

How did she get inside the harem, and how did she learn about this drug? Now that I thought about it, I realized that the original purpose of this drug began with Hawaki, not Manar.

That woman again…

Hawaki, Hawaki, Hawaki, Hawaki, Hawaki, Hawaki, Hawaki, Hawaki, Camille…


I became angry, especially when I began to think about Eriez. That bastard claimed to love me, yet he never once came to my room since that day. I did suspect that he came to my door a few times because I felt a presence outside. However, after a few minutes of hesitation, he always left without entering.

Why couldn’t he be more honest? Why couldn’t he allow his body to have what it desired?

I remembered Eriez at the age of 16. I was 15 years old at the time and was envious of how big and manly he was. When I first met him, he was already the head of a group. One day, I went out to greet the new recruits, but I spotted a danger and was looking down the cliff carefully. I saw that the recruits were taking a dangerous route, so I called down to them, “Hey, you babies! If you take that path, you might all fall and die. Is that what you want?”

“Who’s there?!”

“Who could it be? I’m the one who came to take you to Minurd, of course.”

At the time, I had my shirt off to make it easier for me to move around the bushes, and it was apparent that the recruits didn’t think much of me because I was very slim and small.

This was around the time when we used to get regular rations from the capital. There were often bandits trying to hijack the supplies, and I was worried the new recruits might get attacked by them.

I wanted to gain the recruits’ respect, so I thought about throwing a dagger at them, but I realized we were too far away. Instead, I took out my bow and arrow.

The recruits flinched. “W-what the hell is he doing! What are you doing up there!”

It seemed that I was the only one who could feel that we weren’t alone. I was sure that the bandits were hiding in the woods, watching the recruits. They were only naïve young boys, not even in their 20’s. Brand new Innocent Ones… They had no idea the kind of danger they could face.

They were easy targets with reasonable amounts of supplies. Perfect for the bandits to attack.

I began to jump down the cliff quickly. The recruits still didn’t know what was going on, and obviously didn’t believe that I was an Innocent One. Some of the boys took out their swords, thinking I was about to attack them.

I yelled at them, “Perhaps you guys should just climb up this cliff.”

“What? What are you talking about!?”

When I reached them, some of the boys attacked me, but they were no match for me. I kicked them away and used my scabbard to block them. They swore at me, calling me names, and among them, I saw Eriez for the first time.

They were all about the same age, yet he was the biggest and most mature looking of them all. He looked at me carefully before addressing me, “Who are you? And what do you want from us?”

“I am Iztal Juya. There should have been a message sent that stated how this path is not safe, especially if you carry any supplies. Perhaps the message didn’t reach you yet. The best thing for you will be either return and wait for a better time to cross or climb this cliff.”

One of the boys exclaimed, “You are telling me that you are an Innocent One? Eriez! Just ignore him. Look how small he is. He can’t be an Innocent One…”

Just then, it began to rain quietly. I knew there wasn’t much time left. The boys continued to grumble and argue, “What is he talking about? What’s so dangerous about this path? We came all the way here, and now that guy is telling us to return? Or climb this cliff? How? That’s crazy! This path looks perfectly safe! Why would we do such a crazy stupid thing?”

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